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'Good things take time'




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Kicking the fucking bastard on his chin and then landing herself on her feet,she snickers arrogantly after looking at the lifeless body.

Her bodyguard hurries to her,giving her water and then guiding her out of the basement.

Her husband leans on the wall of the dungeon with a smirk on his face,clearly happy about his wife's impressive moves.

Afterall she is not the Mafia queen without a reason.

Grace Rodriguez gives out a scary,spine chilling vibes to anyone outside of her family.

Walking towards her husband,they lock their lips and indulge themselves in a small tongue fucking.

The guard slowly leaves the room leaving them all alone in the hall.

"You were impressive down there,fuck,if i didnt have a boner while watching you" Daniel Rodriguez rasps in his sexy lust filled voice

"I would have fucked you now too,but i am busy now" she mumbles back.

"Hmm,your la nuera is gonna come right?" He questions.

"She is not just my nuera she is mi hija, my beautiful darling Kathrina she is", she says with love.

Funny how she never talks with that sweet loving tone even towards to her sons.

"She is a sweet innocent soul indeed",Daniel hums back.

"Perfect for our sons and for our family,she will be our little princess and she will be protected all the time", Grace whispers.

"I cant wait for them all to get married,she is perfect for our sons" He agrees.

Grace Rodriguez has always taken a liking towards Kathrina Gonzales ever since Aiden Gonzales have introduced his wife and only child.

Being cunning and wicked herself she knows how much of a pure soul little baby Kat is.

Thier sweet bubble was broken when Darius walked into their home with Dimitri by his side.

"Dónde está" She asks her eldest son.

"She will be here by noon,mother",He replies her,his tone considerably light.

"By noon only?",she questions narrowing her eyes.

Dimitri shakes his head and says.

"Yes,mom,only by noon.She is now in the college.Dante and Darius will get her to our company and we will bring her here".

She sighs in return and walks over to her bedroom to get rid of her clothes stained with blood.

Grace and Daniel Rodriguez will go to any lengths to protect her family but it was not really that hard as all of their sons are sanguinary but now they got a little princess to look out for and soon her children.They would make sure nothing harmful would ever come to their ways cause Rodriguez clan was never to be messed with.

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