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Without the dark,you would never see the stars

-Edward cullen,twilight


I fiddle nervously with the keychains on my bag and slowly skip down the stairs

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I fiddle nervously with the keychains on my bag and slowly skip down the stairs.

Yesterday fortunately, it was a nice and calm feast and mama Grace even packed some sweets for me.

I first hid ut from my madrè,but then i felt guilty and shared it with her.

She laughed it off and gave more than half of it to me.

The corridors of the college are almost empty as the bell had rang and i slowly skip to my class.

I am late when i enter the class,eventhough my professor smiles at me softly,the person standing next to him gives me a heart attack.

Darius knight is standing,his eyes observing me with a hard glare as if scolding me for coming late.

I quickly skid to my seat and place my bag down.

"Class,today we have Mr.Rodriguez,the CEO of Rodriguez enterprises,the multi billion company.I am thankful that he had accepted our invitation and came here despite being busy".

He scans the crowd and eventually locks his eyes with mine.

I quickly look down and nervously runs my fingers through my hair and try to put it in front of me as a shield.

I look around the class and see that the boys are looking at Darius with pride and admiration while Ella,the school queen bee is slowly unbuttoning her dress.

I frown at her,clearly disliking the way she is behaving.

My eyes skid to Darius as he begins to speak but sadly he is now looking at Ella.

She is so beautiful with her brown eyes,long hair and her lean physique.

She is on the cheerleading team.

My eyes slowly gets blurred.

I cnat even concentrate on what Darius is saying.

Half and hour passes and i watch as he stops talking.

All the students are clapping and i also clap along with them.

I was lost for a whole half an hour.

Now when i look up at him,his eyes are narrowed and cold,glaring at the dried tears on my face.

"Now i call my favorite student,Kathrina to tell the incident that you felt most inspired from Mr.Rodriguez's talk"

I freeze,my heart beating fast.

I feel like i have emphysema as breathing gets harder,so does my heart rate.

I watch as a small smirk come on Darius face.

"Si-sir",i squeak out,feeling scared.

"I think all of his words were truly inspiring so choosing just one is difficult",i nervously murmur out.

But this seems to brighten my professor's as well as Darius as now he looks at me with pride in his eyes.

The bell rings and all the students gather around him asking for tips and advices.

I slowly skip out of class and tries to go for the bathroom.

"Kathrina", a gentle voice sounds and i turn to see my professor beckoning me with a wide smile.

"Mr.Rodriguez asked you.It seems like there is an internship program and he wants you to apply for it.It begins in 2 weeks but i think he really liked you".

My hear shudders and i slowly nod at him.

"He is waiting for you at the private room,Go dear",he softly says.

I slowly walk like a sloth and after asking 3 people about the route to private room i locate it.

As sson as i walk inside,i see Darius talking to someone on phone.

"Yes,vida just came",he says and hangs up.

"Come here" i slowly walk upto him and he takes my bag and keep it down.

"How is your ass?" He asks and softly fondles it over my top.

He lifts up the long skirt and touches my butt over my thong.

I wince as he touches the reddened area.

It still hurt to sit down.

He laughs out loud and places one spank over it and i wiggle out in surprise.

He tsks and then continue.

"I want you to come for the internship at my company,you dont have to apply,you are already selected.You are going to assist me and be with for atleast a whole one month.I will extend the period later.By that time,i will train you to be my perfect fuck toy."

My vagina clenches and i let out a small gasp.

"Tonight,we will come to your room,make sure to open your windows or i will again come tomorrow and spank you infront of all".

He bites my ears and then sucks on it,leaving a hot flustered mess behind which is me.

I watch as he places a soft kiss on my head and slips out of the room.

Why do i feel so happy as well as scared?

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