Author's Note

466 33 14

Wadi puuean-puuean!!

I'm back. Do you miss me? Kit teung jang loey. I miss you all. Okay... this... this is really unexpected😅😅 for those of you who have been with me for a while, you know how impulsive I can get🤣🤣... I was getting ready to do the prequel for the Portraits Worth a Thousand Memories but then I was like... aow, another angst? I mean not heavy angst like Love is More than a Name but still angsty... so for both my and your sake... I decided to do a light fluff series to cut the angst cycle. cause looking at the next 2 fics... there will be some elements of angst... sorry, we'll be delaying the prequel for just a few more days😅😅.

The pacing of this fic is kinda slow n less bumpy than my last few fics, no pow wow action, adventure or angst 🤣🤣 no punches, just a low tone, cute fluff and hopefully some comedy? not sure what my sleep deprived brain can come out with🤣🤣. 

I had all the intention of making this a one shot fic but half way writing, I realized that it would most likely be like the Stranger in the Snowy Forest short maybe a short 6 EP? 😅😅

Disclaimer as usual: All pictures are sourced from the net, none of them belongs to me. (There isn't so much in this series cause I'm focusing on the story since this is an impromptu series) I'm not a Thai speaker, I've included some Thai in the series for authenticity purpose, do not quote me on it. It may not necessary be right. Please consult a native speaker if you want to learn the language.

My English is not always on point, I apologize if some description may come off weird. English is not my first language. I'm trying my best. I find it difficult to describe some scenes I have in my head. This is an unbeta-d story, sorry for any English or grammar mistakes in advanced. I hope you are as excited as I am about this story. 🤩🤩

Hopefully you don't find the pacing boring, since there isn't so much adventure. This is really a mellow series compared to all of previous series. Let's change the pacing a little. Hope you enjoy. 😄😄

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