PART: 14

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Moon Shield Pack

Author's POV:

The new day begun with the birds chirping sound echoing in the atmosphere, sun shone high in the sky. They atmosphere resembled warmth and cheerfulness contrary to the chaos happened last night. Nothing seemed odd.

Inside the palace People from Blood Pearl Pack were preparing to leave. Mates who found each other last night were going to separate due to their duties regarding their pack.

Eun: Don't worry Tae, I will come to you as soon as possible.

Taehyung smiled but soon faded when teasing started.

Alpha Kim: Taeee! Jagiya, seems like we will become grandparents soon.

Taehyung: Only if you all don't separate us.

Jimin: Don't worry bro. I will personally hand her over to you forever as soon I tell my parents about you.

Taehyung smiled, unexpectedly Taehyung and Jimin turned into great friends in a short span of time.

Jimin: Just don't ever return her to me.

He said earnings a glare from his beloved sister while everyone else laughed on his comment.

Chaewon: I will miss you.

Jimin: I will miss you too my love. Just a few days we have to wait.

Both the new couples were engrossed in their own world, the other couple stood far not sharing any kind of interaction. Jungkook was staring at her while she looked everywhere except his direction, but looked at him at Alpha Jeon's next words.

Alpha Jeon: Okay, Dong-hyun we'll leave now.

They started leaving while Jungkook and Y/n's eyes never left each other. Jimin shook his shoulder making him come out of trace and their eye contact broke. His back turned to her as he started leaving but from the corner of his eyes, he looked at her who was staring at his back constantly till he left from her sight.

Y/n: Be safe.


Blood Pearl Pack

Author's POV:

[A week later]

Everything was going smoothly. Eun and Jimin told their parents about their mates. Preperations for the coronation were going on enthusiastically. The successors of the respected positions started training and preparing themselves for the new responsibilities they are going to take.

Amidst of everything Jungkook started getting visions in his dreams and he started trying to learn more and more about it.

On other hand, his heart was yearning for her, his duties were increasing but he felt weak as days passed. His eyes craving to get drowned in her ocean eyes. His heart having temptation to feel her near it. His senses playing her image in his mind constantly.

Doesn't it happen when mates are completely separated!?

[Training Area]

In the apex of the day, sun was at the top while on the ground wolves could be seen lapping onto each other. There in the middle stood a big black wolf taking down every other wolf.

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