x. goodbye east blue!

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In the cabin of the Going Merry, the strawhats sat around the table discussing a plan of action, with Nami heading the conversation. At some point, the sky began to fill with storm clouds, dousing the entire crew in rain. Most weren't bothered enough to change, save for the navigator who now sported a yellow raincoat. Y/N stood over a wooden bucket, wringing out her Hawaiian shirt.

"According to the charts, the entrance to the grand line is up a mountain." The redhead said, slamming papers onto the table for all to see. Her gaze shifted to the swordswoman as the rest of the crew let out sounds of astonishment. "You've crossed this mountain before, yes?"

Y/N fell back from her squatting position into a sitting one, "Course. But I can't remember how we dealt with it. I was too young to be on deck when doing something as danherous as that."

Usopp's gobsmacked face turned towards her. "Too dangerous!? Are we gonna die!?"

"Shut up." Zoro reached over the table to hit the lair on his head.

"When I first looked at the chart, I didn't believe it but... look here." Nami gestured back to the map. "The guiding light was definitely pointing toward Reverse Mountain on the Red Line."

The green-haired man leaned back slightly to maintain eye contact as the captain sitting beside him started messing with his empty milk glass. "We have to run into a mountain?"

"No, there's a canal here."

The coward's imagination started running wild. "A canal!? Don't be ridiculous! Canal or no canal, a ship can't sail up a mountain!"

Sanji butted in. "Well, that's what the map says. Listen, you guys. Nami's always right when it comes to charts and navigation."

"But you stole that map from Buggy. Can we trust it?" Zoro countered.

Luffy ignored his first mate's concerns. "We're climbing a mountain in a sheep? YIPPEE!!! must be a mystery mountain!!"

"Why do we have to go through an entrance, anyway? Can't we just sail south and go in from anywhere?"


"He's right. There's a good reason for it" The navigator justified.

Luffy nodded. "It'd feel all wrong if we didn't go through the entrance!!"

Both the navigator and the survivalist socked the captain in the head. "That's not it!!"

The latter knocked on his forehead as she explained, "Think of it like a sandwich! The grand line is the fillings, but the bread is made up of what is called the calm belt. If we end up in one of them on a ship like this, we'll be dead meat. A big problem is the lack of weather like wind or currents. That makes sailing out an impossible task!"

"You mean like how the storm just stopped?" Usopp muttered, stunning Y/N.

Nami paled. "Oh no... we're in the calm belt... Alright boys, lower the sails and start rowing! We've got to get back to that storm!!"

Everyone rushed to begin, not needing an explanation thanks to Y/N's lecture. Speaking of Y/N, she had moved to the front of the ship to assess the situation.

The clamor was interrupted by a violent shuttering. "Hey! What was that? An earthquake!?"

"Were at se you fool!" The liar barked back at his captain's false observation.

Y/N ran back to the main group, sweating. "Holy shit we're on the nose of a Sea King!!!" The entire ship screamed in horror at the sheer magnitude of the monsters, Nami slumping against the mass in tears at her terrible fate.

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