xiii. the subtle art of fuckery

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       [A/N]: All of this dialogue killed me. :,) But enjoy the longer chapter this time around!

 A soft snore escaped the lips of Y/N, who was resting over the bartop near a knocked-over glass. Her hair had fallen over her face in a way that almost seemed to paint her as a peaceful girl you'd see as the princess in a storybook. While one arm was serving as her pillow, the other rested protectively over her two wakizashis. Muffled shuffling was heard in the background as someone exited the tavern.

A few seconds passed before the swordswoman felt a tap on her shoulder, signaling her to drop the act. With only a single glance into his piercing blue eyes, a wordless exchange occurred between Y/N and Zoro. They left just as some poor soul came to check up on the supposedly unconscious crew.

The duo perched atop the tallest building, staring down the four agents discussing the bounties of their catch. Each drew one of their blades; Zoro wielded Wado Ichimonji while Y/N held Kin no Tora. The green-haired swordsman was the first to speak, "Sorry but... would you let them sleep a while longer? They're tired from the voyage."

One of the bounty hunters who had gone to check up on the straw hats stumbled outside in panic. "Mr. 8! Ms. Monday! Two of them got away!"

"You! But you were both passed out!" Mr. 8 looked at the duo with a frown.

Y/N snickered. "What a shame."

"True swordsmen never drink themselves into stupor." A sinister smirk found purchase on Zoro's lips. "And a den of bounty hunters can be a dangerous place. You trick pirates into celebrating their passage on the Grand Line"

"Looks to be about a hundred bounty hunters..."

The swordsmen gave each other a nod, "We'll take you on, Baroque Works."

Mr. 9 blanched. "Why, you...!! How do you know the name of our secret society!!?"

"Long ago, when I was in your line of work, your organization tried to recruit me. Naturally, I turned you down." Zoro answered.

"As for me, with the number of times I ran off in a boat, I was bound to catch wind of your activities." Y/N continued. "There's total secrecy within your ranks. You even use codenames."

"And of course, the identity of your boss and his whereabouts are a mystery to everyone. You're Baroque Works, a bunch of crooks who loyally obey him. Heh heh... was that a secret?"

Mr. 8 scowled at the duo's theatrics and began to speak in a low voice. "This is unexpected! But if you two know about our organization, you must die. One more tombstone to adorn the cactus rocks!!!"

The wind whistled through the air, humming some lost tune.

"Kill them!!!"

In a flash, both blinked out of view, Y/N reappearing behind a considerable number of them as Zoro no doubt did as well. "You ready, boys?" Several guns pointed towards her, eliciting a hearty laugh. The moment they fired, she once again vanished, leaving the bullets to hit whoever was unlucky enough to be on the other side. Mr. 8 shouted something about not wanting to be shot as Y/N landed atop Ms. Monday's shoulder. The dark-skinned woman froze and looked up with anger. "Hiya!~" She waved, her tantō dangerously close to the woman's neck. Ms. Monday lashed out, reaching to most likely crush Y/N's skull, only to find she was gone.

The duo found themselves hiding in the same alleyway as Mr. 8 fired his gun-saxophone. Zoro huffed, "Phew... was that a shotgun? You could hurt someone with that."

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