35 ¶¶ AWAY II

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Ashley’s sudden appearance had already set me on edge, but the look on her face made my stomach twist. As she handed me the folder, I could see the fear in her eyes even as she tried to hide it, and I knew whatever was in there wasn't good.

I opened it and my heart sank. Photos of me with Ashley, some of Jordan, and the one that hit hardest: Ashley and me kissing last night. It was invasive, malicious. My mind raced, trying to piece together how this had happened.

"What is this?" I asked, anger boiling under my calm facade.

"Montague," Ashley said, her voice shaking. "He knows about Jordan. He wants me to cooperate, to help him take you down. If I don’t, he’ll leak everything."

Montague. Of course, I'd never liked that guy even from the mention of his name. Dad always said he was trouble but I never thought he'd stoop this low. This wasn’t just business; this was personal.

"This is bad," I muttered, pacing the room, my mind scrambling for solutions.

"Jayden." I heard Ashley call out but my brain was busy looking for solutions to this obvious mess.

If any of this comes out not only will Ashely and my daughter be at a paparazzi dilemma, but mum and dad would have to find out about Jordan before I told them.

And if the paparazzi did more snooping than necessary then what happened when I went back to Korea may resurface and from the looks of it, Montague probably knew already.

Fuck! This was bad.

"Jayden!" Ashley voice pulled me out of my trance.

I turned too face not being able to look her in the eye. It was obvious she was pissed because Jordan got involved in this mess.

"Montague said you had things you were hiding." She said slowly and I gulped. "When you came back, I blatantly stated that I don't want anything about you to affect my daughter..."

"Let me explain Ashley."

"Oh you're gonna explain..." She angrily took a seat on the couch.

I sighed there was nothing I could do, I had to tell her everything. The last horrible six years of my life...

6 years ago

I watched Ashely as she hurriedly got dressed for school, her energy a stark contrast to my own early-morning lethargy.

She looked so vibrant, even in the dim light filtering through the curtains. I had an off day from my job so I was up early, just lounging in bed, scrolling through my phone.

"You okay over there, sleepyhead?" Ashley asked with a teasing grin as she pulled a sweater over her head.

I chuckled softly. "Just glad I'm enjoying the luxury of not doing exactly what you're doing now."

She turned to me, hands on her hips. "You mean the luxury of not having to get out of bed at 6 a.m.?"

I nodded, a smile tugging at my lips. "Exactly that."

She walked over and playfully tousled my hair. "Well, you should come to school with me sometime. You might learn something."

I feigned offense. "Hey now, I'll have you know I was a dedicated student."

She laughed, her eyes sparkling. "Alright, lazy. Call me if you need anything, okay?"

I nodded, feeling a surge of affection for her. "Will do."

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