Entry 2 / Tuesday

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Hello Journal!

Today is my second day writing and actually my second day in a row. I'm writing this again at the end of my day after school and will probably do so for most of my entries.

So getting to todays entry is that it wasn't eventful as yesterdays as I didn't hit anything with my car

The only strange thing I experienced was I woke up feeling different like my skin felt smoother. It was really interesting because I don't use any lotion yet my skin was so soft.

I decided not to mind it as it wasn't too big of a deal and I just think I have healthy skin.

Anyways I talked with Anthony today about football tryouts on Thursday and he asked me what position I was going to try out for.

I hadn't really thought about it too much as I had plans to join the team for popularity and not actually for the game. Although now realizing I do need to find a position I can play to actually make the team.

So Anthony devised a plan and told me to meet him after school tomorrow to see what position I could play.

Well journal I guess that's entry 2 complete!

Later that night

Hello Journal, I thought I was done with my entry today but my chest area won't stop feeling sore and hurting. I'm gonna try to get some sleep now but it's hard to.

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