Entry 7 / Sunday

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Hello journal, I woke up today, and not much seemed to have changed. It seemed like my hair might have gotten a bit longer and my face might have gotten softer, but I really don't see much difference from yesterday.

However, later in the day, everything took a turn for the worse.

I decided I wanted to masturbate. I actually haven't done it since before I started my new school. I know that's kind of low for a 19-year-old, but I've had a lot on my mind.

When I went to masturbate, I turned on some porn and got to it; however, once I was hard, something weird happened.

The erection instantly went down, and I felt a weird warm feeling in my butt area.

I got up to look in the mirror, and it looked like my butt got bigger and I was curvier around the hips.

I was so confused at what just happened; it was like I magically just changed in front of my eyes.

I thought to myself, This has to be what goes on during my sleep.

I'm going to take my mind off of it a bit and play some video games online with Anthony, as there was nothing I could really do about it. I'm going to end this entry for today!

Okay, wait one second! I can't end the entry here because right before I just went to sleep, I tried masturbating again, as I really didn't connect it to what happened earlier, and it happened again!

I got hard, and then it just went away again. This time the feeling went to my hair, and it's shoulder length! I guess that's okay because it's just hair, but this means that I figured it out. Well, part of it, at least.

Masturbating or getting hard can result in slightly changing a feature about me. How it changes me, I'm not completely sure yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. What I also need to find out is why I'm changing while I sleep.

Anyway, goodnight, journal!

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