Entry 14 / Tuesday

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Dear journal, today was an unusual day to say the very least.

I woke up like every other day and went to check the mirror. Great! I have made no changes, so the shopping yesterday must have really paid off.

I should be more nervous today because I'm going to be dressing in girls clothes at school, but I'm not because no one even pays me attention.

Looking through my new wardrobe I found a very similar outfit from the day before, so I decided that was a good place to start.

Looking through my new wardrobe I found a very similar outfit from the day before, so I decided that was a good place to start

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Once I got to school, the nerves, I think, kicked in a bit more. I just told myself to calm down and just go inside.

I got to the lab and sat beside Anthony, only this time he seemed to be nonstop staring at me. After a few moments, he speaks up. In a nervous tone, he asked me about an actual date for Friday.

I was shocked, as I knew we had more stuff than friends going on but didn't know he wanted to actually date me. When pondering my thoughts, I realized he was looking for an answer, and thinking back on the curse, I knew I would have to agree.

"Yes," I said. Looking back at his smile.

He seemed excited, but I feel bad because I'm only doing it due to the curse. I mean, he is cute, muscular, nice, and funny, but those are basically just friendship traits.

The rest of the day at school went as usual. I was still on the team, cheering for the team like always.

After practice is basically when the unusual happens, as I have to meet with Gemma at her house to pay her back.

Once I arrived at her house, I knocked on the door as usual, and once I did, she let me in the same way as always and told me to follow her.

She led me into her room and told me to sit on the bed. Once I sat down, she started to explain to me how one of the ingredients needed was my cum for the elixir.

She then started to explain that the only way I could actually be able to cum is by anal because penis stimulation and getting hard results in changes. After that she stood up and got that grin on her face like she was up to something.

"This is how you'll pay me back this time," Gemma said. In this moment, I was beyond terrified of what would happen next. She then pulls out a dildo that looked to be at least 5 inches.

"This will warm you up," Gemma said. My mind was now racing and scared at what was going to happen next. I've never had anal before and never really thought about it.

Before I knew it, Gemma was bending me over the bed, putting me in position. I start feeling a cold, liquid feeling around my hole, and before I can make sense of that pleasure, I feel something hard pushing towards my hole.

"Oh my!" I shrieked. Even though it was a pretty small dildo, it was a lot for my first time.

The pain was strong and unexpected. Before I knew it, it was sliding back in and then out.

My brain was going to mush as I started to drool. The pain started to turn into pleasure as the rhythm picked up. I felt so good in that moment, thinking about how good I looked in my skirt while getting fucked. At this point, Gemma was giving me a full-on pounding, and I started to feel a strong pressure building in me.

It felt better than anything I've ever experienced, and I wasn't sure if I could take it. The rythym of the pounding and the sounds of my moaning (wait, I was moaning?) filled the room as I was on the brink of cumming.

All of a sudden, Gemma pressed as far as she could inside me with a pounding thrust, and all my cum started to shoot out of me, pouring everywhere. I was stuck in bliss, shaking for what felt like 10 minutes.

Afterwards, when I could finally start moving again, Gemma told me she had what she needed for the elixir and that she would need me again Thursday, but other than that, I was free to go.

As my legs were wobbling out the door, I thought back to what just happened, and I couldn't even comprehend it. I think I just went along with Gemma and really got into it because I need that elixir soon.

I'm sitting here now, writing this out before bed like usual, wondering how I ended up in this situation and hoping that I can complete that elixir before I change for good. Anyways, I should be heading to bed as I have classes tomorrow. Goodnight journal!

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