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Aira's POV
The next day, I woke up to the smell
of breakfast, my body is still sore and
marked from the night before. I sat
up, running my fingers through my
messy hair, and I looked around the
room, spotting Ibrahim standing by
the balcony door, stirring the cup of
'Ibrahim," I said in my sleepy voice
Ibrahim looked up as soon as he
heard my voice, a smile spreading
across his lips as he spotted me sitting
on the bed.
' Morning, beautiful," he said softly,
his eyes roaming across my body,
taking in the marks and bruises he
left on me last night
I raised my arms, telling him to hug
me. He put his coffee cup on the side
table and walked over to where I was,
his arms wrapping around me in a
warm embrace. He leaned down and
placed a soft kiss on my forehead.
"Good morning, my love. I ordered
us some breakfast,'' he said in a soft
voice, his fingers tracing patterns on
my back.
"Ok, but first give me some clothes to
wear. It feels weird like this, " I said
while pulling away from the hug.
Ibrahim hummed, letting go of me
and walking over to the closet where
I had kept my clothes that I bought
for Fatima's wedding. He rummaged
inside the closet and took out a panty
and his oversized t-shirt before
returning to the bed and handing
them to me.
Ibrahim sat down on the edge of the
bed, a warm smile on his lips as he
watched me pull on the t-shirt and
the panty, his eyes trailing across my
I like this view, " he muttered while
smirking teasingly.
"Shut up," I said while blushing.
Ibrahim chuckled, his eyes gleaming
with amusement as he saw my
blushing cheeks
"Aw, my love's getting all shy on me?"
he said, a smirk, tugged at the corner
of his lips. He leaned over and planted
a soft kiss on my cheek, his lips
lingering on my skin.
'Now, how about we have some
breakfast?" Ibrahim suggested
standing up and walking over to the
small table where the breakfast was
served. He gestured to the chairs,
inviting me to join him on the table,
" Come sit down, I got you coffee,
too. I know how much you love your
coffee in the morning,' he added,a
mischievous smirk on his face.
"Why are you smirking?" I said while
looking at him suspiciously:
Ibrahim chuckled, placing an omlete
on my plate,
"Oh, nothing. I just like seeing you in
my clothes, that's all.'' He said, unable
to keep the grin off his face. He took
his seat, picking up his cup of coffee
and sipping from it, his eyes flickering
over to me, enjoying the sight of me
wearing his clothes.
I just ignored him and continued
eating my breakfast.
After breakfast
(Im really sorry I've never been to
Pakistan, and have never attended
any pakistani wedding, so i don't
really know if it's barrat after haldi,
so please forgive me if i skip any <3)

As Ibrahim left me to get ready, I
walked over to the wardrobe to pick
out the outfit I would wear for the
baraat. I dug through the clothes
pulling out an outfit and changing
into it, It was a beautiful traditional
outfit that hugged my figure nicely.
Looking at myself in the mirror, I
adjusted my hair and applied some
light makeup, and went to Fatimas
room to check on her.

Looking at myself in the mirror, Iadjusted my hair and applied somelight makeup, and went to Fatimasroom to check on her

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Aira's clothes

I knocked on the door of Fatimas
room, waiting for a response. After
a few moments, I heard Fatima's
voice, and the door opened, revealing
a flustered Fatima in her wedding
lehenga. I could see the anxiety and
excitement in her eves. and I knew
she was a mix of emotions. Seeing
her like that, I immediately reassured
her, "Hey, it's going to be okay.
You're going to look amazing, and
the wedding will go perfectly. You're
marrying the love of your life, and
everything is going to be amazing
Just relax and breathe,' I said softly,
trying to soothe her nerves. I reached
out and squeezed her hand, offering
her a comforting smile.
Fatimas' shoulders relaxed slightly.
and her anxious expression faded
a bit. She took a deep breath and
nodded her head, "Thank you," she
said softly, a small smile tugging at
the corner of her lips. I gave her hand
one more reassuring squeeze before
I stepped back, giving her some space
to finish getting ready.
As I was waiting for Fatima to get
ready, I got a message from Ibrahim
telling me to meet him in his room.
"Babe, I will come back really quickly
ok, "i said while lightly kissing her
"Yeah, yeah, sure."Fatima said while looking at me with teasing eyes.
"It's not what me you're thinking.
ok!!"I said while going out from her room.
I left Fatimas' room, making my way
to Ibrahim's room where Ibrahim was
waiting for me. As soon as I entered
he looked up from his phone and
smiled at me, his eyes trailing across
my body and the outfit that I had
chosen, his gaze filled with desire. He
stood up and walked over to me, his
hands sliding around my waist to pull
me closer to him. "You look beautiful,'
he whispered, his lips grazing my
"You don't look bad yourself,' I said
while kissing his cheeks
Ibrahim smiled, a low chuckle
rumbling in his chest as he tightened
his arms around my waist, pulling me
closer to him.
'Flattery won't get you anywhere
sweetheart," he teased, a playful
twinkle in his eyes as he tilted his
head, pressing a soft kiss to my lips
"Stopppp, don't ruin my lipstick,
I said while trying to pull away
from his grip. Ibrahim grinned
mischievously, tightening his grip on
me, not letting me go.
"But I like you with smudged lipstick,"
he teased, his eyes flickering down
to my lips, his thumb running across
them gently.
'Ibrahim, I'm serious, and let me go. I
have to go to Fatima now. Bye, " I said
while running out from his room.
Ibrahim chuckled, his eyes watching
as I ran out of the room, a satisfied
grin on his face. "Fine, fine. Have fun
getting ready with Fatima. See you
soon, my love,'' he called after me,
his voice filled with adoration and
As I entered Fatima's room, I found
her standing in front of the mirror,
adjusting her outfit and finalizing
her makeup. She turned around as I
walked in, her eyes lighting up with
happiness upon seeing me. "Hey!" she
exclaimed, a wide smile spreading
across her face. I returned her smile
and walked over to stand next to
her, looking at our reflection in the
mirror. We both looked beautiful,
ready to take on the day's events. The
excitement in the air was palpable; I
couldn't wait for the baraat to begin
and for Fatima and Arham to finally
be married.

After a few more moments of
admiring ourselves in the mirror.
we both burst into laughter, the
excitement building up inside us.
'It's almost time,' Fatima said, her
voice filled with eagerness, her eyes
twinkling with joy. I could feel her
excitement, her happiness radiating
off her. We quickly made our way
towards the garden, our hearts filled
with anticipation for the grand baraat
function to begin. As we stepped
outside, we were immediately greeted
by the sound of the dhols playing and
the laughter and chatter of guests.
It was a whole traditional Pakistani
wedding. There were decorations
everywhere, colourful lights strung
around the venue, making it look
magical. Everyone was dressed in
their best traditional clothes, the
atmosphere filled with anticipation
and excitement
As we made our way to the main
stage, I could see people gathering
around, eagerly waiting for the baraat
to begin. We reached the main stage,
and Fatima took her place at the
stage beside Arham. looking like a
beautiful bride-to-be, her nerves and
anxiety replaced with excitement and
I looked up and saw Ibrahim looking
at me with flirty eyes, I couldn't help
but feel a flutter in my chest as we
exchanged glances.
Soon, the imam arrived and began
the nikah ceremony, standing before
Fatima and Arham and guiding
them through the traditional Islamic
wedding rituals. The atmosphere
grew quiet as everyone listened
silently. Fatima's fingers trembled
slightly as she signed the nikah
papers, and soon after that, they
exchanged rings, their eyes locked on
each other, I couldn't help but feel a
sense of warmth and admiration for
the couple, and I whispered a silent
prayer for their happy and blessed
After Nikah, Fatima and Arham said
goodbye and went to their hotel room.
I was about to go to my room when I
felt someone dragging me to their car,
I turned and saw Ibrahim.
'What the hell, Ibrahim!" I said,
almost screaming at him.
"Get inside the car, we're going
somewhere,"he said while opening
the door for me
I gave him a confused eye and got
inside his car.
"Where are we going??" I asked.
"You'll know when we are there," He
said, looking at me with his loved
filled eyes.
"Ok," I said, finishing the
After a while, I felt my mobile ringing
When I turned it on, it was my mom,
Ibrahim looked at me, confusedly
asking me who's calling.
"My mom's calling, stay silent, ok?" I
told him and picked up the call.

"Hello, Mama,'' (AIRA)

'Hello Aira, how are you
doing." (M0M)

'T'm doing good mama, how about
you and others?" (AIRA)

"We're also doing good, but why didn't
You call us? It's been 3 days. (MOM)

"Ummm... Mamma, you know there's
a lot of work here, that is why, but
don't worry, i will call you all from
now on" (AIRA)

"Hmmm, how long are you going to
stay there for?? (MOM)

'Mama, just one more day, I will be
taking a flight back to Pakistan after 2
days (AIRA)

"Good just to let you know your
brother is still not happy with you
being there all alone!!" (MOM)

Mom, I don't really care. It's ok if
he's the one going on vacations all
alone with his friends, but he's mad
when I'm here for just my best friends
wedding (AIRA)

"Stop Aira, you know that he's a boy,
he's older than you, he can do it, but
you can't. You're still a child. (MOM)

"Stop. I just don't wanna talk about it, " I said while hanging up the call.

"What happened," Ibrahim asked while looking at me worriedly.
"Nothing, leave it, and tell me how long do I need to waittt" I asked excitedly.
"Just a little more, my love," He said while kissing my hand.

After a while. Ibrahim got out of the car and opened my side door.
"Come on," he said while giving me his hand.
I got out and looked around.
"It's sooooo pretty," I told Ibrahim while looking around.
"Yeah" Ibrahim said while hugging me from back, putting his chin on my neck and softly sniffing my scent.

After 2 hours.
"Ibrahim, we should get going now. It's already 1:37 am.
"Hmmm," he said while placing soft kisses on my neck.
"IBRAHIM," I screamed.
OK. OK, Mrs Ibrahim Mir.
"Let's go back" he said while taking me back to the car.

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