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I put my phone away, knowing that I had to go downstairs to eat dinner with my family taking a shower.
As I walked down the stairs and into the dining room.
My family was already seated at the table, and they all turned to look at me as I entered.
"Finally hungry?" my brother teased.
"Yeah, I was just taking a shower," I answered.
"Took you long enough," my mom said, giving me a slightly disapproving look. "You always take forever in the shower."
"Yeah, I'm sorry," I said while sitting down on my chair.

We all began to eat in silence for a few moments before my dad spoke up.
"So, how was your trip to your friend's wedding?" Sania, my sister, asked, looking at me.
"It was fun," I said while smiling at her.
"That's good to hear," my mom said.
"I hope you didn't cause any trouble." My dad said.
"I didn't, dad," I said while giving him angry eyes.
"Hahaha," I was only messing around. He said while laughing.
I rolled my eyes, knowing that he was just messing around.
"Yeah, yeah, very funny," I said, a small smile on my lips.
We continued eating, making small talk about the wedding. But despite the casual conversation, my mind was still fixated on Ibrahim. I was dying to text him again, to hear his voice and feel his presence.
I tried to focus on the conversation, but I couldn't shake off the feeling of missing him. Every minute felt like an eternity, and all I wanted to do was escape upstairs to my room and text him again.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, dinner was over. I quickly excused myself from the table and headed upstairs to my room, shutting the door behind me. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and turned it on.
I smiled as I saw that I had received a new message from Ibrahim. I opened it and saw that it was a simple selfie of him lying in his bed, his messy hair and sleepy expression making my heart flutter.
I couldn't help but smile more as I looked at the picture of him. He looked adorable and vulnerable, and I longed to be there with him, to run my fingers through his hair and cuddle up to him.
I quickly typed a message back, telling him how much I missed him and how cute he looked. He replied immediately, still in his sleepy state, and we started chatting back and forth.
"Ok, I will let you sleep, I know both of us need some sleep," I typed.
Ibrahim's response came quickly. "No, I don't want to sleep yet, I want to talk to you," he typed back.
"Can't I stay up a little longer?"
"No, you can't. Let's talk tomorrow, my baby," I typed.
I could practically see Ibrahim sulking like a baby through his message, but he eventually gave in.
"Okay, okay, fine," he typed back.
"But only if you promise to text me as soon as you wake up tomorrow."
"Ok, I promise, now goodbye and have a really nice sleep.
Ibrahim's response was filled with playful reluctance. "Fine, I'll go, but only because you promise to text me in the morning," he typed.
"Have a good night, and dream about me."
I smiled and made sure to delete all the messages from Ibrahim, not wanting my family to catch onto our conversations.
As I put my phone away and settled down in bed, I couldn't help but feel a mix of happiness and longing.

Next morning.

I woke up the next morning. My thoughts were immediately filled with Ibrahim, and I couldn't wait to message him. I quickly grabbed my phone and unlocked it, excited to hear from him.
I texted him a good morning as I promised. I patiently waited for a response, knowing that he was probably still asleep at this hour. I smiled and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine.
After finishing my morning routine, I walked back into my room and sat down on the bed, still waiting for a response from Ibrahim. After 15 minutes, I figured that he's still sound asleep on his bed.
I went down to help my mom and my sisters with breakfast, and I made sure to leave my phone in my room, not wanting to risk them seeing any messages from Ibrahim.
As we sat down to eat breakfast, my mind was still on Ibrahim. I tried to focus on the conversation with my family, but all I could think about was his adorable sleepy face from the selfie he sent me yesterday.
I scolded myself internally and tried to focus on the conversation again. But my family could tell that something was on my mind, and my mom gave me a curious look.
"You seem distracted ever since you've come back from Fatimas' wedding ," she said, looking at me intently.
"What's on your mind?"
I quickly tried to hide my distracted state and came up with a white lie.
"Oh, it's nothing," I said, forcing a casual tone. "Just a bit sleepy, that's all."
"But you just woke up 30 minutes ago," Aisha said.
I mentally cursed at Aisha in my head for calling me out. But Sania quickly answered before anyone else could.
"It's normal. I mean, she took a long flight from Maldives yesterday." Sania said, saving me from everyone's questions.
I breathed a silent sigh of relief as Sania came to my rescue. I gave her a grateful look, silently thanking her for covering for me.
The conversation resumed, and my family seemed to move on from the topic of my distraction. I was grateful for Sania's quick thinking, and I made a mental note to buy her something nice later as a token of my thanks.
"I'm done with my breakfast, I will go and do my pending assessments," I lied.
My family nodded and continued to chat while I got up from the table.
"Alright," my mom said. "But come down after 2 to 3 hours, okay?"
I nodded and left the dining room, heading back upstairs to my room. As I entered my room, I picked up my phone and saw no message from Ibrahim.
After sometime Since there was nothing else to do, I decided to focus on my university assignments. I sat down in my bed and opened my laptop, ready to bury myself in my work.
I immersed myself in my assignments, trying my best to stay focused. I worked through each task methodically, taking occasional breaks to stretch and clear my mind.
After I was left with only one assignment, I got a call from Fatima.
I was surprised to get a call from Fatima since she's currently on her honeymoon with Arham, wondering what she wanted. I picked up the call and answered. "Hey, Fatima," I said.
Fatima's cheerful voice came through the phone.
"Hey, darling," she said warmly. "How are you doing?"
I couldn't help but smile hearing Fatima's cheerful tone.
"I'm doing alright," I replied. "Just working on some university assignments. What about you? Enjoying your honeymoon?"
I could practically hear Fatima grinning through the phone.
"Oh, it's been amazing," she said, her voice filled with excitement. "Arham and I have been having a blast. We're exploring different places, trying new foods, and just enjoying each other's company."
I chuckled softly, feeling happy for my best friend.
"That sounds amazing," I said, genuinely pleased for her.
"I'm so glad you're having a great time. You two deserve it."
Fatima's voice turned slightly mischievous.
"Speaking of having a great time," she said, with a smirk in her tone. "How are things with you and Ibrahim?"
I felt my heart skip a beat at her question. I knew Fatima was curious about my relationship with Ibrahim, and I wasn't surprised she brought it up.
"Things are going well," I responded, trying to sound casual. "We've been enjoying each other's company."
I could sense Fatima's smirk growing wider.
"Just 'enjoying each other's company,' huh?" She teased. "Is that all?"
I rolled my eyes, knowing that Fatima wanted more details.
"What do you want me to say, Fatima?" I retorted, unable to keep a hint of a smile from my voice.
Fatima let out a small laugh, clearly amused by my response.
"Oh, come on," she said, playfully insistent. "You can tell me more than that. Give me some juicy details, anything!"
I chuckled and decided to humour her a bit.
"Okay, fine," I said, faking a sigh. "Let's just say things have been more than just 'enjoying each other's company.' Let's leave it at that."
"Now I can't be talking about him, or else my family would hear me."
I chuckled knowingly, realizing that Fatima understood my situation.
"Yeah, I get it," I replied. "Can't risk them overhearing us."
There was a brief moment of silence as we both silently acknowledged the need for discretion in our conversation. Then, Fatima spoke up again.
"So, how are things when it comes to your family?" she asked.
I sighed softly, my thoughts shifting back to my family life.
"They're... okay, I guess," I said, my voice a hint reluctant. "It's just that they can be a bit judgmental at times, you know?"
I took a deep breath and continued venting my frustrations.
"They have their own opinions on my life choices, and it's like they always have something to say. It can be exhausting sometimes, trying to please them and live up to their expectations."
I could hear Fatima listening intently on the other end of the line, empathizing with my situation.
"I get it," she said gently. "It's tough when your family doesn't always understand or accept your choices. But remember, you're living your life, not theirs."
I smiled, appreciating her understanding and supportive words.
"You're right," I said, feeling some tension lift from my shoulders. "I just wish they'd be more supportive and less critical on some points, like loving someone isn't illegal or something."
There was a pause, and I could sense Fatima's slight surprise through the phone.
"Wait, are you talking about Ibrahim?" she asked, her tone now filled with curiosity.
"No shit I'm talking about him," I said while rolling my eyes at her stupidity.
I could practically see Fatima rolling her own eyes back at me.
"Yeah, well, forgive me for asking, smartass," she retorted playfully.
"You never made it clear, you know. You never told me you love him. You just told me that you're with him cause you don't want to break his heart, you lier."
I chuckled at her feisty response.
"Alright, alright, I'm sorry," I said, feigning innocence. "Yes, I am talking about Mr. Ibrahim mir. Are you happy now?"
Fatima's laugh echoed through the phone.
"You don't have to act all dramatic about it," she said, her voice dripping with amusement. "But yes, I am happy to finally hear you admit it."
I couldn't help but grin at her reaction.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I said, trying to sound nonchalant. "You're such a snoop, always wanting to know everything."
Fatima's laughter rang out again.
"Hey, I'm not a snoop," she protested, her tone playfully defensive. "I'm just curious, that's all. You can't blame me for wanting to know about your love life. We're best friends!"
I smiled at her response, secretly enjoying her nosiness.
"Fair enough," I conceded, "but sometimes you're just too damn nosy, you know that?"
Fatima mock gasped on the other end of the line.
"How dare you accuse me of being nosy!" she exclaimed, feigning hurt feelings. "I'm just interested in the juicy details of your life, that's all."
I laughed at her dramatic response.
"Oh, please," I said, playing along. "You're not just interested. You're downright obsessed. You live for the gossip."
Fatima's laughter echoed through the phone again.
"Okay, okay, you caught me," she admitted, her voice filled with amusement. "But can you blame me? Your life is more exciting than a soap opera lately!"
"You did not just say that," I said while fake gasping.
I could practically hear Fatima grinning.
"Oh, but I did," she said, her tone smug. "And you know it's true. Your love life is like a rollercoaster these days."
I chuckled softly, unable to deny the truth in her words.
"Yeah, I guess you have a point," I admitted. "But don't act like your life isn't dramatic too, Miss Newlywed."
"Ok, I need to go now, bye."
"Bye darling, have fun," I said while smirking.
"Ohh yes honey, i will." She said and hung up.
I couldn't help but shake my head and chuckle after the call. Fatima was always so cheeky. I put my phone down and resumed my university assignments, occasionally glancing at the time, impatiently waiting for Ibrahim to wake up. It was already 12:00.
After some time, I saw a notification pop up on my phone screen. It was a message from Ibrahim. I opened the message and read it.
"Good morning, beautiful."
I immediately felt a flutter in my heart as I saw his sleepy selfie and his simple yet affectionate message. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as i typed.
"More like good afternoon, sleepyhead. You finally decided to wake up?"
His reply came quickly.
"Hey, I was exhausted, okay?"
I smiled and typed back, teasing him playfully.
"Oh, I'm sure. Sleeping in till noon is definitely the definition of exhaustion."

(Sorry about the short chapter, but I had to babysit my sisters daughter, since they were going somewhere, but I'll try to complete this chapter as soon as possible)

《And huge thanks to btswajiha and RedAppleApple for voting and commenting on my story❤️❤️ trust me. It motivated me a lot to write more <3》
And also to the readers also!!!

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