Chapter Six: Sunday Funday

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Alex woke up to the sound of his mom calling out to him from downstairs. "Alex, wake up, buddy! It's time to get up for church!"

He groggily opened his eyes and looked around his bedroom. It was still decorated with Bluey themes, but he knew that today was a special day. He had to go to church with his family.

As he got out of bed, he felt a sudden wetness in his underwear. He groaned and looked down, seeing that he had wet himself again. He felt a wave of shame wash over him.

His mom came into the room, a warm smile on her face. "Good morning, buddy! Let's get you changed into something nice for church."

Alex looked down at his wet diaper and felt a surge of embarrassment. But his mom just smiled and said, "Don't worry, buddy. I'll take care of it."

She helped him out of his diaper and into a new set of clothes. But this time, it wasn't just a diaper and training underwear. She was dressing him in a very childish dress shirt, Mickey Mouse briefs, and dress pants.

Alex felt like he was going to die from embarrassment. He didn't want to wear these clothes, but he knew he had no choice.

His mom smiled at him as she finished dressing him. "You look so handsome, buddy! You're going to make a great impression at church."

Alex just felt like he was going to crawl under a rock and hide. He didn't want to be seen in public looking like this. But he knew that he had to go through with it.

As they walked to church, Alex couldn't help but feel like he was walking on air. He felt like everyone was staring at him, laughing at him, and pointing fingers at him.

But when they got to the church, Alex saw that his friends were all dressed in their Sunday best. They were all wearing nice clothes, not ridiculous outfits like the one he was wearing.

As they sat down in their pew, Alex felt like he was going to throw up. He knew that he had to get through this day, but it was going to be tough.

He looked around at his family's smiling faces, trying to pretend that everything was okay. But deep down, he knew that he was trapped in this nightmare, and he didn't know how to escape.

As the service came to an end, Alex's mom turned to him and said, "Isn't church fun, buddy? You're such a good boy."

Alex just felt like screaming. He didn't want to be a good boy. He wanted to be a normal boy, with normal clothes and normal diapers. But it seemed like that was just a pipe dream.

As they walked out of the church, Alex felt like he was walking through a nightmare. He didn't know how much more of this he could take.

As they walked out of the church, Alex's mom asked him if he wanted to get some ice cream after the service. Alex's heart sank at the thought of being seen in public wearing his ridiculous outfit. But he knew that he couldn't say no, not if he wanted to avoid getting into trouble.

As they walked to the ice cream shop, Alex couldn't help but feel like he was on display. He felt like everyone was staring at him, laughing at him, and pointing fingers at him. He just wanted to disappear.

When they got to the ice cream shop, Alex's mom asked him what flavor he wanted. Alex just shook his head and said, "I don't know." His mom smiled and said, "Okay, buddy. I'll get you something special."

She ordered a cone with a bright pink ice cream and a sprinkle of glitter on top. Alex felt like he was going to vomit. He didn't want to eat this stupid ice cream, but he knew that he had to.

As they walked out of the shop, Alex's mom handed him the cone and said, "Enjoy your special treat, buddy!" Alex just felt like crying. He didn't want to eat this stupid ice cream, but he knew that he had to.

As they walked back to the car, Alex's mom asked him if he was having a good day. Alex just shook his head and said, "No." His mom smiled and said, "Oh, I'm sorry buddy. Maybe tomorrow will be better."

Alex just felt like screaming. He didn't want tomorrow to be better. He just wanted to be normal again. He wanted to wear normal clothes and have normal diapers. He wanted to be a normal boy again.

But as they got into the car and started driving home, Alex realized that he had no choice. He was stuck in this nightmare, and he had to make the best of it.

He looked out the window at the passing scenery, feeling like he was trapped in a never-ending cycle of embarrassment and humiliation. He just wished that someone would come along and set him free.

As they pulled into the driveway, Alex's mom asked him if he wanted to play outside for a bit before dinner. Alex just shook his head and said, "No." His mom smiled and said, "Okay, buddy. Maybe we can play later."

Alex just felt like crying. He didn't want to play outside. He didn't want to do anything that would make him feel like more of a target for ridicule.

But as they went inside the house, Alex realized that he had no choice. He had to make the best of it. He had to find a way to survive this nightmare and make it through the day without losing his mind.

And so he did what he always did when things got tough. He put on a fake smile and pretended that everything was okay. He played along with his parents' game of forced diaper-wearing and childish dress-up.

But deep down, Alex knew that he was just going through the motions. He knew that he was trapped in this never-ending nightmare, and he didn't know how to escape.

And as he went off to bed that night, Alex couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow would bring. Would it be more of the same humiliation and embarrassment? Or would something finally change?

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