Chapter fifteen: Day One of the New School

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Alex woke up early, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves as he prepared for his first day at Cabot Junior High South. His mom had helped him get dressed in his new SpongeBob SquarePants cartoon briefs, a bright yellow Nike T-shirt, and a pair of shorts. Alex tried to hide his embarrassment as he looked at himself in the mirror, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of shame.

As he walked out the door, his mom reminded him to have a good day and to make some new friends. Alex nodded, feeling a sense of determination. He was going to make the most of this new school and try to fit in.

As he walked into his first period Science class, Alex was immediately struck by the vibrant colors and sounds of the classroom. Coach Spencer, the teacher, was already writing on the chalkboard when Alex took his seat. He scanned the room, trying to take in everything at once. That's when he saw him - Drake Allen, a tall and lanky 7th grader with messy brown hair and a friendly smile.

Drake caught Alex's eye and gave him a nod of acknowledgement. Alex felt a sense of relief wash over him. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

(Drake Allen Photo)

Throughout the morning, Alex struggled to keep up with his classes

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Throughout the morning, Alex struggled to keep up with his classes. He was still getting used to the new curriculum and was having trouble following along. But Coach Spencer and Mr. Ralph were patient and helpful, and Alex began to feel more confident.

At lunchtime, Alex sat down at a table with Drake and a few other kids. They talked about their summer vacations and favorite TV shows. Alex was surprised to find that they had a lot in common.

As they made their way to their next class, P.E., Alex felt a sense of dread wash over him. He hated being seen in public wearing his SpongeBob cartoon briefs, but he knew that he couldn't change them now.

When they arrived in P.E., Coach Westbrook greeted them with a loud whistle. "Alright, boys! Let's get moving!" As they began to run laps around the gym, Alex tried to hide his embarrassment as best he could. But it wasn't until he saw Drake staring at him that he realized he had been caught.

Drake was grinning from ear to ear, and Alex felt his face heat up with embarrassment. "Hey, what's up with your underwear?" Drake asked, his voice full of amusement.

Alex looked down at his feet, feeling a sense of shame wash over him. "Uh, I just...I like SpongeBob," he stammered.

Drake chuckled. "Dude, your SpongeBob underwear is awesome! I mean, I wouldn't want to wear SpongeBob underwear but they're cute!"

Alex looked up at Drake, feeling a sense of relief & Embarrassment wash over him. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all. Maybe Drake was actually cool.

As they continued to run laps, Alex felt a sense of camaraderie with Drake that he hadn't felt with anyone else before. They talked about their favorite TV shows and movies, and Alex found himself laughing for the first time all day.

As the bell rang signaling the end of P.E., Alex followed Drake out of the gym. "Hey, you want to grab some food after school?" Drake asked.

Alex nodded eagerly, feeling a sense of excitement wash over him. He had never really had a friend before, and he was excited to see what kind of adventures lay ahead.

As they walked out of the school together, Alex felt a sense of belonging that he hadn't felt in a long time. Maybe this new school wouldn't be so bad after all.

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