Chapter Nineteen: Angry Parents

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As the news of Jimmy's bullying spread like wildfire, Drake's parents, Bo and Amanda Allen, were furious. They had always been protective of their son, and the thought of him being humiliated in front of his classmates was unbearable.

"Bo, we have to do something," Amanda said, her voice shaking with anger. "We can't let Jimmy get away with this."

Bo nodded in agreement. "I'll talk to the school principal, see what we can do to get justice for Drake."

Meanwhile, Alex's parents, Rachel and Michael, were also on their way to the school. They had heard about the incident from Alex himself, and they were fuming.

"This is unacceptable," Rachel said, her voice trembling with rage. "Jimmy has to be punished for what he did."

As they arrived at the school, they were met with a sea of angry parents. The school administration was scrambling to address the situation, but it was clear that they were overwhelmed.

Bo and Amanda Allen pushed their way to the front of the crowd, demanding to see the principal. "What is being done to address this situation?" Bo demanded.

The principal, Mrs. Johnson, looked frazzled. "I'm doing everything I can, sir. I've already suspended Jimmy pending an investigation."

But it was clear that the Allens weren't satisfied. They wanted action, not just words.

Just then, Alex's parents arrived at the scene. Rachel was visibly upset, her eyes welling up with tears.

"Mike, what are we going to do?" she asked, her voice shaking.

Mike put his arm around her. "We'll get through this together. We'll make sure that Jimmy pays for what he did."

As they approached the crowd, they noticed Jimmy's parents standing off to the side, looking nervous. Mike and Rachel exchanged a knowing glance.

"Ah ha," Mike said under his breath. "The Thompsons are going down too."

The crowd erupted into a cacophony of angry shouting and demands for justice. The school administration was overwhelmed, but it was clear that something needed to be done.

Finally, after what seemed like hours of chaos, Mrs. Johnson called Jimmy's parents to the stage.

Mike and Allisha Thompson looked shell-shocked as they listened to their son's punishment: suspension from school pending an investigation.

As they walked away from the school building, Jimmy's parents were met with a mixture of anger and disgust from the crowd.

"You're his parents!" someone shouted. "You're supposed to be teaching him right from wrong!"

Mike and Allisha looked at each other nervously. They knew they had failed their son.

When they got home, they immediately called Jimmy into the living room.

"Son," Mike said sternly. "You're in big trouble."

Jimmy looked down at his feet, his face sheepish. "I'm sorry, Dad."

But Mike was having none of it. "You're going to wear potty training undies for a week," he said firmly.

Jimmy's eyes widened in horror as he looked at his parents in disbelief.

"What?" he exclaimed. "No way!"

But Mike was adamant. "You're going to learn to respect your fellow students and not bully them."

Alex's parents were called over to the Thompson's house that evening as well. Rachel couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Mike Thompson," she said sternly. "You're going to make your son wear potty training undies like Alex was wearing?"

Mike nodded solemnly. "Yes, I am. And he's going to learn to respect his fellow students."

As they left the Thompson's house that evening, Alex felt a mix of emotions. He was relieved that Jimmy had been punished for his actions, but he was also embarrassed by his own situation.

He looked down at his Mickey Mouse potty training undies and felt a sense of shame wash over him.

Why did he have to be stuck in these ridiculous undies? Why did he have to be treated like a baby?

As he walked away from the Thompson's house with his parents, Alex couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow would bring.

Would Jimmy learn his lesson? Would he stop bullying others?

Only time would tell...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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