ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3

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As the bus had pulled in front of my new school, the bus began to empty as all the students stepped off running to some friends or towards the doors, leaving some students (who looked like they'd be the popular kids) remained in the front talking as I step off after Chase and Keith looking behind me as the boy that had sat next to me, steps off after and a bunch of girls beginning surrounding him pushing me forward as I stumble slightly catching myself as I shoot a slight glare back at them before dusting my skirt off and looking at Chase and Keith as Chase had begun waving me over for me to catch up as I begin to follow them to the front door of the school building, Redcrest High, read the front of the school as I had climbed the stairs with the 2 boys. 

"Alright, we'll show you around the place, first we'll get your timetable, we're probably gonna be in the same classes, so stick with us here and whatever you do, don't talk to the Football Captain nor The Group. Football Captain is boyfriend to the Queen Bee of the school. Don't ask about the group, don't converse with them, do nothing with them. Got it? Good- let's go!" Chase opens the doors after his quick explaining as he then leads me down the hallway with Keith at his side as he walked cheerfully down the crowded and loud hallways. When I walked past most of the kids, I kept hearing whispers of people talking about me making me keep my head down and my hood on as I follow behind Chase and Keith walking slightly faster walking ahead of them. 

As I walk ahead I hear Chase call out slightly as I look behind me at him before colliding with someone as I fall down seeing the person in front of me fall as well. A girl with blonde hair, green eyes, medium tanned skin, and a fancy short dress which would probably give you a uniform pass. I might have just ran into this 'Queen Bee'.. Great..'  I soon hear her let out a disgusted mini scream as she glares at me intensely as her friends help her stand up as I realize she had spilt her drink on herself because of me, as I then feel Chase and Keith hold my arms helping me stand. "Kira she didn't mean to-" Chase starts off with a worried and nervous mixed expression before she had cut him off. 

"Didn't mean to? Didn't mean to?! She ruined my dress!! Do you know how expensive it was! This is my favourite dress from Louis Vuitton! Ugh! How stupid is your new friend!-" She screams as she glares angrily at Chase before turning to me. "You.. You're the new girl aren't you." I can basically hear the venom in her words. As I open my mouth to reply, she cuts me off, this girl really has some nerve and no manners... "Arla is it? I heard you destroyed your last school and nearly killed everyone, your also the daughter of the most wanted criminal! Zero Kayto am I correct? Well, you've made a first good impression so far, I hope your proud of yourself." She turns her nose up at me before marching down the hallway with her friends following her as she struts angrily down the corridor. 

I hear Chase sigh as I turn around to face them dusting myself off as I let out a breath muttering in Spanish. 'Que problema..' I look back at Chase and Keith as they look at each other before me again. "Great job, you've already gotten into trouble with Kira.. Your lucky her boyfriend wasn't here." I hear Keith mutter as he turns his gaze down the hall at where Kira had wandered to. "That is Kira Grayson, Queen Bee of the school, Cheerleader captain. She knows everything, about anyone, guess she also knew you before you got here. Rumour has it, she uses her boyfriend for fame and popularity and cheats on him with the Captains best friend, and that she flirts with the teachers or threatens them to give her good grades. She's a daddies girl who uses her fathers money to buy everything and anything she wants." Chase glares down the hall slightly before turning back to me with his smile again. 

"Anyways, back with the tour! We got to pick your timetable up still, I'll go get it now. Don't go anywhere without me! And Keith, please don't lose her nor be rude.." He mutters the last part before going down the hallway towards where I assume my timetable would lay. I turn back to Keith seeing him on playing his phone ignoring the world again. I soon hear the bell ring blaring through the halls before I see Chase running back down the hall with the piece of paper. "Got it!- Your in our classes, so just stick with us!" He grabs my arm as he pulls me down the hallway towards one of the classrooms as the hallway empties out as everybody fills into classrooms. 

As Chase drags me into one of the classrooms the final bell blares out again signalling everyone should already be in classes. The loud chatter of students now left in the room, as Keith enters behind us. The first thing I notice, everyone who is here keeps glancing at me then whispering as they point at me with their friends laughing quietly from it. I look around the room for an empty seat, the only seat is at the back in the corner and I go past all the desks at the front sitting down at back then hear someone clear their throat as I look to my side to the source of the sound. The same boy from the bus stands beside me smiling softly. "Deja vu from this, you sitting alone again or can I sit with you again?" 

I would have liked to sit by myself.. but I need to atleast make one good first impression.. I sigh as I shake my head snapping back to reality. "No, this seat isn't taken, you can sit here if you want, I don't mind! Already did on the bus." I smile back slightly before feeling a burning gaze on me and see Keith with another scowling face before he looks forward again at his desk muttering quietly to himself, before Chase whispers something to him and he seems to calm down a bit but still seems pissed. 'Whatever his problem is with this guy, it seems serious honestly..' I look Keith up and down slightly before looking forward as the teacher walks into the room ready to start to lesson before I hear someone clear their throat and look at the person next to me again. 

"I don't think we ever introduced each other properly.. My names Liam, Liam Winchester. Football star and captain of the team." He holds his hand out slightly as I look at it then at him with a soft smile still playing on my lips. "Arla Kayto, you've probably heard things about me from others or my old school.. Maybe my father even." I shake his hand catching Keith's gaze again as his gaze burns into the back of Liam's head before I shoot him a slight glare then facing Liam again as he speaks up again. "Yea, I've heard a few things actually. You seem pretty cool, especially with that gift of yours with or without it." He smiles as his wolf ears fold slightly but then go up.

I could feel my face heating up with the way he was looking at me this time, with that smile, the look in his eyes. I don't know why I felt like this, what was this feeling? It felt like I had butterflies inside of me wanting to get out and about to burst right out too, all I could do was try to ignore the feeling and remember what I say to myself; no attachments. I shake my head as I clear my throat before looking at my desk. "Thanks, Liam.. That's- nice of you to say." I brush a strand of hair behind my ear smiling at him softly before the teacher had cleared their throat starting the lesson.


Hello my dear sweet potatoes! I hope your enjoying the book so far, randomly in class (which I'm in rn but who cares?) I have thought of the second series of this book to be; The Magic Gift: The Magic Inside or just to change the entire book title itself to The Magic Inside: Magic Mischief. Please let me know which sounds better cause I am VERY indecisive. Have a good morning/afternoon/night!! 

- Author

The Magic Gift: Magic Mischief - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now