ᴘʀᴏʟᴏɢᴜᴇ - !UPDATED!

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The day I was born was one my family will never forget. When I was born I had inherited my fathers looks mostly, his white hair, pale skin and the same eyes. I had gotten none of my looks from my mother besides my hair type being slightly wavy and poofy sometimes. When you turn the age of 3, you get your gift. Everyone has one in the world, all for different things and purposes. Mine though? The same as my fathers, Dark Magic, which wasn't a good thing at all. My father was a dangerous man, with a dangerous gift not to be used for legal reasons. When my parents had found out, my mother had kicked my father out being the blame that I would end up like him if she had let him stay and had him teach me to use it. So growing up I was banned from using my gift unless it was for small purposes and not for big spells and I had to learn by myself to keep it tamed because I was out of control growing up using it to the point I had to put most of my power into a necklace my mother had hidden somewhere away from me.

But I had an outburst one day at one of my schools, because people knew I was related to Hiro Kiroshomia Kayto and led me to get picked on and bullied for my family line being related to him. As far as I was concerned, I didn't have a father at all. My older brothers, Danial and Lucas, were 3 when I was born leading them to have already gotten their gifts making my mother worry more for my safety growing up with them. But they never harmed me on purpose, most of the time it was by accident because they also couldn't control the gift they had gotten just like me, eventually they had gained control by the age of 5 ½, Lucas had Shapeshifting and Danial had a somewhat same gift as our mother being able to teleport but he makes portals instead to teleport through time or just to go somewhere and to grab something.

If I'm being honest, growing up with them was the best. Besides the fact I had also been picked on and bullied for being my fathers daughter, looking like him and having the same gift too. I often get lots of things said to me and all of them are negative. But I was able to make at least two friends, Varian and Alex. Growing up with them since we were toddlers was the best until I was 6 and had to move. That was the first time my mother had decided to move to another town for me to start over and I had to leave my only friends. It was hard for me to let go of the town I had spent 6 years of my life in to end up leaving to another, then another, and another over and over, non-stop because my mother had just started moving us across the country to different towns. I eventually gave up trying to make friends because after a month or two I'd be moving again.

But an incident occurred when I was 8 that made me nearly lose myself to my own gift and ended up losing it after a bit, that's why I practiced spells every day after trying to gain it back bit by bit and getting stronger as I went on over the days, turning into months, months turning into years. As I grew older, I had learnt to control my gift almost fully taming it each day, to the point I could use it to help around the house and at school to carry my stuff and not drop it, well sometimes my gift fizzled out making me drop things and make a mess in the hallway, classrooms, or even at home. But it never stopped me from practicing over and over. It was the smallest thing I could do to use my gift at least sometimes in my life. I had bought my own spell books from my fathers mother, my grandmother and they were the type of books my father had. I only read a very few of them and practiced every chance I got in the backyard or in my own room at the different houses, and soon I had begun doing bigger spells taming them.

Sometimes I'd have a feeling that something dark was trying to corrupt me.. In the back of my head there was a voice whispering to me dark things.. 'You're gonna mess up..', 'You're going to be like your father..', 'You're going to fail everything..' Over and over I heard them every time I tried to do a spell or when I was practicing those thoughts would play over in my head trying to corrupt my thoughts and magic, but I had ended up resorting to getting the darkness locked up in an amulet that holds most of my power to protect me. I wear it everyday in case I do a spell that is dangerous. It gets absorbed into the amulet, banishing it so I don't harm anyone or myself while doing the spell.. Basically? There was a darker side of me locked in that amulet.. One I never would want to let out and so I take care of the amulet never letting it out of my sight. All I hope.. Is that I don't lose control. 

The Magic Gift: Magic Mischief - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now