30: friends

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After Reese brought me home he decided to stay over.

I accidentally let it slip that my parents are on another business trip, and he too my he opportunity to follow me into my house.

Now I sit outside on the lounge couch, music playing in the background and Reese next to me.

"What have you been up to the last two years?" Reese covers the both of us with a thin blanket and I laugh at his question.

"Not anything very important." I remember my ex, and how much time I wasted with him.

We had our good times, but also a lot of bad.

"Well what about-" I interrupt him.

"Don't even say his name," I sigh dramatically. "What about you? I'm surprised there's no girl." I reply, crossing my legs.

Reese's face turns a bit red and o find myself interested. Is there a girl?

"Wait. Is there?" I ask, practically holding my breath waiting for his response.

"N-no. Of course not." He responds a bit too quickly.

"She must be beautiful," I respond, feeling a little salty. Reese is very handsome so I wouldn't be surprised if he found himself a model.

"Summer- I." He pauses. "In the past two years, have you thought of me?" I can tell he's reluctant to ask.

To be honest I thought of him more than I would like to admit.

"Um. Yes- yeah." I feel lightheaded now, like admitting this to him is so scary.

"Me too- I. I thought of you too. This whole thing is just so screwed up," he ruffles his hair like he used to when he was nervous. 

"Are you okay?" I ask him, placing my hand on his very toned arm.


"Yes. I'm just- I miss you. You know?" He looks at me with a soft expression.

"I know, I miss you too." I smile at him.

I lean my head on his shoulder as we stare into the yard.

The day has taken its toll on me.

My phone suddenly rings and I jump up to see Cherry's name.

"Hi, babe! Are you feeling better?" She asks in her normal chatty voice and I'm glad to hear she isn't super worried.

"I'm okay. With Reese." Cherry giggles loudly.

"Okay well if you're up for it there's a party tonight and of course I want you to come." She sounds like she wants to go and I don't want to ruin her plans.

"Of course I will." I repaid and she shrieks in happiness.

"Perfect! It's seven now so I'll head over?" I hear rustling and assume she's getting her things together.

"Yes okay. Reese is here so I'll just make him like watch tv or something." I agree and we hang up.

"We going out tonight?" Reese asks and I nod.

"Cherry really wants to go so I need to get ready and she's coming over." I inform Reese who nods and gets up to fold the blankets.

He follows after me inside until we get to my room.

"I have to get ready but if you're not going to change you can just sit and watch tv," I throw him my remote and he turns it on.

"Don't take too long. You look good in everything." He speaks in a low voice and I feel my cheeks heat up.

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