bonus 2: college party

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Dumb frat party. 

I don't know how I get stuck at these things. Cherry loves it. She sips her margarita in a plastic red cup, glancing over at me with a smile every so often.

"Drink?" She holds hers out and I take a sip. It's pretty great.

Handing it back to her, I look around to see guys in tee shirts and shorts with backwards hats on. The girls around me are all dressed similar- jean shorts with a crop top.

I itch at my arm, wanting to be at our apartment in solitude. Reese said he would be here soon, but I don't see him anywhere.

He's a frat president- surprising, right? As a sophomore it's pretty unheard of but he got popular quickly in college.

"Hey there hottie," someone cuts in from my right, placing a hand on my hip. 

My head almost whips to the side to see someone I've never met.

He smiles down at me and I quickly look over to see Cherry whose eyes are wide.

"Get off me," I push him away but he just laughs like I'm hilarious.

"Seriously dude," Cherry comes closer, "you don't want to fuck with us." She narrows her eyes.

The guy doesn't take us seriously. He comes closer and holds out his hand.

"Evan, nice to meet you ladies." He places his hand back on me.

"Please, leave us alone." I try to push him away but he smirks down at me pulling me closer to him.

"Let's just dance!" He holds me close to him but I try to push out. 

Cherry comes closer showing him away from me. 

Surprisingly, he hits the wall with a bang. I look over at Cherry in shock, not seeing Evan get up.

He stands up, a very angry look on his face. I don't know what to do to deescalate this situation. We are two girls alone, with some angry guy we don't know.

"You're going to regret that you bitches," he comes closer and I grab Cherry when she goes to stand in front of him.

I look at the two of them, wondering what will happen.

He won't hit her.. right?

"What the fuck is going on?" Luke yells, pushing past some frat guys and standing in front of the two of us. 

I look over to see Reese coming as well, a frantic look in his eyes.

"H-hey Luke man!" The guy goes up to him but Luke shoves him back.

"The fuck are you doing with my girl?" Luke shoves him again, and Evan ends up against the wall.

Reese lays a hand on my hip, bringing Cherry close as well.

"M-man I didn't do nothin' she pushed me." Evan tries to explain frantically. He's in deep trouble now. 

Luke, the vice president of our frat of course, and Reese together is not good when they're mad.

"You better back the fuck up," Luke points his finger at Evan, "and treat my girl with some fucking respect." 

Evan rolls his eyes, not seeming to be scared.

"Your girl started shoving me man. I thought the other one was hot. I don't fuck with that type, if you know what I mean?" Evan laughs but it turns awkwardly.

We scream when Luke punches him in the face. He beats Evan down hard and Cherry goes to grab Luke when Reese pulls her back gently.

"Stay here," Reese kisses my forehead before going up to Luke and pulling him off. I hold onto Cherry trying not to look.

"Is it bad?!" Cherry cries out, her drink long gone.

"J-just don't look," I turn us away.

"Hey," a hand is placed on my shoulders and I look up to see Reese. I smile, about to ask where Luke is when I see him take Cherry into a hug.

"I'm so sorry baby," Luke kisses Cherry and I look away to see Reese frowning. I reach up and smooth away his wrinkles, he smiles down at me.

"Chris!" Reese calls to a guy a few feet over. Chris comes over, looking over at Evan and back at Reese and Luke.

"Get him the fuck out," Luke nods his head over at Evan. 

Chris pats another guy and they go to grab an unconscious Evan and get him out.

I look over at Cherry who's crying, but Luke is hugging her, whispering in her ear.

"Luke," Reese calls and they make eye contact.

They nod and Reese guides me by the waist out of the party. We get into his car and all sit quietly with the hum of the engine as background noise.

When we get to our apartment, I hold onto Cherry. We walk up the stairs with the boys behind us.

When we get into the apartment Cherry immediately goes into her room. The guys stay in the living room.

"One second," I kiss Reese's chest and leave the boys before knocking on Cherry's  door.

"It's Summer," I speak softly. She tells me to come in and when I open the door I can see her teared up eyes.

"You okay?" I ask her, curling up on the bed with her.

"I-I grew up in a very small town. We were the only family that wasn't white. F-for so long I-I was bullied. Girls hated me, w-when I went t-to get braids, t-they'd yank them." She sighs.

"T-that guy was disgusting, but w-why do people care so much a-about the color of someone's skin?" She starts crying a bit more, "I-I heard it so much, it brought back m-memories. I j-just don't want L-luke to regret this.. me." She lets out her final words.

I'm so shocked and sad that anyone would; say that about my best friend. No one should ever have to go through that, and it's horrible that she thinks Luke would break up with her.

"I am so sorry Cherry. Luke would never do that in a million years, he's so obsessed with you." I smile and she laughs between tears, "I never want to discount your feelings or make you feel like your feelings don't matter. I think you should talk to Luke about this, communication is so important." I hug her.

"I-I will. You're right, I shouldn't let some loser frat boy project his offensive attitude onto me. Thanks, Summer. You're the best friend I've ever had- I love you." We hug tightly.

"I love you!" I laugh, "but seriously, go see Luke because he's going to have a breakdown if you leave him alone any longer."

Cherry laughs and we get up together heading back to the living room.

We spend the rest of the night all cuddled up on the couch, watching movies and eating junk food. 

Luke and Cherry need to talk but for now we enjoy being all together. 

I'm so happy we were able to go to college together. 

I can't wait for the future with all of us.



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