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The sun rose on the palace with a subdued glow, casting a shadow over the land of Johwa as news of King Jihoon's fate remained unknown. In the palace, under Jaehyuk's attentive care, Hyunsuk had regained some strength. However, his mind was still consumed by anxiety for Jihoon and the well-being of the kingdom.

Feeling a pressing need to take action, Hyunsuk called for an urgent royal meeting in the secret court. Jaehyuk stood by his side, offering his insight and support as they made their way to the chamber. The court members, maidens, and knights gathered, their faces etched with concern. Hyunsuk's expression was grave, his eyes haunted by fear and uncertainty.

Just as the meeting was about to begin, the sound of hooves and the commotion of soldiers filled the air. Jeongwoo returned to the palace, leading the remaining army back from the battlefield. But his expression was one of sorrow and fear, and the army he led was smaller than it had been when he first left.

Hyunsuk's heart raced as he watched Jeongwoo enter the chamber. His eyes searched for Jihoon, but he did not find his beloved king among the returning soldiers. His voice quivered as he spoke. "Prince Jeongwoo, where is the king? Where's my husband? W-where's Jihoon?"

Jeongwoo's expression was sorrowful, fear etched into his features. The soldiers behind him bore similar expressions, and their demeanor was subdued. All present understood immediately what this meant-King Jihoon was not among them.

Hyunsuk's face paled as he saw Jeongwoo's empty hands, his heart sinking with dread. "He isn't here, is he?" Hyunsuk asked, his voice trembling with fear.

Jeongwoo's face contorted with guilt and anguish. He rushed forward, falling to his knees at Hyunsuk's feet and holding them tightly. "Your highness, I beg your forgiveness," he sobbed, tears streaming down his face. "We searched for the king with all our might, but we could not find him. He is missing, and we fear the worst."

Hyunsuk's face paled, his body trembling as he heard Jeongwoo's words. His heart shattered at the realization that Jihoon might never return. A wail of grief escaped his lips as he collapsed to his knees, tears flowing freely.

Hyunsuk's anguish was palpable as he watched Jeongwoo weep at his feet. "No, this cannot be..." he wailed, his tears mingling with pain. "H-He promised to return, to our kingdom, to our people, to our child, t-to m-me. He cannot be gone. No"

The court, maidens, and knights looked on with heads bowed, their own hearts heavy with pain and fear. The air was thick with unspoken sorrow, as if the very walls of the grand hall absorbed the collective anguish of those within.

They watched as the queen shed tears, their deep grief echoing through the chamber.

Jeongwoo bowed deeply, in tears and fear. The guilt of being not able to bring back his brother had consumed him completely. "Forgive me, my queen," Jeongwoo pleaded, his voice choking with emotion. "I failed him, I failed you, I failed the people, I failed the u-unborn...I beg for forgiveness."

The weight of the moment was too much for Hyunsuk to bear. Hyunsuk could not find the words to respond, his grief overwhelming him. His body trembled in fear, the pain of loss almost too much to bear. Exhaustion and sorrow overcame him, and he fainted, his body going limp. Jeongwoo and Jaehyuk swiftly caught him, preventing him from falling to the ground.

Jaehyuk watched the scene unfold, his own heart heavy with sorrow. "Hyung, you must hold on, there is a tender life inside you" he said gently, trying to offer support. "And we must not lose hope."

But Hyunsuk's exhaustion and anguish were too much for him to bear. His body weakened, and he had lost consciousness. "Hyunsuk hyung!" Jaehyuk exclaimed, his voice filled with worry as he and Jeongwoo gently laid Hyunsuk down. "Quickly, fetch the healers!" Jaehyuk commanded, his mind racing with concern for Hyunsuk's well-being.

The healers rushed to Hyunsuk's side, tending to him with urgency as the court looked on in silence. Jeongwoo remained on his knees, his face buried in his hands, overcome with guilt and despair.

The fate of the kingdom and their beloved king now hung in the balance. The court could do nothing but hope for Hyunsuk's recovery and pray that Jihoon would somehow be found and returned safely to them.

In the calm and beautiful countryside of Johwa, life continued as it had always been unaware of the war cries of the battle, with the lush fields and gentle rivers painting a serene landscape. It was on the banks of one such river, near a tranquil waterfall, that a local farmer named Kim Junkyu made a startling discovery. Junkyu, a tall and handsome man with a strong frame, was tending to his fields when he noticed a figure lying by the water's edge.

Junkyu rushed to the injured man's side, his heart quickening at the sight of the unconscious man. The man's clothes were soaked through, his face and body bloodied and pale from the cold water. Junkyu knew he needed to act quickly to save the stranger's life.

"Oh my, he is grievously wounded," Junkyu muttered to himself, his voice filled with urgency. "I must get him to safety."

With great care, Junkyu lifted the unconscious man onto his shoulders and carried him back to his cottage farm. Upon entering his home, he called out to his husband, Mashiho.

"Mashiho, my love!" Junkyu exclaimed, his voice echoing through the cottage. "We have a wounded man in need of our help."

Mashiho, a short and pretty tailor with gentle features, hurried out from the back room, his expression one of concern. "Oh dear, who is this man?" Mashiho asked as he approached the injured man and his husband.

"I found him by the waterfall, nearly lifeless," Junkyu replied, laying the man down on the hearth. "We must tend to him at once. He needs immediate care."

Mashiho nodded, his eyes focused on the man's injuries. "Let me fetch warm blankets and prepare some healing salves." He quickly moved to gather what was needed, returning with soft blankets and herbal remedies.

Together, the couple carefully wrapped the injured man in blankets, and Mashiho applied the healing salves to his wounds. "We must do all we can to bring him back to health," Mashiho said as he worked.

As they tended to the injured man whose his body utterly injured with cuts and face completely bloodied, Junkyu noticed the man's appearance and aura, even in his unconscious state. "Darling, there is something about this man... I believe he may not be one of us."

Mashiho paused, considering Junkyu's words. "You may be right, dear. We must take great care with him and keep his presence here discreet. We cannot know what dangers may follow him."

Junkyu nodded in agreement. "Yes love, let us offer him our home and our help, and keep his identity safe."

Back in the castle, Hyunsuk's restlessness only grew. Though the royal healers tended to him with the utmost care, his anxiety for Jihoon's safety made it difficult for him to find peace. He tossed and turned, his mind filled with dread and uncertainty.

"Your Highness, you must rest," one of the healers implored, placing a cool cloth on Hyunsuk's forehead. "Your recovery is crucial, not just for yourself but for the unborn in you."

Hyunsuk nodded, though his thoughts were far from rest. "I cannot shake the feeling that something terrible has befallen my beloved," he whispered, his voice laced with worry. "I must know what has become of him."

The healers exchanged concerned glances, their loyalty to Hyunsuk evident. "We shall continue to care for you, Your Highness," one said, "and do all we can to bring news of King Jihoon. You must hold on to hope and trust in his strength."

Though their words offered little peace, Hyunsuk knew he had no choice but to endure for his king and child. He closed his eyes, hoping for Jihoon's safe return and trying to find some semblance of calm.

As the day came to a close, Junkyu and Mashiho continued to care for the injured man, unaware that they were nursing King Jihoon himself back to health and the royal healers worked hard for the queen and the child. Their kindness and care would soon prove to be a lifeline for the wounded king and restless queen.

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