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In the quiet of the healing chambers, Prince Jaehyuk knelt beside the cot where Park Jeongwoo lay, his bare chest bandaged to tend to his wounds. The flickering torch light cast shadows across Jeongwoo's face, revealing the depths of his pain and weariness. Jaehyuk tried his best to conceal his worry, focusing on his duty as he applied salves and bandages with gentle hands.

Jeongwoo winced slightly as Jaehyuk's fingers worked over his injuries, yet he stared at the young prince with an intensity that spoke of unvoiced emotions. Jaehyuk's heart raced under Jeongwoo's gaze, but he forced himself to remain composed, his hands steady despite his inner turmoil.

"Your wounds are deep, Jeongwoo-shi," Jaehyuk spoke, his voice soft but full of concern. "You must rest now and allow your body to heal."

Jeongwoo nodded slowly, his breath shallow. "I thank you, Jaehyuk-nim, for your kindness. Your care soothes my pain, though my spirit longs to be at the king's side."

Jaehyuk looked away for a moment, trying to steady himself. He had met Jeongwoo only during formal occasions, and though their encounters had been brief, an unspoken connection had always existed between them. Yet neither had ever dared to voice their feelings.

"You must not rush back to the battlefield," Jaehyuk implored, his voice tinged with worry. "Your wounds need time to heal. Think of your safety. And you can address me as Jaehyuk, Prince Jeongwoo"

"You can call Jeongwoo, Jaehyuk-ah" Jeongwoo reached out and grasped Jaehyuk's hand, his grip firm despite his weakened state. "I cannot linger here, Jaehyuk-ah. My hyung needs me now more than ever. I must return to him with reinforcements, no matter the cost."

Jaehyuk's eyes widened, and his heart ached at Jeongwoo's determination. "But you are gravely injured, your highness. Must you truly go?"

Jeongwoo's gaze was steady, his eyes locked with Jaehyuk's. "I must, Jaehyuk-ah. For my brother and for our kingdom. My duty calls me, and I shall answer it."

Jaehyuk's emotions swirled within him, torn between the need to protect Jeongwoo and the understanding of his duty. He nodded slowly, his expression somber. "Then may the gods watch over you and guide your path, Jeongwoo-yah. May you find victory and safety on the battlefield."

Jeongwoo released Jaehyuk's hand, a faint smile touching his lips. "And may you find strength and courage here in the palace, Jaehyuk-ah. I leave our kingdom and the queen in capable hands."

As Jaehyuk stood to leave, he glanced back at Jeongwoo one last time, their eyes meeting with unspoken words hanging between them. Then he turned and walked away, his mind heavy with thoughts of what might have been.

Elsewhere, King Jihoon lay half-conscious, his body fully wounded and his strength waning. In a desperate moment, he stumbled toward a waterfall, his vision blurring. His last breath carried one word: "Hyunsuk." With that, he fell into the rushing waters, his fate unknown.

At the same moment, back in the palace, Hyunsuk felt a sudden, sharp pain in his heart. He clutched his chest, a sense of dread washing over him. Though he did not know why, he could not shake the feeling that something terrible had befallen Jihoon.

Hyunsuk's fears for his beloved's safety intensified, but he steeled himself, knowing he must remain strong for the sake of his people. His resolve grew firmer, even as his heart cried out for Jihoon's return.

In the dead of night, as the kingdom of Johwa lay under the serene blanket of the stars, preparations were underway for reinforcement. The castle's armory bustled with activity as soldiers hastened to arm themselves, the soft clinks of metal and the quiet murmur of voices echoing through the stone corridors.

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