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In the calm countryside, Jihoon slowly began to recover under the devoted care of husbands Junkyu and Mashiho. The couple watched over him attentively, ensuring he was kept warm and protected in their cozy cottage. Though he had not yet regained full strength, Jihoon's wounds had begun to heal, and his breathing was steadier.

One morning, as the rain let up and the sun began to shine through the windows, Jihoon finally opened his eyes, blinking at the unfamiliar surroundings. Junkyu and Mashiho, who had been keeping watch nearby, noticed immediately and hurried to his side.

"Hyung-nim," Mashiho said, his voice gentle and soothing, "you have awoken. How do you feel? Can you speak to us?"

Jihoon blinked slowly, his eyes darting around the room as he tried to grasp his situation. His body was weak, and though he tried to form words, his voice was barely a whisper. "I...?" he managed to utter.

Junkyu offered Jihoon a warm smile, trying to ease his confusion. "You are safe in our home, Hyung-nim," he said, his tone kind and reassuring. "You were found by the waterfall, injured and in need of care. We brought you here to help you heal."

Jihoon looked at them both, his expression one of confusion and uncertainty. He seemed to struggle to recall any details of his past, his mind clouded by pain and exhaustion.

Mashiho noticed the distress in Jihoon's eyes and tried to reassure him. "You need not worry," he said, his voice soothing. "You are in good hands. Rest and recover. We shall give you time to heal."

Junkyu nodded in agreement, placing a comforting hand on Jihoon's shoulder. "Indeed, there is no rush," he said, trying to put the man at ease. "In time, you may share with us who you are and what happened. For now, your well-being is our priority."

Though the couple offered Jihoon food and fresh clothes, he showed little reaction, his focus still on trying to understand his situation. He took small sips of water and nibbles of food, but his appetite remained diminished.

Mashiho, noticing Jihoon's lack of response, spoke to Junkyu in a hushed tone. "His silence worries me, love," he admitted, his brow furrowed with concern. "The poor man seems lost, unable to recall who he is or what has happened."

Junkyu nodded, sharing his husband's concern. "It may take time for him to regain his memories and his strength," he said, his expression thoughtful. "We must remain patient and provide him with as much support as we can, love."

Jihoon continued to stay silent, his eyes distant and his body still weak. Though he was grateful for the care he received, he seemed disconnected from the world around him, struggling to find his bearings.

Junkyu and Mashiho exchanged a glance, their hearts heavy with worry for the injured man in their care. Though they did not know his true identity, their kindness and compassion would continue to be his refuge as he slowly regained his strength.

A week had passed, and though Hyunsuk's heart still pained for Jihoon, he found the strength within himself to return to his duties as queen. For the sake of his child and his kingdom, Hyunsuk resumed his responsibilities, though his thoughts often drifted to his beloved.

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