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Two months had passed since Jihoon first awakened in the countryside, and under the care of Kim Junkyu and Mashiho, he had made significant strides in his recovery. Though his physical strength had returned, he had to wear a full salve-scarf around his face to conceal the scars left by his injuries for it to heal. His memory, however, remained elusive-he could not recall his name or his life.

Despite this, Jihoon had adapted to his new life in the countryside, finding a sense of peace in the simplicity of his surroundings. He began to accompany Junkyu and Mashiho to the market, helping them sell fruits, vegetables, and clothes. His quiet demeanor and willingness to assist endeared him to the local community, though no one was able to figure or guess his true identity much to Jihoon's dismay.

One morning, as the couple prepared for the market, Jihoon helped load their cart with fresh produce and garments. He adjusted his scarf to ensure it covered his face and then turned to Mashiho. "Is there anything else you require me to carry?" he asked, his voice calm and even.

Mashiho smiled at Jihoon's thoughtfulness. "You have done more than enough, Hyung-nim," he replied. "Your help is greatly appreciated. Shall we set off?"

Jihoon nodded, his eyes softening with gratitude. "Let us go, then. The market awaits."

Together, they made their way to the market, the simple tasks of daily life providing Jihoon with a sense of purpose and distraction from his internal struggle.

Meanwhile, back at the castle, the absence of King Jihoon continued to weigh heavily on the hearts of all. The kingdom was in turmoil, its people distraught and longing for their beloved king's return. The situation was tense, and there was a sense of uncertainty about the future.

A royal meeting was called, and Hyunsuk arrived with Jaehyuk and Jeongwoo at his side. The hall was filled with royal advisors, nobles, and military leaders, all awaiting Hyunsuk's guidance. The atmosphere was somber, reflecting the gravity of the situation.

Hyunsuk took his place at the head of the chamber, his expression determined yet heavy with the burden of Jihoon's absence. Jaehyuk and Jeongwoo stood close by to him.

"Esteemed council," Hyunsuk began, his voice firm yet gentle, "we gather today to discuss the state of our kingdom and our ongoing search for King Jihoon. Our efforts to find him have thus far been fruitless, but we must remain steadfast in our pursuit."

The advisors exchanged glances, their expressions filled with concern. One stepped forward to speak. "Your Highness, the continued absence of King Jihoon is a grave concern for us all. We must consider our options should he not return."

Hyunsuk's gaze hardened, his expression stern. "King Jihoon is not lost to us," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "We must not give in to despair. Our duty is to keep searching and to maintain hope for his safe return."

Jeongwoo nodded in agreement, his loyalty to his brother strong as ever. "Our king is a warrior, a man of unmatched strength. We must hold true to our belief in his survival and his return."

Jaehyuk placed a reassuring hand on Hyunsuk's shoulder, supporting his cousin's resolve. "Indeed," Jaehyuk said, his voice calm and measured. "Let us not entertain thoughts of giving up our search. Instead, we should focus on strategies to expand our efforts and explore new avenues."

The royal meeting continued within the grand hall, the air thick with the weight of decisions yet to be made.

Hyunsuk sensed a change in the atmosphere. There were hushed whispers of something unknown, something that was hesitant to be put forward, "Well, if there are any more queries do tell, noblemen", he uttered with a warm smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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