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As night fell over the kingdom of Johwa, the sky wept with heavy rains, the dark clouds mourning the separation of Hyunsuk and Jihoon. Inside the palace, Hyunsuk lay in his chamber, his sleep troubled and filled with dreams of Jihoon. The healers had given him a sedative to help ease his pain and exhaustion, but the aching emptiness in his heart could not be so easily soothed. His body needed rest, but his mind was far from at peace.

Dreams of Jihoon haunted his slumber, and every moment without his beloved felt like an eternity.

Jaehyuk, who had been by Hyunsuk's side as much as he could, eventually left the chamber and wandered into the castle gardens. He needed space to think, to process the events that had transpired. As he walked among the flowers, he found himself overcome with emotion. Tears streamed down his face, mingling with the raindrops that had begun to fall from the sky.

Lost in thought and sorrow, Jaehyuk didn't hear Jeongwoo approach him. It was only when he felt a gentle touch on his shoulder that he turned to see Jeongwoo, his expression one of pain and understanding. They shared a moment of silent recognition, their grief unspoken yet understood.

Jaehyuk's voice trembled as he spoke, "Jeongwoo, I cannot believe what has happened. I fear for Hyunsuk and for Jihoon... this separation is a cruel torment."

Jeongwoo nodded, his own heart heavy with guilt and fear. "I too cannot comprehend it, Jaehyuk-ah. I have failed my brother, my king and the queen. My heart aches for them."

In that moment, the two young men embraced, seeking comfort and solace in each other's arms. Their shared sorrow brought them closer, a bond of understanding forming between them. "We must stay strong," Jeongwoo murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "For their sake, for the kingdom's."

Jaehyuk nodded, wiping away his tears. "You are right, prince. We must remain hopeful, though it is difficult. Let us hold on to the belief that the king will return to us."

Time seemed to fade away as their eyes locked, the sky began to mourn with them, heavy rains pouring down as if to express the world's grief at the separation of Hyunsuk and Jihoon.

In the countryside, the rain fell softly upon the cottage farm where Junkyu and Mashiho tended to the injured man they had found. Despite their doubts about the man's identity, they chose to help him without question. His injuries were severe, and though they tried their best to care for him, his condition remained unchanged.

Mashiho carefully wiped the man's brow with a cool cloth, his face filled with scratches and wounds. "Love, I fear for this man's life," he said, his voice soft but full of concern. "He has yet to regain consciousness."

Junkyu, standing by Mashiho's side, hugging him and nodded solemnly. "We must keep faith, my love. Though we may not know who he is, he is in our care now. We must do all we can to nurse him back to health."

Mashiho placed his hand on Junkyu's arm, offering a small smile of gratitude. "You are right, dear. We must remain hopeful, just as the rains will pass, so too may his wounds heal."

Junkyu returned Mashiho's smile, and they both continued their efforts to care for the injured man. Though the rain fell steadily outside, they worked diligently, their hearts full of kindness and determination.

Unbeknownst to them, they were caring for King Jihoon, the very man the kingdom mourned in his absence.

Their selfless acts of compassion would prove to be a lifeline for Jihoon, even as Hyunsuk and those in the castle prayed for his safe return.

In the palace and the countryside, the night passed slowly, the heavy rain a constant reminder of the sorrow that gripped the kingdom who were unaware of the darkness on them. The palace dwellers who loved Jihoon and Hyunsuk with their everything held onto hope, praying for the day their reunion would bring an end to the pain and uncertainty.

Hyunsuk finally awakened in his chamber, though his return to consciousness did not bring the relief his loved ones had hoped for. Instead, he seemed disoriented, unable to come to terms with the reality of Jihoon's absence. His eyes, once full of life and warmth, now carried a haunting emptiness, reflecting his struggle to process the situation.

The palace healers, deeply concerned for Hyunsuk's state, gathered around him with gentle care. His stress and despair worried them greatly, especially for the sake of the unborn child Hyunsuk carried.

"Your Highness, you must calm yourself," the royal healer urged, her voice soothing but with an undertone of urgency. "The child depends on your strength and well-being. Please, allow us to help you."

But Hyunsuk seemed distant, barely acknowledging their presence. "Jihoon must return... he promised me," he whispered, his eyes gazing out the window as if searching for a sign.

Jaehyuk stepped forward, his heart aching at the sight of Hyunsuk's anguish. "Hyunsuk hyung," he began, his voice gentle yet firm. "We are doing all we can to find the king. You must rest and trust that he will return."

Hyunsuk shook his head slowly, his expression troubled. "He must be lost... or worse, Jaehyuk-ah" he murmured, his voice barely audible. "How can I rest when he is out there, alone?"

The maidens, seeing Hyunsuk's distress, tried to offer comfort as well. "Your Highness," one spoke softly, "please, let us ease your burdens. The king would want you to be strong."

Despite their words, Hyunsuk remained unresponsive to their pleas. The heaviness in his heart seemed to consume him, his mind clouded by fear and despair.

Meanwhile, outside the castle walls, armies and spies were mobilized in great numbers. Under strict orders to keep their movements secret, they fanned out across the kingdom to search for the missing king. Careful to avoid alerting other kingdoms to the situation, they moved with stealth and precision.

The search parties traversed the land, combing every possible area where Jihoon might be found. Rivers, forests, and mountains were scoured for any trace of the king, their efforts driven by loyalty and hope.

Back in the palace, Hyunsuk's health continued to worry the healers. They feared the impact of his stress on the unborn child, their expressions tense as they monitored him closely.

"His state grows more concerning by the hour," one healer whispered to another, their voices laced with anxiety. "We must find a way to ease his pain, or it may take a terrible toll on both him and the child."

Jaehyuk, overhearing their conversation, nodded gravely. He knew the importance of Hyunsuk's well-being, and he vowed to stay by his cousin's side, providing him with everything he could.

They continued their efforts to console Hyunsuk, hoping their love and care would eventually break through the darkness that enveloped him. Meanwhile, the search for Jihoon intensified, the kingdom holding its breath as they awaited news of their missing king.

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