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Viper caught sight of her and the whole world seemed slow. The chemist immediately recognized Killjoy from the crowd of duelists around her. Even if Killjoy had worn a different dress or had completely resigned her entire look, Viper would still be able recognize her purely from her form. The bubbly engineer waved at Viper from across the room, walking towards the chemist with a smile under her mask.Viper's throat felt thick. Killjoy's dress swayed as she moved, enchanting the woman in front of her. The sentinel took her hand and asked her something Viper couldn't make out. The room seemed to sway around the two of them and the controller couldn't take her eyes off the woman in front of her. Concern flashed across Killjoy's face."Are you okay? Sabine?" Killjoy said her name quietly so no one else would hear, not that Viper cared anymore. The German made her want to be Sabine. Sabine who went into healing to help people, Sabine who cared deeply for her friends, Sabine who had never thought about revenge, Sabine who was at peace. "Yes, I'm alright, you're just so beautiful I forgot to breathe," Viper squeezed the hand in hers. Even with the masquerade mask on, The red from Killjoy's cheeks shone through. "Wow, that was smooth," Killjoy grinned.Viper didn't know what to say and her brain refused to work properly. You've already seen Killjoy in this dress! The chemist internally yelled at herself for not knowing how to function. But maybe it wasn't just the dress but the fact that Killjoy would cross a room full of people to stand next to her. Maybe it was Killjoy taking her hand and asking if she was alright. But how could she be anything but alright? Afterall, everyone she loved was in one room. Thankfully, Jett and Neon approached the duo, sparing Viper from having to function. "Awww, you two are so cute," Jett teased, dashing forward to abruptly stop right in front of Viper. Neon followed, blue and yellow tendril electricity danced around her sneakers. Surprisingly she wore sneakers with a bright blue dress. The Korean duelist winked at Viper, before addressing Killjoy, "Sova broke the stereo.""Is everything plugged in properly?" Killjoy frowned, glancing over to the foldable table that had been set up as a DJ booth. Sova and Skye were both crouched behind the table looking very distressed. "No idea," Jett shook her head, "they're helpless without you.""I'll be right back," Killjoy turned to Viper. The sentinel leaned forward and gave the already non-functioning chemist a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Get me a drink, ja?"Viper's eyes widened and cheeks reddened. And just like that the cheery German was whisked off to help with some neverending tech problem. Forcing herself to move, Viper walked off to find the drink table."Serpentina."The chemist spun around to find the only agent who called her that.Reyna stood behind her holding a glass of some golden alcoholic liquid and smirking. "You did it, I'm impressed," the Mexican woman laughed. Unlike the majority of the laughs that Viper had heard from her, this laugh was not malicious nor mocking. It was a carefree, genuine laugh that caught the chemist off guard. "I did what, exactly?" Viper raised an eyebrow, pouring fruit punch into two glasses. "Look at yourself," Reyna rolled her eyes, "you're thinking of someone else, you're having a life."The chemist didn't respond to the comment, continuing to pour the fruit punch. Reyna took this as a sign to keep talking."No more 'I will have my revenge!'" Reyna mimicked Viper's voice, studying the chemist's face carefully for a reaction. "No more self isolation, so much less self loathing, and you look like you're getting some sleep." The duelist's tone was slightly mocking, but it was also genuine. "Why are you bringing this up," Viper demanded, pouring a glass of water as well."We're friends, how could I not comment on my friend's well being?" Reyna smirked before downing the rest of the liquid in her glass."We both know that's not true," the chemist shook her head, "at least not entirely, take this." Viper handed Reyna the glass of water, "You're drinking before everyone has even arrived.""I do care about your well being," Reyna confessed, taking the water, "but as for your personal growth, it's just proof that we didn't work out because you were toxic– not me." "You were toxic too!" Viper shot Reyna a look of disbelief, laughing at how ridiculous the duelist was being."Ahh, Lucia is calling me, she says that I need to stop being so right all the time," Reyna called over her shoulder leaving Viper with the drinks.Music began to blast from the stereo table, bringing a smile to Viper's face. Cheers in praise of Killjoy rang from that corner of the room. Nothing was too difficult for the engineer. ._.The protocol rented a last minute room at a popular Mexican restaurant in the Los Angeles area, and the views from the room did not disappoint. The city skyline from where Killjoy sat was breathtaking. Granted, not as breathtaking as Viper but certainly close. Killjoy had the pleasure of sitting between Viper and Jett, on a massive round table that had every single agent on it and Lucia. Lucia was sandwiched between Reyna and Sage. The young girl was excitedly talking to her older sister and the look that Reyna gave her as the duelist just nodded along was enough to melt Killjoy's heart.Mexican food was delicious and this particular restaurant made some of the best food Killjoy had ever had. However, she was in no way prepared for how spicy it was. The food that was meant to be "mild" was so spicy she had to eat it in rounds or mix it with other food. Reyna really was going easy on them with the spice when she made Mexican food. Excusing herself, Killjoy stood up to rush to the bathroom to take care of the bodily functions that come with eating spicy food (or at least spicier than one is used to). Neon and Jett were unfazed by the heat of the food they were eating. Jett even went as far as to say, 'it's not that spicy'. Viper nodded in agreement with the duelist but Killjoy chose against pointing out how profusely the chemist was sweating. After finishing her business, Killjoy lingered a bit longer fixing her appearance in the mirror. Pushing strands of hair down and adjusting the collar of her dress, she gave herself a confident smile. "Oh Killjoy, how are you gonna pull this one off," she told her reflection, "make it short and sweet– Viper... do you wanna be my girlfriend!"Staring intensely at her reflection, she let out a laugh, blushing at her own foolishness. This was a new one for her. She had become used to hating the person in the mirror and here she was laughing at herself for plotting how to ask out Viper. I must be going insane. Who talks to themselves like this. Whether she was insane or not, she did not get to think about it because the sound of a thunder of footsteps down the hall made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. There were too many footsteps going way too fast. Waiting for the sound to travel past the bathroom door, Killjoy peeked out the bathroom door glancing down the hall. To her horror, uniformed Kingdom soldiers entered into the room her friends were in.Killjoy ducked back in the bathroom, and pulled out her phone sending frantic texts to everyone. No one was responding. She had no idea how many Kingdom soldiers there were or how they had arrived. The protocol wouldn't have time to get to their guns, and Kingdom had entered with guns.The sentinel clicked the watch on her wrist, "Botty," she whispered into it, "I'm gonna need you to set something up for me."._.The last thing Viper expected to happen was for a flurry of Kingdom soldiers to burst through the doors. There was no warning, not any sort of notice. Cypher might not be watching his cameras, but he would've known far in advance there were enemies around. Immediately yelling took place, some agents had brought out abilities, threateningly waving them around. Some backed away from the soldiers, and some surrounded Lucia, making a human shield around her. Reyna stood completely still, staring catatonically at the new crowd."QUIET DOWN!" a voice shouted over the shouts of soldiers and agents. Viper turned to look at the source of the voice.Near her, Brimstone stood next to what must have been the commander of the soldiers. The two men were relaxed, their body language indicating a level of control. Chamber walked up to the two men, looking excited to be there. "Commander, everything is as promised–" Chamber addressed the man."Step aside, I don't have time for you," the commander responded, dismissing the French man. "There isn't anything to talk about," Chamber shook his head, "You remember our deal right?"The commander looked more than irritated at the man. "You either step aside or I'll have my men shoot you in the head, and no one in this room would lift a finger to save you."Chamber's face paled. Reluctantly he stepped back, allowing Brimstone to speak to the commander."What do you want," Brimstone asked gruffly."All of you," the uniformed commander replied. "You didn't bring enough soldiers to take us all in," Brimstone said carefully, "I doubt you'd ever have enough.""I could've brought ten thousand troops here, but I chose to bring 30 because I was told you'd be reasonable.""Chamber is right, I am," Brimstone replied."Brimstone, this wasn't the deal I made, I swear to–" Chamber shouted from behind the man."Chamber, shut your goddamn mouth," Brimstone threatened, his voice remaining calm. "All of this is on your fucking hands, and I don't wanna hear another word from you or I'll escort you to hell myself.""Now, what do you want?""The girl.""What girl?" Brimstone swallowed thickly, "be more specific.""The inventor girl who does exactly what she's told," the commander replied, a small smirk on his face, "she really was fun."Brimstone shook his head, "You want someone, take me, I'm head of this whole thing, you take me, the whole protocol will fall apart.""Old man, Kingdom has more important things to do than to fight you and your children all day, your protocol will fall apart one day whether you're there or not. We want someone who can build the tools Kingdom needs, someone who can solve not just our problems but–""I built the spike defuser," Viper interrupted, "I built the spike defuser," she said more confidently than before.The commander looked towards Viper, "Doctor Sabine, how we've missed you.""I can't say I've missed you," Viper hissed back, "I have a deal, I made the spike defuser, I've been making all of the protocol's latest technology. The inventor girl may have built you the spike, but as long as the protocol has me, you'll always be countered. I am more experienced after all."The commander quizzically looked at the Chemist, "Your file never mentioned you being selfless," he mused."Then no one ever paid enough attention," Viper coldly replied."I–" the commander began.A loud hum cut through his words. Viper looked around confused as the air, building, furniture and everything around them started to vibrate. "What is this?!" Brimstone demanded."I don't know, this isn't me" the commander spun around to his soldiers, "what is this?!" he demanded. The soldier nearest to him stuttered out a meek reply, but the commander wouldn't hear him out, "Do something about it!" he screamed. The sound seemed to get louder and the air seemed to get more and more electrified. No one dared to leave the room, too afraid to make a move that would allow the other side a reason to fight. And then the movement happened, Reyna who had a knife in her hand, swung at the soldier nearest Lucia. She stabbed him in the neck, immediately absorbing his soul and disappearing with her sister. Out of the corner of her eye, Viper watched Yoru slip on a mask as the rest of the room fell into chaos. And just as the chaos began, it suddenly ended as the humming reached a crescendo. An electrifying current zapped the whole room and Viper's hold body seized up as she was paralyzed by the shock. Still standing up, she could do nothing but move her eyes in worry. Wondering where KJ was. Wondering what would happen next. As if on queue, the door was pushed open attracting the gaze of everyone who happened to look that way. KJ pushed through the door, cautiously looking around her, "sorry that everyone had to be zapped, I haven't found a way for only some people to be zapped."Viper's mind rested. Her mouse was safe. "This only lasts for a few minutes," KJ told the agents around her, "I guess I have to kill everyone?" She grabbed a knife off one of the tables and stood in front of the commander. Looking him up and down, she grimaced."I remember you," she looked him in the eyes, "you really liked when I didn't follow instructions, because it meant you got to spend more time with me."The silence was deafening. "I could kill you now. I should kill you now."KJ sighed, "Normally, I would have a hard time killing in cold blood, but you tried to kill my family and my girlfriend."The engineer reached into her pocket for a strange egg looking item, attaching it to the commander. "I would rather go to hell than see them hurt."With those words the egg thing attached to the commander's pocket exploded, electrocuting him and engulfing him in a strange multicolored light. It was a strange sight. It was deadly. Not more than 3 seconds later, his body fell to the ground, lifeless. "Killjoy, I did not think I would ever say this, but your inventions are– useful," Reyna appeared out of nowhere, a bloody knife in one hand, "I will handle it from here."Killjoy nodded, and immediately brought out another device, beginning to unfreeze the agents around her. Viper closed her eyes. She was used to bloodshed but watching Reyna decapitate the soldiers frozen in place around her was not something she wanted a memory of.._. Lucia's quinceanera continued in the cafeteria of the protocol. The entire evening had been extremely lively, duelists dancing on the tables, a drunk Brimstone and Sova singing a strange song, Reyna and Lucia dancing together to slowed and reverbed songs. Viper had a drink, only because Killjoy had offered her. It was around 1am when she decided she was tired of the party. The chemist motioned for KJ to follow her out, and leaving a cuddling Sage and Jett, the two left the table and cafeteria. "When are we going?" KJ inquired. "Someplace special," Viper replied, leading them down halls. The two eventually got to a stairs, where at the top of it, they reached a door that led out to the beach. KJ stepped out onto the sand, leaving her shoes at the door. Viper followed her down the beach. The engineer looked up at the dark cloudy sky. She closed her eyes. Viper hugged her from behind, closing her eyes as well. The waves crashed on the shore, rhythmically returning every few seconds. Ocean winds rustled the palm trees lining the shore and for a brief moment, Viper could hear KJ's breathing. "Would you want to date me?" KJ asked, turning around and wrapping her arms around Viper's neck."What– what kind of question is that," Viper stuttered, taken aback by the sentinel's sudden move. "Do you want to be girlfriends?" KJ asked again, blushing furiously. For a second, Viper tried to hide her smile, but there was little she could do. A huge cheesy smile broke onto her face, "Yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend," she replied."I'm extremely weird," KJ blurted out, "Those slowed and reverbed songs were mine... and I talk to myself a lot... and–""I like that," Viper leaned in to kiss the sentinel and KJ quickly kissed back, their conversation lost in the kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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