chapter 7: the mall

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~Speak Now~

"And then we just ran!" yelled 1989 and we both laughed loudly. The drive to the mall was only about 20 minutes and while folklore and Poets had spent it in silence in the front, me and 1989 had been having the best time in the back, kicking the seats in front of us from laughter the whole way there.

I never realised how funny 1989 was until now, we never really hung out since we were part of different friend groups. Mine being Debut, Fearless and Red; while hers was more rep, Lover and Midnights.

"You know you're not so bad to hang out with," I said jokingly to 1989.

"Did you think I was?" she said and put a hand on her chest pretending to be offended.

"I don't know, I've just never really hung out with you before, I guess," I answered with a smile.

"Yeah I know, it's weird honestly, I'm like great friends with everyone in the house except you and Fearless.." she said, getting more serious. "I wonder why that is."

"Yeah.." I replied slowly. "But hey, at least we're hanging out now!"

"Yeah!" she said enthusiastically, "Us and the old men in the front," she laughed and poked folklore's shoulder gently. "I mean could you guys be any more awkward and quiet?" We both started laughing quietly.

"It doesn't really matter, we're here now," said Poets as she brought the car to a stop. As we all walked into the massive building folklore and Poets started discussing where we should go first.

"Oh, can't we go shopping for prom dresses, please?" I asked loudly when we passed a tailor.

"Why? The only ones with a prom left are Debut and Fearless," said folklore and looked at me.

"So? Prom dresses are gorgeous! I want one!" I replied and laughed.

"Actually though! Why do we need a prom to look for pretty dresses? You can never have too many of them!" said 1989 and smiled widely at me.

"Yes!" I exclaimed in agreement. Poets laughed softly and folklore just smiled at us.

"We can look at that in a bit, let's look at regular clothes first, then eat, then we'll see after that," said Poets matter-of-factly.

"Sounds good," said folklore and smiled at her.

As we walked into the first store I told myself I wouldn't let anything ruin my mood, but Poets was really getting on my nerves. She was walking in front of me and 1989 flirting with folklore. Every now and then she would glance back at us without saying a word and then quickly go back to playfully pushing folklore and complimenting her every 2 seconds or whatever.

1989 must've seen my disgusted look 'cause she started laughing and as I turned my attention to her I noticed she was looking at me. "So..I'm guessing you don't like it?" she said and nodded toward the 2 girls in front of us.

"Not really..." I said and frowned. "Why do they have to be so lovey dovey when we're here too?"

"I don't know, but it's weird, I mean do people actually find that cool? Have you heard what they're saying?" said 1989 and looked at them sceptically.

"I wasn't really listening, what did she say?"

"They're literally talking about the most random things, like Poets literally started talking about Crème brûlée or whatever the fuck she said, but she's saying in that weird baby voice which makes it sound flirty..." she answered and looked disgusted. I started laughing and she joined in which made folklore turn around to look at us.

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