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Oh how I wish I was able to do this more often.

Not only do I love interacting with my people, but it's the only time I am allowed to leave the castle premises. So I always capture the smell of old books surrounding me in my memory. As well as the sound and sight of my kingdom's people, who I hope to rule, happy because of something I am doing for them.

After the scheduled few hours, Ruby and I head back to the castle in the same carriage that brought us to one of my lovely escapes from the chaos of my home.

And I do mean chaos.

Right when we pull up to the front doors of the castle I already can see many people running around trying to get prepared for the special meeting planned for tonight.

Right as I step inside I am swept away by some servants, I believe Mia and Hayden, and they lead me to the kitchen so I can help Ms. Paige decide what is on the menu.

Ms. Paige is a kind old woman who has been the Royal Chef for as long as I can remember. Her eyes are always full of joy and kindness and that travels into her work. I honestly would describe her food as art. It's so carefully thought out for the occasion and it always tastes heavenly, which I try to remind her as frequently as possible.

As I am swept into the kitchen I see the short woman sitting at one of the center islands, staring at a notebook, which I'm sure is filled with some of her best recipes.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Paige," I say with a grin as I make my way towards her.

She quickly turns my way and stands from her seat, "Good afternoon, Your Majesty," she says with a bright smile and a slight bow.

"I've been sent to help you with tonight's menu, as I'm sure you know."

She nods slightly, "Of course, we could sit right over here and talk it over?"

I nod and we sit next to each other at the marble topped island.

"Now, I'm assuming this will be a stressful meeting for my father," I say with a slight tinge of annoyance, which I quickly address, "So I think we should definitely integrate some of his favorite dishes into tonight."

"I completely agree, Dear. I was planning on using some of his favorite appetizers, so the night starts off on a good note at the least. And then possibly make a dish that is more well known and appreciated for the main course. But I have no idea what to do for dessert."

I thought carefully for just a moment, "That is an excellent plan, Ms. Paige. I have an appetizer in mind, but if you have one already I'm sure it will work just as well."

"I was thinking I could make the goat cheese and onion pastries for the appetizer, as I recall the king eating quite a few of them the last time I made them," Ms. Paige says with a slight smirk.

A grin starts to form on my face, "That he did, fantastic idea. Do you have any idea of what you'd serve for the main course?"

"I was thinking of doing my grilled chicken with lemon and spring onions, with a side of roasted broccolini."

I slowly nod, "A delicious meal made of classic ingredients. I just thought of one of your desserts that I absolutely adore, if you're willing to take suggestions?"

"Of course! What may it be?" she asks with a sense of curiosity spread across her face.

"I have always loved your tiramisu. I say it's absolutely to die for."

She smiles and nods, "I've always loved that recipe too."

A sense of warmth fills me as I nod and start to make my leave. That was truly the only reason why I was in the kitchen, and now that the planning is done I have to head over to the dining hall to help prepare it. But as I do I can't help but smile at the calmness and hospitality of Ms. Paige. I simply do love that woman. I wish I could show my appreciation for her more, as well as wishing my family would show some appreciation for her in general.

But that's a fight for another day.

As I walk into the dining hall that is only a few yards from the kitchen's exit I see around thirty, hectic, servants running around, decorating, cleaning, setting things up, the works.

I smile a little and make my way towards some of the higher up servants in the room and start talking to them to ask about different tasks and which have been done and which haven't.

"I see some white and gold placemats and such over there by the table. Smart idea with the clean, classic colors. Hopefully they'll leave a more welcoming impression on our guests," I say as I start to look closer at specific details in the room.

Mark, one of the head servants in the castle who always plays a significant role in event planning and preparation nods, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I've been contemplating bringing in yellow roses from the gardens. As they also represent a more welcoming ideology."

I slowly nod, "If we have the supplies, perhaps we could scatter some in white vases with gold ribbon tied around them, as more of an atmospheric component."

A smile stretches across his face, "Excellent idea like always. I'll get to work on getting that arranged."

I nod and give him a thanks as he walks away towards a group who doesn't seem to be doing anything majorly significant at the very moment. I step to the side as I scan around the room to try and figure out what I could possibly do to help.

I'm very frequently asked to help out with preparing for guests and meetings, especially when my mother has something else she needs to do. Which today would be making sure my father doesn't break anything or do something unreasonable before the meeting tonight.

I help around in spots where I believe people need help and as I'm helping stretch a new tablecloth along the table, I hear a new pair of heels walking into the room.

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