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The blue bird's beautiful song almost makes me forget about everything that I have to do today.

But of course, I quickly remember as I wake up.

I had been startled awake by Ruby's triple knock on my door. It's a special thing about her I've gotten used to; she always knocks three, quick, times.

"Come on in Ruby," I call out as I make my way into a sitting position before stretching my arms as high as I could possibly reach.

She walks in with her head high, a clipboard in her hand with what I know is a long list of things I must do attached.

"Good morning," she chirps.

I have never figured out how morning people exist.

"Good morning to you."

As I toss the heavy, comfortable, blanket off of me, I swing my legs to the side of the bed, my feet meeting velvet slippers that I placed the night before instead of the cold ground.

"Mint or lavender?" Ruby calls out from the bathroom attached to my suite.

"Both, if it's not too much of a hassle please," I reply.

I already know that she would do anything I'd ask, it is her job after all. But she is also one of my closest friends, and I try not to make that too hard.

"Of course, your bath will be ready in a few moments."

"Thank you so much, Ruby. I don't know what I'd do without you."

I hear her stifle a laugh as I start getting things prepared for when I'm done. Picking out various outfits for the day, even though I have no idea quite what I'm doing yet. I leave my cosmetics on my vanity, so they're waiting at the ready for me when I'm done.

And once I'm done, Ruby calls me into the bathroom.

"Once you're done, we can talk about your schedule for the day," she says with a smile before walking out, closing the door behind her.

I let my robe drop to the floor and climb into the warm tub of water waiting for me. I've always loved baths, they're so relaxing and they're the perfect place to just think...and sometimes cry.

I lay my head back against the edge of the tub and I enjoy the aroma of mint and lavender surrounding me. I let it engulf me as my thoughts do the same.

I already know the main event of the day; the meeting with the Ignisian royal family.

That's definitely going to suck.

I don't even understand why my parents are letting me out for it. It doesn't matter that the other King and Queen are bringing their son, I've never come out for anything else, why would our biggest rivals be any exception? I barely leave the castle when there's no visitors in our kingdom, the only times usually being when a large business is opening, or when my father organizes something to make him seem like a good person.

Not that he isn't.

I just wouldn't say he's the type to volunteer. He pretty much always expects something in return.

My thoughts start to fade as I realize the water has gone cold. So I slowly climbed out, wishing that I could be surrounded by mint and lavender forever.

Perhaps I can send someone to get a perfume for me.

After I toss my robe on, I leave the room, the tub slowly draining as I face Ruby once again.

"Alright, you've got a long day ahead of you, you ready?" she asks, looking directly into my eyes, something she also never fails to do.

I smile and nod, still slightly tired, as I sit at my vanity.

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