Chapter 4: An Explanation

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Two hours later Sakura slowly gains consciousness as she slowly opens her eyes to feel a wet folded dishtowel being placed on her head "It's been two hours... Are you sure Mother doesn't need a hospital?." Saya asked as Sarada looked next to her and shook her head "I need you're worried Saya, but please calm down, Mom is strong and tough... Even though I didn't know she would faint like this..." Sarada started she was about to look at Sakura but paused halfway and looked back at Saya again "And... Maybe you shouldn't call my Mom 'our' Mom just yet." she said as Saya crossed her arms and pouted "I know but I may be a bath tank clone, but I do have a right Sarada..." she started but then paused for a moment looking at the floor then back at Sarada "But... Okay, I guess you're right, I shouldn't jump the gun just yet." she said as Sarada smiled at her, just then Ren and Kuro came back from the kitchen after making food for Sakura "Well, it looks like Sakura had dinner out for you and her, Sarada." Ren started then Kuro spoke up "But we followed what she used for dinner and made some extras..." he said as Sarada nodded slightly then they heard a moan and groan from Sakura as the group looked at her as she slowly sat up from the sofa then Sarada placed her arm around her Mother's back and her right hand on her Mother's shoulder while Saya took the soaked dishtowel and put it back into the bowl, Saya then placed the back of her hand on Sakura's forehead then her cheeks then finally Saya went around them and sat on her knees and is now sitting next to Sarada on her left side as she gently pulled up Sakura's blouse and placed her hand on Sakura's back then Saya sighed in relief and looked at Sarada with a smile "Mom will be alright, she doesn't have a fever or burning up." she said and hearing this from her made the other three sigh in relief too as Saya pulls down Sakura's blouse again.

Sakura slowly turned her body to have a better look at Saya "So I wasn't dreaming..." Sakura started then she looked at Kuro and then back at Saya once more "Who are you two?." Sakura said as she was a little scared that she was looking at two preteens, then Sakura looked at Ren and looked at Sarada "Will one of you please give me an answer!..." she said as Ren came up and pulled out the data pads from his bag and gave them both to Sakura "It's honestly a long story Mrs. Uchiha." Ren said as Sakura rolled her eyes "Oh for Kami's sake Ren, I kept telling you, you can call me Sakura okay." she said as Ren nodded and Sakura had a look through the data pads looking around to understand the two preteens but Sakura was shocked and her eyes were widened for a minute or two then she narrowed her eyes and gritted her teeth "OH!... Orochimaru has a lot of explaining to do..." she said as she then looked at both Kuro and Saya, but after a few minutes of calming down a bit she sighed and put the pads down and rubbed the bridge of her nose "I... I... I don't know how to feel about this but..." she paused for a few seconds looking at them both "I just don't know about all this..." she said as she hunched over and rubbing her forehead then Saya sat next to Sakura "Um... Mom..." Saya started but she paused and flinched as Sakura still had a narrow expression as Sakura looked at her "Sorry... But I... I know it's a lot to take in... But... Please don't throw us out... If it wasn't for Ren and Sarada we'd be suck in those bath tanks for Kami's knows how long... But please... We don't know this world... We don't have anywhere else to go... But whatever choice you make is final..." Saya said as she was wanting to know what it's like to have a family and not be suck in a base for the rest of her life but then Sakura sighed, "I'll let you stay for tonight, but tomorrow we're going to see the Hokage." Sakura said as Saya's face lit up and smiled softly as she openly hugged Sakura leaving Sakura surprised and blinked several times as she wasn't sure how to react "Thank you, I wouldn't stand being in the cold." Saya said as she hadn't let go of Sakura but Sakura's heart was beating fast as if she had a connection to her already then she turned her head to Ren "Ren, please show your friend the guest room and help him set up." she started as Ren nodded and Kuro followed Ren for the guest room.

"Wait!..." Sakura said as Ren and Kuro stopped and turned to Sakura with raised brows and even Sarada and Saya were a bit puzzled, Sakura hesitated for a minute but then she looked at Kuro "What... Is your name," she asked as she waited for an answer "It's Kuro... Kuro Uchiha..." he said as he said it with pride with his blood and name as Sakura showed a soft smile then she turned to Saya "And yours?." she asked once more "It's Saya... Saya Uchiha..." she said as everyone is still a bit puzzled of what Sakura was thinking, "You're staying" she started as everyone was confused about her words "I'm giving you both permission to stay as long as you want, but the choice is still up to the Hokage of your fates... But... As of right now and until this is sorted out... You're both staying." she said as Kuro doesn't show much emotion or expression but he does show a soft smile then he left the living room to go with Ren to sort out the guest room, Sakura turned her head to Sarada "Sweetie, please show Saya to your room." she said as both Saya and Sarada's faces lit up and hugged Sakura "Thank you thank you!, I promise you won't regret it." Saya said as she looked up at Sakura with tears of joy streaming down her face and a soft smile on her lips Sakura looked at her and smiled with caring eyes as both Uchiha girls got up and went to Sarada's room, after a few minutes Sakura was looking through the data pads then she looked at the living room entrance and saw Ren as she was a little startled "Oh... Sorry Sakura, Kuro has settled into the guest room and both Saya and Sarada are having too much fun together in their room, and I'm just leaving so my Mom doesn't get worried." he said as Sakura nodded and smiled "Thank you Ren, and... If and only IF Lord Seventh lets me have them, I'm saying in advance... Thank you for bringing them home." she said as Ren softly smiled and nodded then he waved and left the house heading back to his own home.

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