Chapter 8: Crow Castle Part 3: Ren VS. Aya and Lila

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Both Aya and Lila lunged for Ren as he dodged Lila's strike then he quickly pulled out a kunai and started to fight Aya "Oh poo, I missed him!." Lila said as she got a glare from Aya "I NEW IT YOU DO LOVE HIM!." Aya yelled as she went all out to try and hit Ren "Oh grow up Aya, you're so easy to tease these days." Lila said as she pulled out her kunai and threw it at Ren making him dodge the kunai only to get kicked in the face by Aya causing Ren to be sent flying across the training room and smacked his back to a broken pillar "AH!." he yelled in pain as he fall off the pillar and landed on his stomach first to the ground then he placed his left arm at his stomach holding it from the pain then he looked at the girls, both Lila and Aya smirked at Ren as they walked towards him "Such easy pray, wouldn't you agree Aya." Lila said as Aya nodded in agreement "Yes I do agree, our little Ren is easy to pray on." she said as Ren sharply got on one knee and started up a jutsu causing the two to stop and get ready to dodge whatever he throws at them "FIRE STYLE: NOVA BLAST!." he yelled as he extends his hand out to the girls and a giant fireball comes out of his hand and fired at the girls but they dodged it and the fireball hits the ground causing an explosion leaving a crater behind and made a rumbling noise also as Aya landed on a different broken pillar and Lila landed on a railing, "My my, someone has been training super well, still we won't go down that easily Ren." Lila smirked and looked at Ren as she lunged for Ren while Aya was speechless and her heart skipped a beat just seeing how powerful Ren had become "I am so in love right now." she said and smirked like a crazy girl as she turned her gaze from the crater to Ren "Screw using Ren as a vessel, we're just going to make him ours and ours only Lila." Aya said as Ren just kneed Lila in the stomach causing her to slide across the ground and stopped next to Aya "I so much agree, let's just try and control him once he's beaten." she said as Aya nodded in agreement as they both lunged for Ren once more.

In the meeting hall, the Shadowfall members were still giving each other reports of their findings and they hadn't discussed their true plans yet but suddenly they felt the rumbling from the training room as they all looked around, "What was that?." Kaito said as the other members shrugged and tried to figure out where it came from but Erika smirked and then spoke up "I do believe that was our training room, I can sense someone else with our little girls." she said as everyone sharply looked at each other then Kaito spoke up "Who can you sense Erika?." he asked but Erika's smirk didn't fade "Why the one needed for our plans." she said as everyone's eyes widened "Those little witches will kill Ren, we must stop them." Kaito said as everyone nodded in agreement and rushed off to head for their training room while Erika stayed behind and her smirk faded as she looked around the room, Erika stopped looking around and sat on Kaito's chair and had her legs on the table and crossed "Okay, you lot can come out now." she said as Kuro, Konohamaru, Cipher, and Mitsuki came out of their hiding spots but Sarada was still in her spot still frozen in anger then Konohamaru crossed his arms "Tell us why is going on and why is Ren so important for your plans." he demanded while Kuro and Mitsuki took Sarada out of her hiding spot and took the lampshade off her head but as soon her eyes set sight to Erika she slowly calms down and lowers her fist "Are you alright miss? You looked like you wanna kill someone?." Erika asked as Sarada took a few deep breaths and answered her question "I'm in a bad mood that I'm going to punch my Ren to the moon for lying to us about those tunnels." Sarada said as she crossed her arms and had a small sad expression, "Don't be mad at Ren Ren, he did it for a reason." she started as everyone's ears perked up and Sarada was listening to the most "He knows how strong everyone is, and made sure you find what you're looking for while he would take on us." she said as Sarada was now very worried about Ren for doing this for her and her teammates then Kuro spoke up looking at Erika "Please tell us what's going on and why is Ren so important?." he asked as Erika sighed softly then suggested everyone to take a seat so she tells them what they need Ren for "I hope you're listening well because I won't repeat myself." she said as everyone nodded and ready to listen to their plans.

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