Chapter 6: Crow Castle Part 1: Erika Shadowfall

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It had been a couple of hours after they left the Hokage Tower and soon after they left the ramen cafe with confidence on their faces Ren was hoping that they wouldn't bump into Aya or Kaito again as Team 7 went to the main gates to meet with Konohamaru who was waiting for them and was eating some ramen in a pot, but once the group arrived Konohamaru had just finished eating and put his empty pot into a storage scroll and looked at his team "So, It's four of you this time." he started as he looked at Ren, Kuro, Sarada, and Mitsuki "Where's Boruto? He always likes going on missions?." he said and rubbed the back of his head Sarada spoke up and explained the situation but he left out about Ren being Naruto's son as she felt it could cause something "Well... I guess it can't be helped, and that boy needs to control his temper." he said as the others nodded in agreement then everyone started to leave Konoha to their assigned mission with Ren leading the way to Crow Castle, after an hour of walking Ren slowed a bit and was walking by Sarada "Why didn't you say to sensei who I am?." he asked as Sarada had a sad expression and slightly looked away "Because... It's between us." she started then she looked at Ren "And I don't want anyone to cause a fuss over it." she said as Ren softly smiled "Ren I wouldn't mind Sarada, but... I just your judgment." he said as they both smiled at each other then paid attention where they're walking while within the trees the stranger from yesterday is watching them from afar and bidding his time to approached them while minding his own surroundings and making sure no one gets the drop on him or Team 7, after a long three day walk where they haven't put up camp and Sarada was mostly carried by either Ren or Kuro while Mitsuki would get carried by Konohamaru as the team had finally set up camp on their third night while poking at the fire Sarada had a smile on her face that she was happy to have a best friend who is the second son of Naruto and she's also happy to have siblings even if they were made in a lab but Sarada turned her head to Ren and Kuro "Alright you two get the fire wood, the fire is going down." she said as she still had her smile on her face then both Ren and Kuro looked at each other and then back at Sarada.

"I don't want to cause anything, Sarada, but why do we both have to go?" Ren asked as Sarada was on her knees. She turned her body to them, her fists on her hips. "Because I'm the second Leader of this team, so it's an order." she said with a big cheesy smile as Ren sharply stood up while Kuro was a little confused and remained seated on the log, "You too, Kuro," Sarada said as Kuro just shrugged and got up off the log. "Whatever you say, fearless team leader." he said with a hint of bothersome and annoyance tone as Kuro and Ren went off to find wood for the campfire, but once they left, Konohamaru and Mitsuki came back with fresh water and put down the bottles "Second Team Leader huh!." Konohamaru said as Sarada looked at him, "Well, I think it's fair, sensei. It's only Saya and me in this team, and there are more boys in the team." she said as Konohamaru listened and had his hands on his hips "That is fair... Then alright you're second team leader Sarada, and Saya will be the third team leader." he said as Sarada smiled and nodded then she looked at the fire and poked it a bit to keep it going, ten minutes later within the woods Ren and Kuro were still looking for wood for the fire "It must have rained at some point, most of these sticks are too damped." Ren said as he picked up a few more sticks. "I agree, Ren. We aren't going to have enough to keep that fire going," Kuro said as they both regrouped and showed they only had a handful of sticks. "I just know Sarada will have a field day at this," Ren said as he imagined that Sarada would chase them around, being angry for only coming back with a few sticks for the fire. "Either way, Ren, let's keep looking and see if we can find anymore." Kuro said as Ren nodded in agreement, but as soon Ren turned around and Kuro looked past him, they both froze in place and got into their stance of the stranger who helped them, standing a few trees away wearing a mask that looked like it was an owl "Who are you?." Ren asked, but his fear was showing too much.

"Just call me Cipher, and you're showing too much fear, Ren Uzumaki," Cipher said as he approached the two but stopped just a few feet away. Ren was a little spooked and surprised that Cipher knew him, "What do you want, Cipher?." Kuro asked as he didn't back down or show he was scared of him. "An alliance!." Cipher said as Ren and Kuro raised a brow and looked at each other, then back to Cipher. "What sort of an alliance?." Ren asked as both he and Kuro kept their guard up, not knowing what Cipher could do, "I help you with your mission to Crow Castle." he started as Ren and Kuro were surprised that he knew of their mission to Crow Castle. "But in return, I want to come back to Konoha with you all," he said as he stood there and crossed his arms, waiting for an answer from one of them. "We... We can't make this alliance with you; we have to discuss it with the others, too!." Ren said, still slightly surprised by the offer that Cipher proposed, "That's fine by me, as long we work together on this." Cipher said as both Ren and Kuro weren't sure of this sudden alliance; just as Cipher turned around to head for their camp, he stopped and looked back at them. "Don't bother trying to find wood. It's too wet in this forest," he said as the two kept the sticks they had in their hands and walked back with Cipher but kept their distance a little as Cipher kept walking back with them, but after half an hour getting back, Ren stood on a twig. It snapped and alerted the others, but they were surprised that Ren and Kuro returned with the stranger who helped them a little from Kaito. "Wha... What's going on here!." Sarada said as she got up and stepped away from the campfire. Mitsuki stood beside his tent unfazed, and Konohamaru got into his stance and was ready for anything.

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