Adventure in the desert

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"Okay, here's what my CIA contact says. The ancient Sumerians used to call the Gulf of Aqaba the Dagger's tip." Simmons told us. "Yeah, Jetfire talked about it. I added. "It's part of the Red Sea. It divides Egypt and Jordan like the tip of a blade. 29.5 degrees north, 35 east. Here it is." He told us, showing us the place. "We have to get Optimus to the dagger's Tip." I told them. "How are you gonna get him halfway around the world?" Leo asked, confused. I just smirked at him. Give me a phone. I need to call somewhere." "Are you sure?" Sam asked, worried. "Yeah, he said he'd always be there to help." I said, smiling.

"We've got cops." Sam told us. "We started going faster, but they kept chasing us. "While Leo freaked out again. "I can't go to prison!" He yelled. "We got to get off-road, lay off." Simmons said. We drove further until we found a side road where nobody was. Bee and the twins hung from the building's roof. "Man, stupid cops." One of the twins said. "This is what's called blending like a ninja," the other one added. "Shut up, or I blend my fist in your face." "Stop fighting." Sam told them.

"They're gone," Mikaela told us. "Okay, we're running out of time." Sam said, "We need a phone." I told them, looking around the place. "Can you tell us your plan now?" Leo asked me. "Okay, I need to call Lennox, so they can bring him..." I started, "You're on the Worldwide Wanted list. Try calling one base, they'll track you here in seconds. CIA is all over this place." Simmons said angry.

"Shit, I forgot." I mumbled, thinking for a moment. "All right, I trust your agent's abilities now." I told him. "I mean, I just had my mind on other things. Like winding up in an Egyptian prison." "Yeah yeah." I said, pulling him after me. "We searched for a few minutes until we found a phone. "Alright, go; we don't have much time." I told Simmons, pushing him to the phone.

Lennox, I'm with the girl. Solider, you know the one in love with the big car boss, right? We need the truck. The truck. We've got a possible resurrection going on over here. You're not going to believe where we are. Code Tut, as in King Tutankhamen. Back of a $1 Bill. Coordinated for airdrop, 29.5 north, 34.888 east. Write it down. Write it. They said-Oh my god, I've gotta go. Okay, head comes." Simmons told Lennox and ended the call.

Leo suddenly started jogging towards us. "Wait. It's me. Leo. Me. Leo. Leo. Leo. Cops are coming right now. We need to go." He said and started running. "Please let it work." I mumbled, running away with the others. Back on the road, we still tried to find out what we have to do now. "Okay, let's go over it again." "When the dawn alights the Dagger's Tip, the Three kings will reveal the doorway." We all said loudly.

"That's what he said. You know what that means?" Simmons asked me. "No, you, Sam?" Suddenly, Leo freaked out again, and we saw a gate. "Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Checkpoint. Checkpoint. I don't have my passport." Leo said. "Be quiet." Sam told him. "Passport." One of the soldiers said in Arabic. "All right, chill. This is espionage now. I can handle it. These are my people. I'm one thirty-sixth Arab." Simmons told us calm, while I looked at him stupid. "One-thirty-sixth? Not enough!" I whispered and yelled at him. The guard walked around Bee until he stopped at one window.

Simmons started to speak Arabic with him: "Egypt, Jordan. We want to go there. Me and my family. This is my family." He said, now in English.

"My daughter," he said, pointing at Me. "My sons," he said, pointing at Sam and Leo, "And his girlfriend." He said pointing at Mikaela. "Fifty kilometers." The guard said, pointing in a direction. "You look like the guy that runs my falafel school. Thank you very much. I know. I know you from somewhere." Simmons told the guard while driving away. "Your great Simmons. I said padding his shoulder. "I know" He answered confident.

I was peacefully sleeping in Bee's alt mode when I suddenly heard Sam and Mikaela's yelling. I got up and out of Bee, walking over to them. "Come here, Y/n!" Sam yelled. "Yes, I'm coming, can't you see?" I asked him, annoyed. We all gathered in a room with Bumblebee looking through the window. "Astronomy class, page 47. Did you read it?" Sam asked us all. "No, I was only at college for 2 days." Leo answered. "Right. Okay. Come here. Get up." Sam said, and we all went outside. It was already getting brighter, but the stars were still there.

"Look! Those three stars in the sky. See them? That very last star which touches the horizon? That star is Orion's belt, but it's also called the Three Kings, and why? Because three Egyptian kings who built the pyramids of Giza built them to mirror those stars, so it's like an arrow." Sam told us "Staring us right into the face." Mikaela said right after him. "They all point due east, towards Jordan. The mountains of Petra." Simmons said, pointing to the stars. "Then we have to hurry." I said running up to Bee.

"Bee, come on, transform; we have to hurry." He transformed, and me, Mikaela and Sam got in the other two got in the twins. On the way, I explained everything to Bee while Sam and Mikaela sat in the back. I looked around and saw a few cliffs. "Alright, stop here, Bee." I said, and we all got out. "It's gotta be here somewhere." Simmons said, walking over to us. We looked around for a few minutes until we saw a huge doorway. "You see the size of this? You see this?" Simmons asked us excitedly. "Spectacular," Skids, one of the twins, said. Bee took me on his hand and helped me up the doorway, after that, he got up himself and looked around. "It has to be here somewhere." Sam said. "Yeah, why? 'Cause we're trusting Grandpa Blackbird, who doesn't even know what planet he is on?" Leo asked him while I slapped him on the back of his head. "Yeah." I said annoyed. "In his defense, this is the biggest doorway I've ever seen in my entire life." Simmons said looking around.

"Okay. Well, that's great. Let me do a quick search, all right? Nope. Ever cross your mind, guys, that archeologists have been here before? There's nothing here." Leo said. I still looked around, hoping to find anything. "Real life is heartbreaking. Despair, kid. Sometimes you get to the end of the rainbow, and the leprechauns went and boody-traped it!" Simmons said down "I'm listening to you?" You live with your mother!" Leo argued. "It can't be over." I said sad. "It is over. It's done." Leo told us, and I slowly sank to the ground. "It can't be over," I mumbled.

"Why are we still listening to you, punk-ass? I mean, what have you ever done for us expect to ding my rim?" Mudflap the other twin said. "Killed Megatron how about that?" Skids said. "Well, she didn't get the job done, you know what I mean. 'Cause he is back now..."

The moment those words left Mudflaps mouth, a gun was pointed at his head. "You better-----watch your mouth." Bee said angry. He put the gun down again and went to the entrance looking outside. "Are you scared?" Skids asked Mudflap after Bee's threat. "Scared? Scared of your ugly face." He said angrily and pushed Skids, "I'm ugly? We're twins, you stupid genius." He said and attacked Mudflap. "Bring it, then." Mudflap said, and they started fighting. They pushed each other until another autobot stopped them.

"Uhh Y/n." I heard Sam and looked down at him. "What is?" "Look." He said, pointing to a wall where now was a crack because of the twin's fight. "The symbols." I muttered,"Bee. Please shoot." I said he fired at the wall after the other ran out and I hid behind him. When we looked again there was a little cave so we all went inside. "The primes..." I mumbled, then I saw it.

"Guys, I found the Matrix!" I shouted, and they all ran to me. I put my hands under it, trying to lift it up, when the Matrix suddenly turned into dust. "No." I mumbled "no. No! NO!" I yelled angry, "Thousand years turned into dust." Simmons mumbled while I fell to my feet in sadness. "Hear that?" Simmons asked and ran outside, where he could hear an airplane. I took a little bag and put the dust in there. "You can't bring him back, Y/n. Nothing is left." Sam said. "Don't talk like that. I don't care what I have to do or sacrifice; I will bring him back." I said and took my things and left the grave.

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