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Thursday was hectic, but it was time for the interview with jenson, which the girl wasn't ready for.

Walking into the room, she saw henrys helmet and a photo of him and emily together.

"Hey, maybe you should start a shrine. I had a shrine of Toto growing up." Emily joked jenson, laughing.

"Emily, what was you and henry like. What was the relationship here."

"He was my brother. He came for birthdays, Christmas, and celebrations. My parents were going to adopt him. I loved henry with my whole heart, and losing him was probably the worst pain of my life." Emily said quietly, playing with her rings on her fingers.

"You and henry used to go around the paddock pranking drivers and presenters. Do you still do that." Jenson asks, and the girl sat for a few seconds thinking about her reply, but she just decided to talk.

"I do sometimes. I mean, you never really stop mourning right, but you grow as a person, so when i do something that i did with henry, i remember him. Someone called me emmy a few days ago, which was what henry called me, but for some reason, it made me happy, which was new." Emily smiles, feeling tears in her eyes.

"If he was alive, where do you think he would be?"

"I think he would be a world champion, no doubt about that. He was leading the championship when he crashed, and god, he could have won." Emily said, tears now grazing her cheek.

"He would have won many of them." Jenson smiled reasuringly, but the girl wiped her tears.

"The funny thing is we were planning his after party for the race the day he crashed. I knew he committed his whole life to this sport, and when he was on his own, he continued working two jobs to get to f1, and when he got there he took me to races he cared for me and payed for things no one else would pay for when he was my age." Emily smiles, looking at some photos of him.

"This is going to make me cry." Jenson whispers the girl, smiling at him with tears going down her face.

"Ok, so i was lucky enough to race beside him,  and he was a fantastic smooth racer who drove without any fault. He raced beside Sebastian, who said henry was better than him. Do you blame anyone for the crash?" Jenson asked, and the girl had a replay of the crash in her head.

"I think the same situation came back. It was after the passing of jules bianchi, who was a very close friend of henrys, and that is the reason me and charles are so close now. Henry was pushing himself to win it for jules, and well, he crashed." Emily explained jenson, nodding with agreement.

"Is that why you were panicked at spa after antoine lost his life. You were panicked for charles, pierre and esteban." Jenson said, and emily was quick to agree.

"Ok, to finish this interview, I was told to show you something, and Sky spoke to everyone about it, and they want us to show this to you, but emily, if you want me to stop it please tell me." Jenson said the girl nodded.

They heard the crash, and she heard the sheer panic in henrys voice. He panicked for a few seconds, and there were a few words shared until there was a break.

"Hey, christian, can you make sure this is recorded because i never really thought about this dying situation until now." Henry sighed, and christian sighed.

"Henry, you aren't going to die."

"You hope. Anyway. I want to say that there is this young driver called emily norris. She is incredibly talented but has been pushed back to a lower ability because she is a woman, and trust me, she is fantastic, so one day, when she does make it to f1 atleast consider her. She is my little sister, and i love her more than i love life.
Thank you so much for this opitunity, and emmie, if you do hear this, give them hell. Show them who you are and who taught you everything, i love you, little sister."

The video ended, and emily let out a sob covering her mouth. She looked at jenson, her hands shaking, and he nodded to the door, and she quickly agreed, rushing out, trying to catch her breath.

"No, no." Emily panicks seeing fans and press, so she sprinted to the garage, seeing christian, Max, and Sebastian talking.

"Emily." Christian said, watching her run to her drivers room.

"They showed her the video." Christian said, and Sebastian glared at him, turning to the door whilst Max looked at the adults confused.

"I told you she wasn't ready. Especially at this track where he died christian." Sebastian snapped, walking to her drivers room.

Emily sat trying to calm herself down, but she heard the knock at the door, which made her panic even more.

"I don't want any scolding right now, ok?we I will go finish the thing with jenson in a second, and i will explain to the press later." Emily snapped, and the door opened, showing Sebastian stood looking at her with an understanding expression.

"Can i come in?" Sebastian asked, seeing the nod, so he walked over to her, turning to her shaking.

"You know, when i heard that I had the same reaction. He left me a letter you know, he told me to look after you. He really loved you, emily, and he would be very proud." Sebastian said, hoping this would calm her down.

"It is insane to think he is the reason the halo was invented because to drivers died. Slightly fucked up don't you think?" Emily laughed to herself Sebastian humming turning to her.

"By the way, you doing the run with me?" Sebastian asked the girl, nodding with a smile on her face.

She was a massive fan of Sebastian growing up, and now to be able to sit beside him and have this talk made emily have a reality check.

"Can i ask what's going on between you and verstappen then?" Sebastian laughed the girl, throwing a pillow at him laughing to herself.

"Woah ok right. Also, I have opinions on people saying I am a female version of you because, hey, I take that as a compliment." Emily smiles, looking in her mirror, sorting out her makeup.

"Just don't let them talk too much about you being something you are better than." Sebastian joked the girl glaring at him.



unedited of course.

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