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"What's the plan today?" Max asked emily, who thought for a few seconds, sitting in his bed yawning.

"I don't want to see many people today." Emily whispers, and Max agreed, hearing the knock at the door the two groaning whilst Max got up to answer it.

"Where is my sister? You are not allowed near her verstappen i swear to god." Lando yelled, emily pulling max away from the door, sitting him down, and she took off her necklace, sliding it under the door.

"Emily, open the fucking door." Lando yells banging on it even more so she opened it then closed it in his face max laughing to himself.

"Please, emily. I love you ok, I was mad when i had no right to be." Lando says, and the girl opened the door pushing lando against the wall.

"You know how much i am struggling, and you just threw me away like nothing. It was meant to be me and you, lando. You didn't say congratulations. You just hugged me, which is cute, but why not a I am proud of you, emily?" Emily spat at her brother, who stood listening.

"I was jealous, ok, how can my little sister beat me at everything." Lando yells, making emily roll her eyes.

"I have been jealous of you my whole life. You had friends, you weren't bullied, you karted without being told that you aren't allowed to, mum and dad respect you, the fand adore you and you got into formula one with pure ease but i still supported you lando." Emily snapped to her brother, who stood shocked.

"Mum and dad want to talk to you." Lando whispers, sending a glare at Max, who walked out of his room showing emily her key card, and she nodded.

"Tell them i don't have to their daughter if they don't want me to be. Also, not showing up to henrys thing was way too much lando." She said furiously before walking after max.

"It's all over the press. A drone caught us, and then people overheard mine and landos conversation last night." Emily told Max as they were both watching princess and the frog.

"Ignore them if they ask tell them it isn't their buisness." Max says, playing with her hair as she rests in his arms, scrolling through social media.

"Positive fan feedback holy shit." Emily mutters reading through the positive posts.

"People hate on her because she is pretty."

"Why can't people understand that people need to be alone."

"She is amazing to stand up for heidi against the paparazzi."

"She is such an icon, she way she stood up to her parents."

"Her and max would be adorble."

"She literally the queen of formula one and max is the king."

"Forever a fan."

"Mental health is a thing. People who don't respect that need to get a life."
Emnorris- can i thank you so much for saying this, and there are so many people in the world staying quiet due to people not caring.
Sebastianvettel- do i smell emily making a big stand for something.
Maxverstappen1- she is planning it now. Thanks, Sebastian.

"Mental health month is in two months." Max says to emily, who was thinking silently whilst tapping her nails together.

"Can we go to the store?" Emily whispered to max whi grinned, grabbing a hat and sunglasses emily doing the same. The two looked at each other, laughing quietly.

Opening the door, emily sees George and alex yelling at lando.

"Mate, we care about her more than you think right now. So does charles and carlos and the others, even Max, is looking after her better than you. She is a grown woman who has been through hell, and you aren't helping. You saw how sad she was on thursday but you chose to be your parents' golden boy." Alex snapped max and emily, looking at each other trying to think of a plan.

"Just walk past." Max whispers, speeding up walking past the three drivers calmly, and they all ignore him. She just looked at him shocked, putting her hands on her hips, planning something.

She saw alex and George look at her, the two laughing stepping forward, letting her past, but they started walking backwards covering the girls body the two brits waving to lando before going into the elevator turning to max.

"Look, i think this would be cute, but her brother isn't in the right mindset to set the rules, so i will, and everyone would agree with me," George says turning to alex who nodded.

"You will have her safe and back to wherever everyone else is before one in the morning. You will make sure she comes home safe, and if she is drunk, make sure she is back in bed and her phone is out of reach because no more sending death threats to your ex em." Alex ranted max, looking at emily, who looked at him, surprised.

The two older drivers look at one another with a weird look, stepping out the elevator going into a corner.

"Ok, ignore the last part. Just be a gentleman and make sure you are both safe and happy. No fighting." George says, patting max' back before walking away alex turning to Emily.

"Love you take care." Alex kisses her cheek running after george, and the girl turns to Max, grabbing his hand and pulling him after her, but she stops seeing her parents and Lando arguing with Christian.

"I am allowed in that garage. That is my daughters place, and i want to watch her." Adam demanded to the team boss who laughed mockingly.

"So you finally are showing an intresting in your daughters job because last year when she was working with redbull, you didn't stop by to check in. After she has finally stood up for herself, you show an interest, not happening here."  Christian says, and Max held emilys hand tighter, pulling her behind him smoothly.

"Stop acting like you are her father. She is not perfect." Adam snapped lando, slowly walking over to the two who were listening.

"I will make this up to you." Lando nudges her, the girl turning to him with an annoyed glance.

"No one is perfect, but she is probably better than half my drivers i have had. She is a natural at what she does media wise and driving wise. When was the last time you told emily you were proud of her because The first time i said it to her, she had a weird reaction." Christian snapped and immediately adam left.

"Lol." Emily and max say at the same time.



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