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Sat in the post race interview, emily was almost asleep listening to them all talking to daniel.

"Daniel, would you of rathered you won that race because you seemed happier with emily winning it."

"Honestly, emily winning it is more of me winning it because realistically, i am her fairy godmother." Daniel says, emily laughing to herself, picking her mic up.

"I have once woken up to daniel in a fairy costume, so he isn't wrong." The girl agreed, yawning.

Max looked at her, kicking her feet, the two now just kicking each other to see who moves.

"Max, you threw the hat at emily. Did you have any violent intentions with that?"

"Oh no, you did not start this, did you?" Daniel mutters, putting his face in his hands, the girl chuckling to himself.

"Should have acted like it hurt. Christian loves when we start drama." Emily teases knowing the press was eating this up. She looked at Max, who sent her a glare.

"Max and emily. Do you still have a rivalry because a lot of the fans are hoping for you two to get together." Will buxton says and emily sits up.

"When it is raining, the track is wet. You know what im trying to say." Emily teases playfully, the man rolling his eyes laughing.

"Are you doing drive to survive yes or no?" Will pressures the girl who frowned, crossing her arms, turning to Max and daniel.

"I am the main character. Don't worry." Daniel says the girl laughing to herself, playing with her rings once again, hearing questions being asked towards max.

"Do you and emily still hate each other?"

"Well, we didn't start off in the best way, but i feel like the team is hating us for being arseholes." Max admitted emily kicking max harder in the shins this time.

"Ok, ok, it was mostly me." Max admitted.

After taking the team photos, emily sees christian and Sebastian talking, so she walks over with her backpack on.

"Has anyone seen my parents?" Emily asks, and christians face falls, looking at his youngest driver who had a smile on her face.

"They weren't at the podium or at farc ferme." Christian says, and all emily did was nod walking to the mclaren garage to see her mum and dad talking to lando, reasuring him of something.

"Emily!" Max calls out walking over to the girl, and he sees what she saw. The two stood together, full of anger, but emily decided to ignore it.

"Wait no, fuck this." Emily snapped spotting that her parents and lando were leaving mclaren so she stormed over.

"If lando won, you would have been there for him. If he got a podium, you would have been there for him, right? Why do you not care about to. especially at this place on this day." Emily cries her hands balled up into fists.

"Emily, stop being spoilt for one second." Her father says, and the girl begins to laugh whilst still crying.

"I won my first f1 race at the age of 22 whilst lando, who is twenty-three, has had more podiums, then i have had races, but no i know the fans will be saying its the car and i know people would believe its beginners luck because he would want to get beaten by lando norris' sister because thats all who i am." Emily shouts, and she knew everyone was watching, but she didn't care.

"Stop making a fool of yourself." Her mother snapped, but emily was way too emotional to stop.

"No, i am sick of people wanting me to be someone else. I am a fucking formula one winner, i am not a model, not a lawyer and not a fucking buisness woman that you both wanted me to be. I am someone who is making history, and you don't care." Emily shouts max, walking over to her, taking her hand.

"Come on, let's go celebrate." Max says, and the girl nodded, wiping her tears following him.

"Hello." Lando answered his phone at around 2 a.m., hearing his sister giggle.

"You know, growing up, i used to have this whole plan that when i won, i would give you my helmet, and when you won, you would give me yours." Emily slurs sat on a bench in a park.

"Emily, i don't care." Lando scoffs about to hang up the call.

"Lando, can you come pick me up?" She whispers, her voice laced with pain and fear, but lando laughed to himself hanging up the call.

Lando knew she needed to say what she said to her parents, but in front of everyone. It hurt him that she won anyway, and he knew that was selfish, but he couldn't help it.

The day after came and lando was woken up by banging on his door, which he tried to ignore, but it didn't stop.

"Please tell me she is with you." Max pleaded looking at lando, who stared at Max with shock.

He looked a mess, pale, panicked, and messy. It seemed like he hadn't slept, which he hadn't.

"What, who?" Lando asked, and Max shook his head, walking into the brits' room, grabbing his phone and doing face I.D

He called emilys number, which made Lando immediately understand what was happening.

"Can you not find her?" Lando asked in panic max, shaking his head at him.

"She said she wanted to go home and went to call you, but when i went outside, i found her jacket and nothing else. No one has heard or seen from her since then, and she won't answer anyone. What did you say to her." Max snapped, looking at his best friend who stayed silent.

"Lando, i don't want to talk right now." Emily whispers, answering the phone and max took a deep breath relaxing instantly.

"Emmie, where are you?" Max asked slowly and quietly, waiting for her response.

"You know, max, you were right. Nobody wants me here, i am a waste of space i mean, my brother doesn't even want me here." Emily cries, and Max throws the phone immediately knowing where she was.

Max got into the elevator and went to the top floor. He saw the steps he needed to climb and sprinted to the top, thanking god he does what his trainer says.

"Emily!" Max yells. His heart dropped, seeing the girl standing at the edge of the building looking down.

It's a situation no one should be in for her or for Max, but here they both were in the cold breeze of the Australian night. She let out a breath, turning to Max, who let a tear drop from his eye.

"Just step away from the edge, and we will talk. We will run away together and do whatever you want." Max whispers to emily slowly approaching her, but she doesn't move she just sits down staring at the city of melbourne.

"This is pathetic. I am pathetic. This is why I don't deserve to be here." Emily cries, turning to Max, who sat beside her, the two drivers letting their feet dangle.

"Growing up, my dad used to say i was meant to be a truck driver. He left me at a gas station when i was younger, and he told me i had to get you to leave redbull. I get you em." Max says and emily let out a sob grabbing max's hand.

She was drunk, very drunk, but she was sobering up slowly.

"I am not insane or depressed max, I just wish that life could be different." Emily whispered, and Max moved closer to her, wrapping his arms around the girl hugging her.

"Do you want to go on a date with me? If you don't kill yourself, of course, " Max asked, and emily looked at him with a confused look, but she nodded.

"I like you, emily, a lot. I think you are a great person, with a gorgeous smile and an adorable smile. You make me feel safe and comfortable, which i barely feel." Max says, and the girl smiled, shuffling away from the edge resting back, looking at the stars.

"I thought i was insane for thinking you were hot." Emily laughs to herself, max lying next to her, putting his jacket over the two.

"I am hot though." Max agreed with the girl and she just chuckled to herself.


This is a very sensitive topic and i want anyone to know that they are not alone if you are struggling with mental health. I love you all also....

Unedited ❤️

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