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"I can't believe you immediately bonded with my sister." Max laughs sipping on the wine in front of him, emily smiling.

"Well, i am just amazing max, you need to learn that." Emily teased, digging into her food with a smile on her face as Max watches her eat proudly.

"So, are you and lando speaking properly yet?" Max asks emily, tilting her head from side to side, looking at Max with a sad look.

The two spoke for an hour laughing, teasing, and flirting.

"Ok, so my first f2 race i was racing with a massive hangover, and i was racing against lando, alex, and George, and it was the year before they went up. I almost perished." Emily explains with a wide smile max, humming, listening to the story, and she continues to tell it.

"Do you not think the whole reputation of me being a monster is bad?" Max asks emily, who shook her head instantly, grabbing Max's hand.

"Max people interpret the person they see driving. You are terrifying on track, and when it comes to your job, and i know that because i got the wrath of mad verstappen, but you are a sweetheart. I hope to see soft max more." Emily says, and Max kisses her hand, still holding it.

"I am going to make up for everything i did to you, emmie." Max says, and the girl nodded with a large smile.

"I can't believe this is where we have ended up." Emily mutters after Max asked for the bill.

She looked at Max, who gave her a different look that she wasn't used to. It was loving, sweet, and happy. It made her happy.

"Here is the bill, sir." The man says, holding the machine for Max to pay, but emily quickly scans it with her card, the man walking away, leaving the two staring at one another.

"You have five seconds to run." Max snaps the girl grabbing her bag sprinting out of the restaurant giggling as Max chased her laughing with her.

The two ran to a street filled with music, and they walked hand in hand.

"I can't believe you paid. I took you out. Therefore, i pay." Max whispers into her ear, emily humming to the music being played.

Their was a crowd listening, and Max just sighed, grabbing her hand, spinning her the girl giggling dancing with the dutchman who pulled her closely to him.

They danced unnoticed until they felt eyes on them and emily hid her face in Max's chest, the blonde kissing the brunettes head.

"To the beautiful couple dancing over there." The women singing said in enlgish emily, slightly shocked, but 'I can't help falling in love with you'.

Other couples joined in, which made emily more comfortable, so she looked up to see Max smiling down at her.

"We got called a beautiful couple." Max whispers, spinning the girl around, and emily looks at him, tilting her head and waiting for the question.

"Are we a couple?" Emily asks, and Max stared at her before pulling her in for a kiss, and it felt perfect. Their lips fixed together like a puzzel piece from two different jigsaws.

"Ok, let me talk to christian before anything happens because I would happily lose my job to date you." Max smiles, emily hitting his chest, pulling him in for another kiss, and she saw cameras, so she quickly pulled Max's hood up.

"We should go somewhere more private." She whispered, looking at her teammate who nodded, swooping her from her feet.

They stood outside a club making out, which wasn't the brightest idea, but here they were.

"So max my love, are we keeping this a secret because i don't want lando to know yet he already hates me." Emily whispers, drawing cirles on max' back.

"Yeah, I get that." Max mutters, looking emily who just relaxed breathing in the italian air.

"Oh hey its my brother and bestfriend they are over there." A female voice says, and Max gave a confused look as he tried to find who said it, but emily spotted a woman being followed by two men who were drunk.

"OH MY GOD, where have you been?" Emily gasped, walking over, bringing the girl into a hug, and the two men smiled.

"Two for one." He whispers but spotted max walking over standing in front of the two girls.

"I don't think she knows you or wants to be near you both, so leave." Max snaps, and the men still lingered around trying to speak to the girl.

"Are you sure you know them?" One of the men asked, and emily took the girls hand and max's storming away.

"Are you ok?" Emily quickly asked the girl who broke into sobs hugging the girl, thanking her repeatedly.

"I am so sorry, i didn't know it was you, but thank you so much." The girl thanked emily now again, realising she spoke english.

"So many english speaking people in italy. My italian isn't paying off yet." Emily laughs, seeing the girl watching the footage of the men following her.

"Is it alright if i post this. By the way, i am a ferrari fan, but you two are a great couple, by the way, or you should be anyway." The girl says, and emily laughs, turning to Max, who smiled to himself.

"OH MY GOD!" The girl gasps emily laughing, shaking her head, grabbing her phone.

"Ok, i am going to get you a cab, and can i ask for your name?" Max says, and the girl thanked him, telling Max her name.


Edited. Honestly this is just for fun. 🫶🏻

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