Chapter One

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Dear diary, I am writing to you today as an order from my daddy. I've been a bit of a brat lately and daddy says it's a good way to get all my feelings out, he's good like that. He likes it when I draw and paint too. He pinky promised that he wouldn't read anything I wrote and gave me a special key to go with it to prove his honesty. I like my new daddy, although he's not that new, we've been together about a month now but I still get little tingles in my heart and butterflies in my stomach every time he enters the room or holds me. We met in hospital of all places. Yes you guessed it- he was my doctor. I was in for a suicide attempt- pills... I don't really want to go into that right now, but he saved me. Not only did he save me by bringing me back from near death but he saved me emotionally and mentally. I'd never had a daddy before- well not a proper one anyway, id had abusive "boyfriends" in the past who would demand me to call them daddy. I was always unwarily looking for a dominant partner, but was choosing the wrong ones. I was always going for the men who had to prove their masculinity by punching it into me. I never met my father, some might argue that that's the reason I'm looking for a dominant father figure- I mean I have to agree with them- daddy issues (non existent father) = seeking a partner to replace father figure. But at the same time I don't see anything wrong with that... do you? Anyways back to me and my daddy's first encounter.
We first properly met two days after my attempt, I was still in hospital and I'd been moved to the psychiatric emergency ward and I had a large room by myself. I woke to a young girl's cry out to her parents as she zoomed by on a hospital bed. I looked around trying hard to open my eyes, I was drowsy and had sharp nauseous pains in the pit of my stomach.
"Hello?" my mouth was dry, my throat ached as I tried desperately to squeeze sounds from it "hello?" I repeated "does anyone know where I am?" I looked around my room and down the hallway from my bed for what felt like hours.
"Ah miss Frenchkey, nice to see you up" a short, elderly nurse entered the room "took you a while but I knew you'd come around" I force a smile, I can feel my lips split and crack as I do so "yes-" was all I could get out until a pounding started in my head.
"Hush yourself darling and rest up some more, no need to push yourself" she said with a smile, pulling the blanket back over me and laying me back down.
"Thank you" I sighed
"No problem dear, I'll get you something for the pain and notify your doctor you've awoken."
Not long after she exited I dozed off and not long after that I was woken to a deep, husky voice. "Lacene" I open my eyes to see a tall, young male doctor gazing over me, he had dark brown hair and matching eyes. His skin was tanned and he had a gleaming white smile "afternoon, sorry to wake you Lacene but the nurse wants to take your blood pressure shortly and I need to ask you a few questions" he taps my shoulder again as I mumble and fidget in my bed "Lacene... is that alright?"
I slowly start to sit up and rub my eyes "its Lacey... everyone calls me Lacey." The doctor smiles and nods.
"how are you feeling today? Had a rough couple of days in here" he looks down at my forearm, there is fresh wounds and scaring on both my arms in the joint where they attach the catheter, I must have been distressed over the blood and fought them in my drugged stated.
"Oh no" I exclaim, the pain starts shooting up my arms from the realization and my cheeks flush red.
"Don't be embarrassed honey" the nurse from earlier enters the room consoling me after noticing my blushing. She proceeds to get my blood pressure and other tests as the doctor asks me some questions about what happened.
"I don't think I'm ready to answer anything personal just yet." I say after shrugging at a couple of his invasive questions. He looks at me with disappointment but at the same time he gives me an understanding smile followed by kind, soft eyes. I knew from the first meeting there was something about him. Something about the way he held himself when he walked, the way he looked into my eyes- as if to say 'why have you done this you stupid girl' but 'I want to help you'. Whatever it was about him, as soon as he walked out of the room I wanted him back sitting next to me.
"You'll never figure him out" the nurse chuckled as she filled out something on my chart.
"hm?" I say looking up.
"Dr. Steele" she looks at me with a cheeky grin "all us nurses have had running bets and theories about mysterious Dr. Steele since the week he got here" my attention is on her immediately
"What do you mean? No one knows anything about him?" I sit up in interest so much my back is almost arched.
"Oh plenty is known about him- well what the public knows about him but the rest is a complete mystery, he keeps to himself all the time."
"what do you mean 'the public'" I say using my hands as quotation marks.
"He's a Steele descendant"
"I don't know what you mean"
"Very old money my dear, very well known in the upper class community"
"So he's rich"
"Not just rich, he's worth millions... maybe billions of dollars, all his family are doctors and lawyers and scholars even though they really don't need the extra money. Could live off their name for at least 10 generations" she laughed. By the time she had finished her first two words I was off in fairy land. Why was he so mysterious and secretive and why did he make me feel all tingly inside. "Oh I see you've got that look" the nurse says chuckling as she puts my folder down "you won't get any more than a smile out of him, trust me darl. Every female patient gets that look when they meet him"
"What do you mean" I begin to blush and look down at my fidgeting fingers
"You've got a little crush" she smirks approaching the door "I'll leave you to it sweetheart, ill check-up in an hour" she leaves as I nod and begin picking at my fingernails and soon doze off again.

"I've got to stop finding you like this" I wake to his voice, the same deep tone as I did the day before "how are you feeling this morning? Nurse told me you slept straight through" I open my eyes to him towering over me, I can see his muscular frame through his white button up.
"I'm feeling a bit better today doctor" it was the truth, my head felt rested and it didn't hurt to talk as much.
"That's good to hear Lacey" he smiles as he takes a seat next to my bed "the big bosses are thinking of discharging you today, as it's your first attempt, how do you feel about that?" I shrug as I mimic his smile.
"That's fine, would be nice to be in my own bed"
"It was your first time right Lacey?"
I hesitate for a couple of seconds and then force a bigger smile. "yes-yes it was" he looks at me harshly.
"It's not good to lie Lacey" I can feel the guilt oozing from my face as my fake smile slowly lessens to a pout
"It was my first time" I lie "... and my last" I say hoping to make my lies more convincing.
"Well I suppose I'm going to have to believe you miss Frenchkey" he says with disappointment bellowing from his aura, he looks down at my chart and pulls a pen from his pocket "now are you ready to answer some of these questions for me before I send you home?" he says looking through the sheets of paper.
"ye- I don't know- I guess so" I mumbling, shrugging awkwardly. I wasn't feeling 100% and I just wanted to be home. He looks up quickly shooting me down with his glare, there is silence for a good thirty seconds before he scolds me softly, "It's not polite to mumble Lacey"
"I'm sorry" my reply is instant, I'm used to apologising quickly after being reprimanded.
"Good girl" he says moving his attention back to my files.

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