Chapter 5

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"What the hell are these doing here?" I hear daddy's footsteps as they stop about hallway down the hall. He's found them, he's seen my clothes. "Lacey, why on earth are your clothes thrown on the floor like this... are these your panties?!" his voice gets harsher and angrier with every word that exits his mouth. His footsteps then become faint as I realise he's walking in the other direction. He's walking towards my room, he will be even madder when he opens my door to find an empty bed. "Why aren't you in bed, little girl. Now's not the time to be playing hide and seek." I can hear him scrambling about my room trying to find me. It was my bedtime, daddy had put me to bed 3 hours ago and gone to his office to work. Meanwhile I had set myself up in his bed. My plan was to undress myself down the hall leading to his bedroom and pretend to masturbate under the covers of his bed. This way, when he found me, I would have broken one of his rules and one of his 'no- nos' which he defines as 'simple curtsies'. I'd never been in his room without him and I guess that's why he didn't think to look for me here first, which was quite annoying; id already been waiting for him in here for two hours and now he's stuffing around trying to find me in the wrong room.
At last! I hear his footsteps approaching again, the door swings open and the lights flash on. "What on earth are you doing in here you little brat?!" he almost screams, I can see rage pumping through his body. He approaches the bed and pulls off the covers, I lay there stark naked with my hands strategically positioned on my breast and between my legs. "Come here now" he says in an angry, yet quiet tone. I preferred when he yelled, it was much less scary. I don't move. "What have you done to yourself, kitten?" he looks down softening his expression, "This isn't good, you know this is a bad, bad thing, little girl." He sits at the end of the bed. "I don't want to have to punish you." He stares into my eyes from across the bed. I try to keep myself together as I notice the movement in his pants.
"I'm sorry daddy." I break, I couldn't take the guilt. All that time put into planning and execution and I give up so quickly, what's wrong with me?
"What's gotten into you lately?" why does he have to be so nice? Why couldn't he just stay mad and throw me over his knee?
"What's wrong with me daddy?" My eyes start to water.
"What do you mean?" his look changes to concern as he scoots over closer to me.
"You don't want to touch me."
"Is that what this is about? Because we haven't done grown up stuff yet?" he positions himself to lay next to me. "I thought this would happen." He sighs. "I don't want to rush you, I want things to be perfect." He pulls the blanket over us both and turns to face me, I do the same. "In fact I was planning this whole weekend around it."
"We were going to do it this weekend?!" my eyes widen, he chuckles at me and holds my hand.
"Yes kitten, I've been so busy lately that I wanted to take this weekend to make my baby girl happy."
"Oh daddy!" I snuggle into him and kiss his chest, I stop quickly with a sudden thought "I didn't ruin it all did I daddy? We can still go away can't we?"
"Of course sweetheart!" he chuckles, I have it all booked.

My alarm goes off, daddy let me sleep in today since it was the day of our big weekend away! I peer with one eye open at the pink alarm clock sitting on my bedside table; 10:30am. Daddy was going to swing by in his car on the way to the airport. Everything was packed and with daddy, he helped me plan my outfits for the weekend – there were so many frills! Since I already packed all there was to do was get ready, eat and wait. I walk to my ensuit, there is a green sticky note on the shower glass:

Good morning Lacey, hope you were a good girl and woke up when the alarm went off. Please don't wash that pretty hair of yours, princess. I want to do it for you when we have a bath together tonight.
Ps- the place has a GIGANTIC spa bath!
Love you my gorgeous girl.

How cute! He always knows how to make me feel special! I do as he says and pop on a cute vintage shower cap from the cupboard and hop in the shower. I wash myself and shave my legs and princess parts. I climb out of the shower and dry myself off, wrapping the towel around my body as I walk into my walk in wardrobe to find an outfit hanging on a hook along with another sticky note (this time it's pink):

Hello again baby girl, this is the outfit I want you to wear today, I spent quite a while ironing around the frills and lace, so please be careful and don't wrinkle it before I see you.
Love you.

Gosh I love these notes, wish he did them more often. I look up at the outfit; a baby blue dress that came to my mid-thigh. It was fitted with a lace up corset and trimmed with frills. On a hanger next to it was a pair of white bloomers and a matching laced bralette. Sitting on the floor, perfectly positioned under my hanging dress was a pair of ballet flats that were the exact same material as my dress, in the shoes were a white pair of thigh high socks fitted with a pretty blue bow.
I dress in a hurry, attempting not to get any wrinkles in my dress and do my hair. I couldn't decide whether to go with a plait or piggy tails, so I go with both- plaited pig tails!
When I am fully ready I head downstairs to the kitchen where chef is already dishing me up my breakfast/lunch. I check the clock on the wall, 11:30 am, right on schedule- I have lunch every day at the same time, on the dot. That meant I had half an hour until daddy came to pick me up. I had strict instructions to be at the door, dressed and fed by 12 pm.
I look down at my plate, egg and lettuce sandwich cut into a dinosaur shape, my favourite! Accompanied by freshly squeezed orange juice in a sparkly pink plastic cup- daddy didn't trust me with glasses. "Glasses are for big girls, little girls get special cups with sparkles!" he would say and he would always give me a raised eyebrow when I accidently dropped my cup, which was often...
I conversed with chef as i finish up my food and thanked him with a kiss on the cheek and headed to the front door. I look at the clock in the hallway as I pass by, 11:59 am- right on time. I give myself a little pat on the back as I open the front door to see daddy's limo already waiting. "Oh shit." I whisper, knowing I'd be in for a spanking when I got into the car. The driver was standing by the side of the limo and opened the door as I approached. I crawl in. "Thank you." I say smiling and scooting over.
I look up expecting to see daddy's scolding face for making him wait but I am greeted with empty seats. I  don't believe it. The limo was empty. Where was my daddy and why would he send me on a holiday without him? Maybe he was going to meet me at the airport, or maybe he was mad. Maybe he was angry because of the incident in the bed the other night. Maybe I was being punish, or worse... dumped.

Thanks for reading everyone! I love writing for fun and would love to hear your feedback! Whether it be things you like or don't like, things i should add or take away from the story, things i should focus on more (e.g sex, punishments, cute moments etc) or even things you would love to see happen in future chapters. My inbox is always open and I'm always reading and replying!
Thanks again, hope you're enjoying.

- Lilo Lolita

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