Chapter 6

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I don't believe it. It was empty. The limo was empty. Where was my daddy and why would he send me on a holiday without him? Maybe I was being punish, or worse... dumped.


"I wouldn't do that to you baby girl."
"Yes but the limo was empty, what was I supposed to think?"
"Didn't miles let you know that I would meet you here?" he laughed, reading the paper. "My shift was pushed back an hour because I had to inform Mrs. Dolcett that her test results came back and she had cancer, but of course she turned up half an hour late. I was about to walk out when she arrived."

Since I moved in daddy gave up his position at the hospital in the city and started his own private practise in an office space a few blocks away. This way he could have regular working hours so he could spend more time with me and we could work with a schedule. His practise was open Monday-Saturday from 9.30-5.30, I got to see him before and after work on those days and on Sundays he would work in his office most of the day.
We were about an hour early for our flight, so we sat in the first class lounge while we waited. Daddy sat and read the paper as I sat on the floor at his legs colouring in the books he brought for me. Whenever we went out he would have a bag packed for me just in case I was bored or restless. It was a princess Aurora back pack filled with Disney colouring books and a pencil case with coloured pencils and gel pens. There was also a pink iPad air 2 that had heaps of games and Netflix (locked on the kids account because I wasn't allowed to watch big girl stuff!)
"How long now daddy?" I say looking up at him. He smiles, with his eyes still glued to the paper.
"I'm not sure darling."
"Well can I go ask?" I beg softly, he smiles again, vacantly as he remains glued to the article.
"Sure." He says. He obviously wasn't listening, but I ignore the truth and wander off to the desk. Another one of daddy's "simple courtesies" was that I wasn't allowed on my own in public, this included walking off when I was out with him.
I look around, there was no one in sight. I shrug, well I might as well go pee pee while I'm up. I approach the women's toilets and peek inside to see if anyone is in the cubicles or washing their hands, I get pee fright when I'm in public. The coast is clear, I enter and claim the cubicle on the very end. "Ahh fancy." I say along my way. I'd never been to a fancy public toilet before, this one had pink lounge chairs and mirrors framed with gold!
"So you're the doctors little mistress." I hear a woman's voice from outside my toilet door, which is strange since I didn't hear anyone enter. I flush the toilet. "Aw is the little baby scared?" The voice didn't sound at all familiar but I could tell she wasn't very nice.
"Who-who's there?" I am hesitant as I stand facing the door.
"Come out here now you little bitch." She barks, I step back in fear.
"G-go away you mean lady!" I whimper as I shoo her off with my hands, which wouldn't have been convincing even if she could see me.
"You took what was mine and I want it back!" her voice becomes more vicious with every word, it feels like she is trying to rip my head off with her words.
"No!" I begin screaming. "Daddy!"
"That's right call out for your daddy you little girl!"
Daddy, DADDY. DADDY." There is so much commotion, I begin hearing female voices, kind ones, yelling out asking if I'm okay. "DADDY!!" there is loud knocking on the door and louder voices, but I keep yelling out over the noise. I crawl into a ball with my head in my knees.
"Baby girl?" it's him! He heard me.
"Daddy?" I peer up from my defence ball. "Daddy you saved me." The door suddenly swings open as Daddy's tall figure approaches and stands over me. He extends his hand to pull me up, I grab it without hesitation and I am pulled into his arms. "Oh daddy, thank you." I nestle into his chest as he holds me tight.
"I couldn't find you, I thought you'd gotten angry and left."
"No daddy! I would never! I asked you if I could go and find someone to ask about the plane."
He holds me close and shoos off the onlookers with one of his arms and his harsh glare.
"If you went to ask where the plane was, then why are you in here?" he says in a harsh tone.
"Because I needed to go, daddy."
"But did I give you permission to come in here?" he pulls me out of his arms and holds my shoulders with his large hands.
"No daddy but-"I am cut off.
"No buts young lady. Now let's get back in that lounge, we have a plane to catch.

"Wake up princess, we're here." I slowly force my heavy eyes open, crying always drains my energy and makes me really sleepy.
"We're at the hotel already?"
"Yes kitten." He laughs.
"That was quick." I prop myself up, I'd been lying on daddy's lap and my neck felt a bit strained from the position I was in. I rub my neck softly as I sit upright and look out the window.
"You fell asleep about 5 minutes into the flight and then dozed off again as soon as we got into the taxi." He chuckles, climbing out of his side and coming around to open my door for me.
"Thank you daddy, you're so sweet."
"Yes but don't forget you're still in trouble for walking away from me at the airport, don't think you got away with that one with your cute snoring, young lady." He gives me a playful smack on the bum as we approach the resort entrance. The sun was beaming down on us through the thick trees and there was a light breeze rustling their leaves, making an occasional cluster of leaves to gently fall on the luscious, green grass. There were large marble stairs leading to the front entrance. We approached as two doormen opened the two story high brass and granite doors. We were swiftly greeted before we got our second foot in the door. A tall, balding, well-dressed man approached us with a pearly white smile.
"Ah Doctor Steel, how good to see you again. Welcome back to the Hawaiian Golden Gate Palace, come this way, I will show you to your room." We then followed to an elevator that took us to the very top floor.
"The presidential suit, Sir." He swung the large double doors open to reveal a large living room with a balcony in sight. "Shall I give you a tour, young lady?" he asked, spotting my obvious  excited facial expressions. I look up at daddy for permission.
"Go on little one." He chuckles, approaching the bar to pour himself a scotch.
"This is the main area, obviously as you can see there is the lounges and television ahead of us and the balcony that looks out on to the ocean behind that. Over to the left of the room is the large bar, that you can see Doctor Steele has already found." He giggles to himself as daddy laughs back. "Through to our right you will find a self-contained kitchen, kitted with the groceries of Doctors requests." I knew what that meant! Pancakes! "And right here is the dining room, this was a custom made Italian marble piece designed by somebody so famous we can't even mention his name. And if we go through the living room again to the other side we will find the bedroom." It was the most magnificent thing I had ever seen, it was fit for a queen. The bedroom was three times the size of my room at home (and that was big enough!) there was a massive king sized circular bed in the middle of the room and an open ensuit with a spa bath that could bathe 10 men, it was practically a pool. And a shower with one of those large waterfall nozzles, which pretty much describes itself. On the bed were roses and a box of Ferrero rocher.
"Yes! These are my favourite." I scream as i spot them. "How did you know they were my favourite?!" I run up and leap into his arms. "Everything is perfect daddy thank you." I squeal, kissing his face all over.
"Anything for my princess" He laughs, handing the man a $100 bill as he dismisses him. "What shall we do tonight?"
"I don't know daddy, I want to have a swim though! In the ocean!"
"We can't swim at night baby girl." I look down at the ground in disappointment. "But I know what else we can do." He grabs my bum and squeezes and smacks playfully as I giggle in excitement.
"Can we fuck tonight daddy?!" I blurt without thinking. My words are met with an immediate smack of disgust. "Ow!" I whisper holding my bum.
"Don't you ever speak like that unless daddy tells you, you hear me, little one?" he stares into my eyes.
"Yes daddy."
"You are going to have a red bum tonight!"

Thanks for reading everyone! I love writing for fun and would love to hear your feedback! Whether it be things you like or don't like, things i should add or take away from the story, things i should focus on more (e.g sex, punishments, cute moments etc) or even things you would love to see happen in future chapters. My inbox is always open and I'm always reading and replying!
Thanks again, hope you're enjoying.

- Lilo Lolita

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