Author's Note - Pretty Important

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Okay, this author's note has important news, so just bear with me.

1) The introduction - I updated the first chapter of this book, which covers the basic information on requesting and other information.

2) New Neville book? - With the recent increase of Neville requests, I *might* be writing a new Neville book! I will still be doing requests on here, too.

3) If you want a superstar done more, tell me now - I realise that I don't really do a wide variety of superstars, and I apologize. If you want me to start doing a superstar (or diva) more, comment now or send me a message.

4) Thank you!! - I never expected to get so many reads and votes on this book! You guys are great ^.^ I love each and every one of you

5) Greatness - Lastly, I want to point out one girl that has done so much for me ayebrose. She has this AMAZING book out called WWE Preferences. Everyone should read it! Another person (who I've mentioned before) would be Wrestling_Lover123. She is just so sweet and has the book I told you all about "Edge's Little Sister". Really, go read it.

Again, thank you and have a wonderful day :)

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