Adrian Neville

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Your heart pounded in your chest like a caged beast. The Raw and Smackdown drafts were today, you were dressed in your best clothes, and your best friend, Neville, was standing next to you.

You looked up at him, "This might be our last time together on the same show."

He chuckled, "Don't worry so much. It's not healthy."

You sighed and grabbed his hand, needing reassurance. The last thing you needed was to be separated from your best friend again. He had already been out for an injury, there was no need to be drafted to different shows. Back and forth, the leaders of Raw and Smackdown went, naming off names of the wrestlers they wanted. Your heart sank with each time they didn't call your name.

Neville read your expression, "What's wrong."

"I'm so worried they won't call me."

"Don't worry," He reassured, "If anything, the best for last."

You smiled shyly. Of course, they already drafted Neville to Raw. You were proud of him, sure, but what about you? Being a free agent didn't fit your schedule. You had to have some place to go and call home. And you hoped and prayed it would be Raw.

Stephanie grinned, pulling out a piece of paper she had kept in a folder. "The next member of the Raw family—someone Mick and I are sure will bring a new meaning to the Women's division..."

Neville gripped your hand, giving you a gentle smile. You hope your palms weren't too sweaty.

"(Y/N)!" Stephanie shouted. Your image flashed onto the titantron along with the Raw brand.

You froze. Even as Neville picked you up and planted a kiss on your cheek. It happened. It happened! You were drafted to Raw with Neville. You wanted to shout so bad, but you stood frozen, a dumb grin on your face as you sank into Neville's arms.

"Hey, (Y/N)? You okay?" Neville asked, holding you up. He looked into your eyes and grinned, "We're together!"

"We are?" You asked, then you shouted, "We are!"

Neville chuckled and grabbed your hand. "Listen, there's something I've been waiting to tell you."

You paused, "What? Don't tell me something bad, please."

"No, no. Or at least I hope it's not."

"Okay," You said with a frown, "What?"

Neville rubbed the back of his neck. Suddenly he was so shy. He turned away from you and took a breath, exhaling loudly. "Wow, this is hard."

You grinned sheepishly, "Neville, is this about the kiss you gave me earlier?"

You saw Neville tense up, "I actually did that?"

You giggled, "Neville, what's wrong?"

He turned and grabbed your hands again, "I didn't want to tell you this until after the draft because I didn't want to jinx it or anything but... I really like you. I know we've been friends for a long time, but I just want to take it further."

You blushed and darted your eyes to the floor.

"(Y/N), would you like to be more than friends?"

You smiled and rested your head in his chest, "Of course. I've been waiting for you to ask that forever now."

Author's Note: I'm back!! Wow, my computer stopped working and I couldn't use it. Then, by the time I got it back, I had NO drive to write—not even my other books. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

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