Thank You Guys

3.3K 45 11

Part of this message was posted on my wall, but 2,000 characters just wasn't enough...

Thank you all who have spent their time reading my WWE book. I never expected it to reach 64.2 K reads and 2.61 K votes! This is truly a wonderful experience. Watching my notifications and seeing more and more people voting and commenting, even following me.

But it's not about the numbers. I don't care how many people vote or read my story. The number of followers doesn't matter to me. No, it's more about the people that I get to know. It's the idea that I could be helping someone out there almost each and every day. It's being able to talk with those people that read my book and decide to vote for it, that decide to follow me. It's magical, knowing that people are willing to take their time to read my book and even message me.

I don't want people to think that I do this for popularity. I do it so I can connect with others. I want to help people who need it. I want to be that extra support that they need. I don't want to take all the credit for what I do, because I know that I couldn't have done it without people like you. I couldn't have done it without my friends and family.

I guess what I'm saying is that I want you guys to know that I have only gotten this far because of you, and I don't want to lose you guys. If you need any sort of help, don't hesitate to find help. I'm always here to talk and listen. Don't ever give up and always remember to look forward. Live each day as though it were your last. Say goodbye to yesterday and look forward to tomorrow, because everyday is a gift, not a given right.

Always offer someone a helping hand. It could just save their life. Even a smile could make someone feel special. We can't make it without each other. People need people. We need companions, friends, someone to call family. Whether it's through blood, marriage, or a strong bond of friendship, family is one of the most important things a person could have. Without your family, who are you?

We here on Wattpad, reading this book, are a family. We look out for each other and help one another up when we are looking down. We give each other friendly recognition. We offer our hand. But the most important thing that we do is we never give up. We always look forward because we know that if we falter, we may fall. And if we do fall, we get back up. We urge ourselves on. We do the impossible. We strive for greatness because we are greatness. Everyone is greatness. Sometimes, people need a little help getting there. That's what we are here for. Take their burden when they can't hold it anymore. Pick them up and put them on their feet.

We are only human, but there is nothing wrong with that.

Everyone has a weakness. Let me tell you a secret. Let me share with you my weakness: I'm afraid of failing to help. I don't want to have someone leave this life because their burdens were too much. I don't want to be a day too late, a minute too late, a second too late. I'm reaching out, take my hand. Let me hold your burden, let me bear your pain so it will leave you. Just take my hand and never let go.

There will always be a time where it seems like the weight on your shoulder is getting heavier and your about to tip over, but you must power through it. And I know you can. I know you can keep fighting. Don't be afraid to ask for help. We can chase this darkness together.

If someone is hurting you, if someone is picking at you, don't let them win. Here's another secret: Whoever came up with the meaning and said "Ignore them and they will go away" is a total dweeb. That's right-a dweeb. For most of my life, I have been speaking against bullies, even when their hate is targeted towards me. Don't ignore them, smile at them. Let them know that their words are only making you stronger. I was bullied, until I spoke up. Do you really think ignoring them would've gotten me anywhere? I sure didn't. When I spoke up, I told them of how much stronger I was because of them. They stopped.

I'm urging you guys to reach out not only for yourself, but for others. Stay strong because there will always be one person who can't make it without you. Don't lose faith in yourself, because there will always be someone who has 100 percent faith in you, you just have to find them. Sometimes, they're hiding. I have faith in every single one of you. You guys are going to become something great. You're here for a reason. Without you, the world is not the same. It's empty of one amazing soul. The world would be incomplete without you here.

Live each moment like your last. Keep moving forward. And never forget to smile :)

I truly hope this helps someone out there. Even if it's five years from now, it's still help, and that will always be my ultimate goal.

Thank you, everyone, for making me the person that I am today.

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