Dean Ambrose - Part Three

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For the next couple days, Dean took care of you in the hotel room that he rented. He never really talked to you much, despite saving you from the Wyatts. All in all, the whole situation was just a little bit too crazy for your taste.

Raw was that night, and you were determined to show up. You gained your strength back and even were able to get your ring gear-in which Dean had salvaged from the Wyatt's room. Dean was especially quiet today, but you didn't really notice. You were too busy getting ready for Raw.

"Ready to go?" He finally asked, there was two more hours before Raw.

"Yeah," You replied, grabbing your things. "Let's go."

- - - - -

All of the Divas were excited to see you. Some, like Natalya and the Bellas, brought gifts.

"I'm so glad you're back," Renee Young, who was scheduled to interview you later, said while giving you a big hug.

"Thanks," you smiled. You truly missed everyone here.

"Glad to see you're back," A deep voice said from behind you. You turned around, knowing who it was.

"Roman!" you shouted as you ran to him for a hug.

He squeezed you tightly, perhaps too tightly. "I've missed you. I was going to come and help, but every time I tried, I couldn't find you."

"It's okay," You said.

"Besides, I think Dean really wanted to do it himself." Roman said with a smile.

"Why do you say that?" You asked, just now thinking of the Lunatic Fringe-who was nowhere in sight.

"Oh, he hasn't told you?"

You shook your head.

"Well-" Roman was cut off by a crew worker calling him for his next match. "Sorry, got to go."

"Okay..." You said questioningly. What hadn't Dean told you?

Before you knew it, you're interview with Renee Young was about to start. This interview took place in the ring, almost like Miz TV. You made your way down the ramp-an experience you will never get tired of-and took your spot in the ring with Renee.

"So," Renee started, "How do you feel now that you're a target of the Wyatts?"

You thought for a moment, "Well, I honestly don't know. I never expected it, that's for sure."

"Any thoughts on your helper, Dean Ambrose?"

The audience cheered when the mention of Dean Ambrose came up, forcing you to wait until they quieted.

"It's been really awesome getting to hang out with Dean. He's a really nice guy and I don't know where I would be without him-quite literally."

Almost immediately after you said that, Dean Ambrose's music started up. Once again, the audience went crazy, especially seeing him walk down the ramp, mic in hand.

"(Y/N)," he called, "I need to tell you something."

He rolled into the ring and stood facing you. You felt your cheeks getting warm and your head getting light. Dean was looking directly into your eyes.

"W-What do you have to tell me?" you said into the mic, never breaking eye contact with Dean.

Without a word, Dean stepped towards you and planted his lips onto yours, forcing you to drop your mic. The audience went silent as you two stood together, intertwined in each other's arms. Renee young stepped out of the ring.

Dean pulled away and smiled brightly.

"(Y/N)," he said, "I love you."

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