''Stretched Rope.''

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''Look.. he can walk now..'' The claps of Ja'fars hands could be heard through the room of their house. ''Come.. Come Hasan..'' Ja'far would kneel down spread his arms as his little son would fall into the chest of his father.. ''He is learning quickly!'' Asma added, picking the little boy up as Ja'far walked towards the two.. ''I have a feeling this ones going to cause a lot of mischief..'' Ja'far chuckled to himself. ''Don't talk that way about our son!'' Asma scolded Ja'far.

''I wonder if he'll have as big of a attitude as her mother

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''I wonder if he'll have as big of a attitude as her mother..'' Ja'far chuckled as he added the remark. Asma now gasped, slapping him on the shoulder ''Who do you think you are!'' She shouted playfully. The two laughed together as the little one would giggle to himself. 

Sana their little daughter would run up to them, joining the warm embrace. Ja'far would extend his warm brushing her head with his hand, a knock would be heard at the front door. Ja'far now lifted himself up from the ground, caressing his wife's cheek before walking towards the door, grasping the handle as he'd open it.

Sufyan and his entire family was there to visit him and Asma, a smile formed brightly on his face as he rushed them inside. ''Salam Ya Sufyan, Ya Zayneb.. Ah, you even brought the little ones..'' Ja'far knelt down picking at the kids of Sufyan as they did playful attacks to Ja'far. Zayneb father and her sisters, also decided to join in, Asma would notice her mom all the way in the back, as she'd run and hug her.. they had been reunited several times without her father knowing after the marriage between her and Ja'far..

The women went to cooking area, where they would prepare a big feast for the children and the men, as Ja'far seated himself next to Sufyan. ''What's the occasion Sufyan?'' Ja'far asked. ''Well.. Zayneb really wanted to come here.. and her father Saleh and I have something to tell you dear brother..'' Sufyan stated with a serious tone within his voice.

''What is it? What's wrong Sufyan?'' Ja'far continued questioning. ''Ubaidah put himself back together.. he has back in power..'' Sufyan revealed the news in a regretful voice. Ja'far would rub his face, realizing the severity of the situation. ''We must not tell Asma.. it'll worsen the situation Sufyan..'' Ja'far added. ''Ubaidah.. always picking on the weak.. when will it all be put to an end..'' Saleh would sigh as he said this.

The Women brought the food to the table, as they both sat down with smiles on their face.. But they'd instantly notice the dried out faces of the men.. As if they were sitting there, stressing about a decision. ''Could you excuse for a second our dears.. We must speak outside about something urgent.. watch over the children..'' Asma and Zayneb nodded to Ja'fars suggestion, as the three men walked outside.

As they walked outside, Ja'far adjusted his turban. ''Ubaidah can come at any second, we must move, we cannot let our families be in trouble.. We must go to the Caliph..'' Saleh stated. Ja'far and Sufyan nodded in agreement with Saleh, Ja'far stood next to Saleh as he noticed Sufyan gazing at something. ''Do you see that-'' Sufyan was cut off by a passing projectile.. the following second, blood has splattered all over Jaf'ar as Saleh was struck in the neck by an arrow..

Ja'far shouted as he grasped Saleh before he could fall to the ground.. in the distance a giant army would step into visibility for the entire family to see.. ''Stay inside!'' Sufyan screamed back to the women and children. Saleh would cling onto Ja'far with his life.. Blood would ooze all over the robe of Ja'far as he'd now attempt to prop up Saleh so he can stop the bleeding..

Saleh would die in the hands of Ja'far, slumping against his body in a lifeless form, as Ja'far would now slowly place him to the ground

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Saleh would die in the hands of Ja'far, slumping against his body in a lifeless form, as Ja'far would now slowly place him to the ground.. Zayneb and her sisters screaming and crying loudly from inside.. Their brothers tried all they could to calm them down.. Ja'far and Sufyan faced the giant army marching on them.. With a single look at the sky, they'd witness a rain of arrows coming their way. Ja'far and Sufyan would now through the windows into the house, as the roof was coated with arrows and some got through the windows, slamming into various places of the house.

The giant army began to encircle the small house.. They rode horses, camels.. They had bows, Swords, Axes, Spears..

''Ya Allah! Help us prevent death from reaching this house!''

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