19.Important Meetings

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✮Hyunjin's Pov✮

Meeting my boyfriend's best friend is something that I don't know what to expect because Felix seems like such a social butterfly. He can be just around any type of person honestly, he's just the type of person that wants to fix others and be nice to everyone.

I know that Felix won't be around people who will hurt him or that's bad. Minho would never allow it.

We talked with Chan for a while on the phone before eating breakfast since Felix was bored and Chan is a chatter bug.

"So how long have you known Chan for?" I ask him before Felix looks to the side trying to remember. As he's thinking, I start to admire his face paying attention to the small details, every aspect of him is perfect even down to the way his freckles are speckled on his face.

"Ever since we were kids, I think since 9? I mean we lost contact with each other when my family left Australia when I was 13 but only for a year before he called me again. The rest of the time I was raised in Korea so I like to think that Korea is my home. You would have loved Australia with the beautiful sights and I do know a few good restaurants there"

So that's why I hear the accent in his voice but as for Minho, he doesn't have the accent because he wasn't around Felix until a little while before he moved in with them. Somehow they'll always remain brothers by blood but I'm not even going to try to figure that one out. But how did he write his memories on why Minho wasn't there in Australia?

I finish my breakfast before walking into the bathroom covering up the scar on my face with makeup once again, I don't want to scare Chan or get intimidated thinking I'm some sort of bad person. "Jinnie, what's wrong?" Felix asks before walking into the bathroom.

He watches me for a moment before I admit "Just making this scar not as noticeable, I could see the look in your eyes that you were shocked by it when you saw me too I don't want to scare him away or think I'm in a gang"

"Hyunjin, Chan isn't going to care about the scar, he would be more concerned than scared. He's a kind soul but he'll probably act as if he was your father and a friend bundled in one person. And as for my reaction, it was just because I wasn't expecting it not because I was scared of you or hated the scar. I love every part of you" Felix informs me as he hands me a shirt "ready?"

I nod, taking his hand in mine before driving to the shop that Chan chose. We walk hand in hand as I see a 5 '9 male with blonde hair, dark brown eyes with a lip ring to the right side. I will admit he's pretty but not nearly as gorgeous as my baby.

Chan looks up from his phone before smiling brightly at the both of us "Oh wait you're the model that I saw in Italy, the one that Felix kissed at the airport?" So he remembered me? That's surprising since we only met once and it has been a while.

"Yes, it's nice to meet you, I hear such positive things, so tell me a bit about this event since I'm a bit new to all these events and dining." I know that Felix said it would be good exposure for me but it's also an excuse for me to stay closer to him. Chan smiles patting my back quickly

"Well this is an award event where the company gives recognition to the ones that work hard and all the big names. They are invited to see samples of the photos and see if they want any of the photographers. If they do want the photographers or models, then they will sign a event contract with them"

"So a huge deal at the end of the day? And would they sign them for only one event or multiples?" I ask him as Felix chimes in

"Very a big deal however it's also an excuse to drink while working and relax, granted I will never get drunk but you know. But it depends on the contract because like Solace, they tend to do a once a season fashion line so they would sign for that season and see the results first" Felix adds in as three people approach Chan starting the fitting of the suit.

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