Chapter Eleven

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Jaimie wasn't really sure what she was supposed to do now that Bruce was no longer in the room.

He had taken her handcuffs off. But didn't say anything in regards to if she was going somewhere else, or if she could move freely. She highly doubted she would be, but she would like to know what was going on at least.

Jaimie could hear some vague discussion happening in the hallways just outside of the interrogation room, but couldn't hear well enough to make out what it was, and the not knowing was getting to her. Did they believe her? Were they getting on the phone with SHIELD and arranging a cell for her? Speaking of SHIELD, did the team already notify them about this or were they waiting? Hopefully, they believed her enough to hear her out a little longer before they told SHIELD anything, as she made sure to mention the distinction between her ability to tell the Avengers things versus telling anyone else when she was talking to Bruce.

She was likely to get her answer soon, since only a few moments later Natasha walked into the room and sat down, looking more intimidating than Jaimie had ever seen her.

Jaimie smiled nervously at her. Natasha did not smile back.

"Jaimie," the spy began, "we want to believe you. Thor especially, he says to trust you. But you really didn't give us all that much."

"I know, and I'm sorry, but–"

"You can't tell us, we know. All I'm asking is for a yes or no, you could even nod. Can you do that?"

Despite the fact that Natasha's words should have been somewhat comforting, the complete lack of emotion in her voice set Jaimie even more on edge than she already was. Jaimie nodded anyway, because that seemed pretty reasonable.

"Good, because we have a theory. Now-"

"Only if you swear that SHIELD won't hear about any of this."

Natasha paused, giving an infinitesimal sigh. "We can do our best to keep this closed circle."

Jaimie let the silence stretch, thinking on her next steps. Natasha was not going to like this. "Not good enough."

Jaimie was right, the redhead really did not like that. But Natasha took a self-calming breath, and set her jaw. She wasn't used to this, interrogating someone who belonged in a grey area. Usually, a spy was a spy and that was that, but Jaimie was a friend and Natasha believed at this point that she wasn't actively working against them. So, despite all her training, all her instinct's, Natasha just nodded.

"Okay, so what would be good enough, then?"

"I need you to swear on the River Styx."

Natasha raised an eyebrow. "What the hell is that?"

"I can't explain yet. If your theory is right and I can confirm it then I can tell you more, but you need to swear first. Swear on the River Styx that neither you nor the rest of the Avengers will tell SHIELD any of the information I share with you."

Jaimie could see that Nat was confused, and probably thought it was super ridiculous, but she seemed willing enough. Natasha was suspicious, yes, but she kept thinking of what Thor said. She trusted him, and she trusted the team, even though trust came hard to her. So Natasha swore on the Styx.

Thunder sounded immediately after she said it, and much to Jaimie's surprise, Natasha jumped.

"What was that?" Nat asked urgently.

"You made the oath now, Natasha. You can't go back on it. Please, for your own sake, do not go back on it." Jaimie basically pleaded.

Natasha was getting angrier now. "Did you just make me swear a magical oath, and not tell me?"

Jaimie Solace and the Unavoidable Affliction of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now