Chapter Fourteen

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Realistically, the last time Jaimie and Bruce had kissed had been only a few days ago. But still, Jaimie kissed him as if they had been apart for months.

No force in the world could ever make Jaimie forget what it was like to kiss him, clearly since it had plagued her mind for the last couple of days. But still, there was a difference between thinking of it and actually doing it, and Jaimie planned to relish the feeling as long as Bruce would allow her to.

Jaimie easily straddled his hips, Bruce's hands coming up to loop around her waist, pulling her as close to him as possible.

The kiss was slow, but still heated and passionate, and Jaimie knew that if she didn't pull away now things would go further than either of them probably wanted it to while on the roof in full view of anyone who happened to look out of a window.

Very, very, reluctantly, Jaimie dragged her lips away from his. Bruce tried his best to prevent this, chasing her lips with his, but Jaimie put her hands on his chest and gave a gentle push back. She chuckled at his actions, and Bruce smiled up at her, not even a little embarrassed.

Jaimie felt a wave of affection for him, as she leaned forward to rest her head on his shoulder, his hands coming up to her head and playing with her hair. Bruce was almost always a bit of a nervous and awkward wreck, which Jaimie found incredibly endearing and tended to love about him, but she loved seeing him gain confidence when he's with her.

"Not that I wasn't enjoying that, but I don't think we need to be giving all of New York an eyeful, Bruce," Jaimie said, playfully.

"They should consider themselves lucky," Bruce nipped at her neck, making her laugh. "You're beautiful."

"Well hey, if exhibitionsism is your thing, who am I to judge?"

Bruce rolled his eyes, knowing deep down that he would probably rather go full Hulk than let another person see Jaimie in the way that was now reserved for him (and the same went for himself, he was all hers).

He stood up with Jaimie still on top of him, her legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. She let out a bit of a squeal, not expecting that, and Bruce wrapped his arms around her tighter.

She wriggled, knowing that Bruce was almost definitely planning on carrying her to the elevator and then back to her apartment. Jaimie would rather not give Tony any more ammunition to make fun of them, so she wriggled a little harder. Bruce got the hint and put her down, but leaned in to give her another kiss before they walked hand in hand to the elevator.

"Wanna join me to watch the new Love is Blind?" Jaimie asked.

"Oh, don't tell me you've been watching it without me?"

"I would never."


Somewhere else– A few hours away

Amanda Riddel had fucked up, and she knew it. She didn't mean for any of this to happen, they were supposed to leave her the hell alone after their deal.

The woman was chained up by her arms and blindfolded, she couldn't remember the last time she had been warm. They would come in periodically, throw a bucket of freezing cold water onto her, throw a few punches, and leave.

Amanda wondered vaguely how long it would take for them to kill her.

She had already told them everything they wanted to know. Clearly, they thought she was still keeping something from them, otherwise she would already be dead. That didn't mean the woman was foolish enough to think she was actually going to get out of here.

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