Chapter 3 - Party of Four

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   We go deep into the dark, mysterious forest.  The whole day we trudge through the forest.  Blake and I keep tripping, but Amy hasn't missed a step.  She obviously feels at home.

   As we go through the forest, I see a small cabin. 

   "Blake, Amy!  There's a cabin to our right!"  I say, excited.

   "Yeah, so?"  Amy replies.

   "It's already late, so I thought we could..."  I trail off.

   "What if someone is living there?"  Blake asks.

   "I don't really think anyone lives there.  There isn't any shop for miles, not to mention that there is only a small path, no road."  I respond.

   "Okay, Kaylee.  Can you go check it out?  Amy and I will cover you in case anything goes wrong."  Blake explains.

   I hear Amy mutter something about, 'Yeah, that would be a shame,' but I just ignore it.  I walk up to the cabin.  I can swear I see an eye look out the window, but I don't want to chicken out.

   Then I knock on the old, wooden door and wait.  After a minute, I smile, give thumbs up to Blake and Amy, and open the door.

   As the door creaks open, I'm tackled.  I close my eyes, wishing I had gone to church more often, expecting death, but it doesn't happen.  I open my eyes and see a boy that looks my age with beautiful silver eyes and blond hair that is about chin length.  But it isn't his frosty eyes that stun me.  It's his huge grin aimed towards me.

   "I am so sorry," he says.  "How stupid must you be!" 

   Then the weirdest thing happens.  He puts his lips against mine.  I can feel my eyes completely open.

   His lips leave mine, he jumps off me, then, still smiling, hugs Amy and Blake.

   I'm still laying in the dark, green grass, paralyzed.

   "Umm, Kaylee?"  Blake says as he rushes towards me, helping me up.  "Are you alright?"

   "I...  What was that?  He...  who... what did he... why did he..."   I stutter.

   The boy runs up to me.  "I am Logan.  I've heard that you are Kaylee now."  He responds.  "Seriously, Kaylee, you'd think after you saved our li-"

   "Kaylee,"  Blake cuts him off.  "as you may have noticed, Logan here is the air Elemental.  'Now, I don't know about you, but I need to catch up on some sleep."

   He walks into the cabin, Amy and Logan following, as I just stand there dumbfounded.  Why did Logan kiss me?  What did he mean I'm Kaylee now?  Why did Blake cut off whatever he was saying?

   I sighed and walked into the cabin.

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