Chapter 4 - I Messed Up

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   So, it turns out if a strange, but kind of cute, boy knocks you over and kisses you, it's weird to freak out.

   Silly me.

   I sigh as I lay on the back of the bed the boy, I mean Logan, said was for me.  Apparently he's been waiting for us, for me.

   I am really freaked out.  Should I stay?  Should I go?  A boy I don't know tackled me and kissed me, but apparently it will save the world.

   That's when I stop.  How can I be so stupid?  Two strangers tell me I have crazy water powers that will save the world, and a stranger kisses me.

   I need to get out of here.  They can be murderers for all I know.  

   Logan walks in.  "Hey."  he says and I awkwardly wave back.  "Isn't this great?  I am just so happy I can see you.  I thought you were gone.  How could you do that, none of us agreed.  I guess we didn't even get a chance to disagree, because you didn't tell us!  But, whatever.  It's best not to dwell on the past."

   This guy is even more insane than I thought.  "Well, you know me, making up crazy plans.  And this one you are talking about was what, exactly?"  I say, trying to get the information out of him.

   Before he even gets a chance to say anything, Blake walks into the room.   "Ok, so we will be heading off to wherever tomorrow.  We just need to find the Elite, make sure he is securely trapped, than see if there is any way to kill him.  We really need to get sleep so we can be prepared for tomorrow."  Blake finishes, cutting off Logan's chance to explain to me what in the world is going on.

   "Well, I guess you are right, Blake.  We would not want to be tired for the long trip tomorrow.  Thank you, Logan, for giving us a cozy place to stay.  If that will be all, good night."  I finsh, already trying to figure out an escape plan in my head.

   "Alright, don't sound too excited for us to leave."  Blake responds, feigning hurt.

   "I'm just tired, that's all."  I lie

  "Well, good night, Kaylee.  Trust me, I am really happy that I got to finally see you!"  Logan finishes with a grin, and Blake and Logan exit through the wooden door.

   Well, this is it, I think to myself.  I just need to wait until they are asleep, than I will get the heck out of here.  Thank the heavens, I got the room closest to the door.  

   It takes a full hour until I'm sure they are asleep.  I grab my bag, put on my Converse, and creep out the cabin.  I open the door and am met by the darkness.  I shove my hand into my bag and grab my black flashlight, that I thankfully packed.  As I flicker it on, I notice the tall, foreboding trees.  I don't remember where to go.  Darn, I'll just have to wing it.  I step out, almost hitting the trees, when a the cabin lights up.  

   "Kaylee!  Kaylee's gone!"  Blake yells.

    I book it.  There is no thought as I run through the forest, almost falling on my face every time I trip.  If I don't get out of here, they will catch up to me.  Definitely Amy, she would know which way I went.  I just rely on my instinct and run.  I hear their footsteps as the run after me.  I realize that if I keep my flashlight on, they will definitely see me.  I put it out and run, a little bit more slowly, as my eyes adjust to the darkness.  I hear the sound of running water, buI I just keep running.   As I sprint, I see a river connected to a lake.  I stop and look back.  They are coming closer.  Knowing this is the only way I even have a possibility of getting away with, I dive into the lake after I set my stuff in a hole that I see.  They have a flashlight and they reach the lake.

   "Where did she go?"  Logan questions, losing his cool for the first time I've seen since I met him.

   "I don't know, she must have gone into the water, there aren't any signs of her running any other way."  Amy says.  "Wait.  Look over here!"  She shines the flashlight on my bag.  "She definitely went into the water."  They then turn around to shine the flashlight on the lake.

   Before they get a chance to see me, I dive into the pitch black water with my eyes closed, holding my breath.  I stay like this for about six seconds before I freak out.  I don't even know if there's some kind of shark or something like that in here!  I am going to run out of air in here, anyway.  But I can't go to the surface.  There is no doubt that they wil stay there to wait for me to surface.  I feel something touch my leg and my eyes shoot open and I blow out all my breath.  I expect to feel my eyes burning and not be able to breathe, but none of that happens.  Before I can even register that, something even more peculiar happens.  I see a ball of ice a little bigger than an average human, and, as I look closer, I realize there is a boy about my age in there.  I sort of gasp, but there isn't a sound, and the sensation feels kind of strange.  I touch the ice and then something totally unexpected happens.  The ball of ice explodes and I am shot out of the water, onto the dirt in front of Blake, Amy, and Logan.  

   "What the-"  Blake starts, but doesn't finish as the boy climbs to the surface.

   He has Black eyes, is wearing a brown cloak, and has hair that goes to his shoulders.  He looks like he came out of a history book, but really creepy.  He smiles a sadistic smile and shakes his wet hair.  He looks at us with his dark, empty eyes.  "Miss me?"

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