Chapter 16 - Isle of Logan

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  "Logan, what is that?"  I question Logan as soon as a little island comes into view.  There is a huge, beautiful house surrounded by plants of all sizes.

   "That is what I like to call 'Isle of Logan'."  Logan grins.  "I made it up myself."

   "I can tell."  I mutter.

   We come up to the shore and finally are able to get off the boat.  We walk in silence to the lovely house, our breathing and footsteps the only noise.  We arrive at the astonishing house, which has glass windows all over, glass doors, and is a light shade of brown.  When we walk inside, it is even more beautiful.  The living room has a long couch that looks like it can fit eight people, and there is a huge flat screen TV.  I wasn't poor, but we could never have been able to afford all this.

   "Oh my gosh, Logan, how did you get this?"  I ask, still in awe from the house.

   "My mom gave it to me when we use to still live with the scientists.  I doubt she even remembers this.  I sure hope not, or she might tell the rest of them where we are."  Logan says.

   "What if she does remember?"  Peter asks.

   "Trust me, I'm pretty sure we are dead to them.  I doubt any of them remember anything but our... betrayal."  Logan assures.

   After we all take showers, we all go to separate rooms.  My room is all the way at the end, furthest from the door.  Across from me is Amy, and next to me is Logan.

   My room has a simple white, queen-sized bed, a dresser, closet, and desk.  I begin to put all my stuff away.  When I'm at the bottom of my bag, I feel a strange object.  I pull it out to reveal a vial, which I recognize as the anti-aging antidote.  As I hold it, a knock sounds from my door, causing me to jump and almost drop the vial.  The door opens, and I turn around to face the door, holding the vial behind my back.

   Peter looks at me, confusion etched across his face.  "Are you alright?"

   "Yes, yes, I'm perfectly fine!"  I respond too quickly.

   Peter seems to notice my nervousness.  He steps into my room, closes the door, then steps closer to me.  "Kaylee?"  He takes another step.  "What do you have behind your back?"  

   I shove the vial in my back pocket and my hands up.  "Nothing!  See, nothing was in my hands."

   "What are you hiding?"  Peter says, so close to me our noses are almost touching.  I'm about to respond when my door is shoved open.

   "Whoa, sorry for interrupting.  I was just coming to check on Kaylee!"  Logan says as we jump away from each other.  He grins at Peter.  "Wow, man, I didn't know you had it in you!"  Before we have a chance to respond, the doorbell goes off.

   We all run to the door, opening it to reveal a beautiful woman with dirty blonde hair and a handsome man with brown hair.  They both look extremely happy to see us, while we are all confused.  We all stare at each other for a long time.

   "Mom?"  Logan asks, breaking the silence.

   The woman nods, while the man next to her looks uncomfortable.

   "Logan, this is your mom?"  I ask.

   "Logan, it's been forever since I've seen you!"  The woman exclaims in a British accent.

   "Yeah, well, that wasn't my choice, now was it?"  Logan snaps back. For the first time since I've met him, he looks angry.

   "It wasn't mine, either!  I could not go against Charlotte's word!  She would have me killed, in fact, she probably is going to try to kill me now!"  The woman exclaims.

   "Whatever you say.  Anyway, why are you and your friend here?"  Logan asks.

   "May we please come and sit in the living room, than explain it to you?"  The woman asks, politely.

   Before Logan can snap back, I cut in.  "Of course, come in."  Logan sends me a glare, and I shrug back.

   They enter, and we all sit on the couch.  Logan looks like he hates his life, and Blake, Amy, Peter, and I are just confused.

   "Now, I think we should tell you who we are first."  The woman suggests.  We all nod in agreement.  "I am Melody, Logan's mother.  This is Spencer, my friend.  Yes, we are one of the eight scientists, but we are not like them.  we escaped to warn you and to train you."  Melody explains.

   "Warn us about what?"  Blake asks.

   "The Elite army the other scientists are building."  Melody explains.

   "Derek already told me.  The nine Elites."  I state.

   "Nine?"  She laughs without humor.  "There are forty-eight."

   We are all silent, hit by shock.  

   "Why couldn't they just round it up to fifty?"  Amy asks.

   Spencer gets up and runs out the door, returning a minute later with two babies.  

   "Because we stole two of them."  Spencer speaks for the first time.  He also has a British accent.

   "What are you going to train us?"  I ask.

   "How to use your powers and how to fight."  Melody responds.

   Before any of us can speak, Logan cuts us off.  "We can talk about this tomorrow.  We need rest.  Let's all go to sleep."  I would have objected, had he not shot me a death glare.

   We all go back to our rooms, Melody and Spencer each getting their own room.

   As I lie under my covers, my mind is racing with the thought of forty-eight elites against us.  With me, they don't stand a chance.  Amy, Blake, and Logan are good, but without all four Elementals at their best, we'll fail.  Why do I always have to ruin everything?  Now the world is going to be taken over because I'm not smart enough to figure out how to use my powers.  Way to go, me.

   I close my eyes, and drift off to sleep, not having any dreams.

Greetings, fellow readers!  Sorry I haven't updated in forever!  Anyway, I'm sorry about this chapter, it was more of a filler.  I added a picture of Logan, and he even has his silver eyes!

There is a character change.  Adrian is now played by Scarlett Johansson. 

Anyway, on another note, I am starting a new book!  It is going to be called Banned, please check it out!  Read on!  Bye!

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